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Curriculum Vitae

2016 - heuteArbeitsgruppenleiter Numerische Strömungssimulation
2011 - 2016Promotion Dr.-Ing. Maschinenbau (summa cum laude), TU Bergakademie Freiberg
Genetic Optimization of Turbomachinery Components using the Volute of a Transonic Centrifugal Compressor as a Case Study
Betreuer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rüdiger Schwarze
2005 - 2011Diplom Maschinenbau (Note: 1,3), TU Bergakademie Freiberg
Intake Flow Simulation of Direct-Injection, Turbo-Charged Gasoline Engines Using OpenFOAM and ANSYS CFX bei BMW in München
Betreuer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Hasse


  • Numerische Simulation von Mehrphasenströmungen
    • Zerstäubung von Metallschmelzen und Wasserstrahlen
    • Oberflächenstrukturierung mittels Laserstrahlen


  • Multi-Scale Simulation of Water Spray Jets for Steel Powder Atomization in der Arbeitsgruppe von Professor Kinnor Chattopadhyay an der University of Toronto, Kanada (9/2019)
  • Multi-Scale Computational Modeling of Water Spray Jets for Steel Powder Atomization in der Arbeitsgruppe von Professor Kinnor Chattopadhyay an der University of Toronto, Kanada (9/2017-10/2017)
  • Performance and Stability Improvement of Contra-Rotating Fans bei Dr. Hossein Khaleghi an der Amirkabir University of Technology, Teheran, Iran (10/2018)


Journal Paper

  • Ernst C, Heinrich M, Schwarze R
    Factors influencing the results of air samplers in closed, air-conditioned patient rooms—a numerical study
    Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2025
    DOI: 10.1007/s11356-025-36036-9
  • Bano T, Heinrich M, Schwarze R:
    A numerical study of fluid-structure interaction for a flexible flap in turbulent flow
    ECCOMAS 2024, Volume New Trends in Computational Modelling of Masonry Material and Structures
    DOI: 10.23967/eccomas.2024.210
  • Heinrich M, Voisiat B, Lasagni A F, Schwarze R:
    Numerical simulation of periodic surface structures created by direct laser interference patterning
    PLoS ONE, Vol: 18(2), 2023
    DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0282266
  • Schwarz J, Axelsson K, Anheuer D, Richter M, Adam J, Heinrich M, Schwarze R:
    An OpenFOAM solver for the extended Navier-Stokes equations
    SoftwareX, Vol: 22, 2023
    DOI: 10.1016/j.softx.2023.101378
  • Reiswich A, Finster M, Heinrich M, Schwarze R:
    Stereo vision investigation of elastic flap kinematics in separated flow
    Journal of Fluids and Structures, Vol: 114, 2022
    DOI: 10.1016/j.fluidstructs.2022.103711
  • Adam J, Heinrich M, Schwarze R:
    Influence of different design parameters on side channel compressor performance
    Forschung im Ingenieurwesen, 2022
    DOI: 10.1007/s10010-022-00594-y 
  • Eichinger S, Storch T, Grab T, Tepel S, Heinrich M, Fieback T, Groß U:    
    Heat transfer and wetting behaviour of falling liquid films in inclined tubes with structured surfaces    
    Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol: 205,  2022, 118023
    DOI: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2021.118023
  • Ceyrowsky T, Hildebrandt A, Heinrich M, Schwarze R:
    Assessment of the Loss Map of a Centrifugal Compressor's External Volute
    Journal of Turbomachinery, Vol: 143, 2021, 091020
    DOI: 10.1115/1.4050387
  • Khaleghi H, Shahriyari M J, Heinrich M: 
    A theory for rotating stall in contra-rotating fans
    Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2020
    DOI: 10.1177/0954406220962538
  • Heinrich M, Khaleghi H, Friebe C:
    Effect of Cirumferentail Casing Treatment on Low-Speed Contra-Rotating Fans
    Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 13, pp. 1719-1726, 2020
    DOI: 10.47176/jafm.13.06.31492
  • Bano T, Hegner F, Heinrich M, Schwarze R:
    Investigation of Fluid-Structure Interaction Induced Bending for Elastic Flaps in a Cross Flow
    Experimental and Numerical Modeling of Fluid Flow, 2020
    DOI: 10.3390/app10186177
  • Asgarian A, Heinrich M, Schwarze R, Bussmann M, Chattopadhyay K:
    Experiments and Modeling of the Breakup Mechanisms of an Attenuating Liquid Sheet
    International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2020
    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2020.103347
  • Heinrich M, Schwarze R:
    3D-coupling of Volume-of-Fluid and Lagrangian particle tracking for spray atomization simulation in OpenFOAM
    SoftwareX, Vol. 11, 2020
    DOI: 10.1016/j.softx.2020.100483
  • Spitzenberger A, Neumann S, Heinrich M, Schwarze R:
    Particle detection in VOF-simulations with OpenFOAM 
    SoftwareX, Vol. 11, 2020
    DOI: 10.1016/j.softx.2019.100382
  • Shahriyari M J, Khaleghi H, Heinrich M:
    A Model for Stall and Surge in Low-Speed Contra-Rotating Fans
    Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, Vol. 141(8), 2019
    DOI: 10.1115/1.4043251
  • Heinrich M, Schwarze R:
    Density-Based Solver for All Mach Number Flows
    Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, Vol. 16, Np. 5, pp. 271-280, 2016
    DOI: 10.1504/PCFD.2016.078752
  • Heinrich M, Schwarze R:
    Genetic Algorithm Optimization of the Volute Shape of a Centrifugal Compressor
    International Journal of Rotating Machinery, 2016
    DOI: 10.1155/2016/4849025
  • Heinrich M, Friebe C, Schwarze R:
    Experimental and numerical investigation of a gearless one-motor contra-rotating fan
    Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 2016
    DOI: 10.1177/0957650916633014


