EUL - Empowering Underground Laboratories Network Usage
Project duration and partners
2020 to 2026 - Baltic Sea Interreg
Project description
Empowering Underground Laboratories Network Usage (EUL) is an extension phase project that has its roots in the regular Baltic Sea Underground Innovation Network (BSUIN) project.
Project goals
- One of the main goals is to test and develop the web-based tool (WBT). Users from partner and association organisations as well as underground laboratories will test it from their perspective.
- In order to reach new customers and understand different potential customer segments, a big data analysis of underground laboratory users worldwide will be conducted. The marketing of the network and underground labs will also be tested and the best marketing strategies will be identified.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Helmut Mischo, Pr.Eng.
TU Bergakademie Freiberg
Institute of Mining Engineering and Special Civil Engineering
Chair for Underground Mining Methods
Research and Training Mine "Reiche Zeche"
Fuchsmühlenweg 9
09599 Freiberg
+49 3731 39-2044
Helmut [dot] Mischo [at] mabb [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Helmut[dot]Mischo[at]mabb[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)