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Workshop: How to compile scientific papers


  • Scientific writing requires clear structuring, specific grammatical and sound
    stylistic knowledge.
  • English scientific writing of any kind needs to consider specific cultural aspects
    as well.
  • The workshop addresses issues such as clear structuring of each part of the
    paper, considering the hierarchy of information, avoiding interpretation need by
    the reader, linking techniques and story telling.

About the trainer

  • Name: Antje Katy Kaufmann, M.A.
  • Studies: American culture, psychology
  • Communication trainer, coach and consultant as a freelancer since 2010
  • 2.5 years stay in the USA, specialized in technical English and executive
  • works for companies, enterprises and institutions in the sectors of steel industry, railway technology, food technology with a special focus on system design, conflict management, team moderation, process optimization, work meetings, and HR work
  • works also for universities and institutions with a focus on presenting skills and academic writing.

Further information

  • Maximum 12 participants
  • Communication language: English
  • Participation Fee: None


To register, please send an e-mail to: Integra [at] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Integra[at]tu-freiberg[dot]de) with your name and study program.

University Main Building, Akademiestraße 6, Mittelbau, room EG 06/08
Professional development
Mohamad Al Zoabi
IT-Support Mobility online / Unterstützung von Studierenden mit Fluchthintergrund, Akademiestraße 6 Raum EG.21, 09599 Freiberg
Mohamad.Al-Zoabi [at] iuz.tu-freiberg.de +49 3731 39-2574