  • Heinrich M, Voisiat V, Lasagni A F, Schwarze R:
    Influence of Laser Parameters on Periodic Surface Structures Created By Direct Laser Interference Patterning–A Numerical Study
    Internatial Conference on Numerical Methods in Multiphase Flows 5, Reykjavik, Island, 26. - 28. Juni 2024
  • Ceyrowsky T, Hildebrandt A, Heinrich M, Schwarze R:
    Reassessment of the Conventional: Numerical Validation of a 1D Model for the Prediction of Volute Losses
    Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 2024, London, Great-Britain, 24. - 28. Juni 2024
  • Fritzsche L, Heinrich M, Gupta K, Schwarze R, Bauer K:
    Experimental and numerical investigation of the aerosol generation mechanisms at the human vocal folds
    ILASS Europe 2023, 32nd Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Neapel, Italien, 4. - 7. September 2023
  • Ceyrowsky T, Hildebrandt A, Heinrich M, Schwarze R:
    Assessment of the loss map of a centrifugal compressor’s external volute
    Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 2020, Virtual, Online, 21. - 25. September 2020
    DOI: 10.1115/GT2020-14291
  • Heinrich M:
    Approach for Coupling Volume-of-Fluid and Lagrangian Particle Tracking in OpenFOAM
    7th OpenFOAM Conference, Berlin, Germany, 15. - 17. Oktober 2019
  • Heinrich M, Khaleghi H, Friebe C:
    Numerical Investigation of Circumferential Groove Casing Treatment on a Low Speed Contra-Rotating Fan
    ASME Turbo Expo 2019: Power for Land, Sea and Air, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, 17. - 21. Juni 2019
    DOI: 10.1115/GT2019-91705
  • Hennig J, Schwarze R, Heinrich M: 
    3D FSI Simulation, Validation and Model Reduction for Reed Valves in Automotive Refrigerant Compressors
    NAFEMS European Conference on Multiphysics Simulation, Budapest, Ungarn, 11.-12. Oktober 2018
  • Asgarian A, Heinrich M, Chattopadhyay K, Bussmann M:
    Computational Modelling Of Water Sprays In Molten Metal Atomization Process
    Euro PM2018 Congress & Exhibition, Bilbao, Spanien, 14.-18. Oktober 2018
  • Heinrich M, Schwarze R:
    Volute Shape Optimization using Evolutionary Algorithm
    7th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ECCM-ECFD 2018), Glasgow, Schottland, 11. - 15. Juni 2018
  • Heinrich M, Schwarze R:
    Influence of volute channel position onto centrifugal compressor performance 
    ETC12: 12th European Turbomachinery Conference, Stockholm, Schweden, 3. - 7. April 2017
  • Heinrich M, Schwarze R:
    Scripted CFD-Tool for the Automated Design of Volutes for Centrifugal Compressors
    ASME Turbo Expo 2015: Power for Land, Sea and Air, Montreal, Kanada, 15. - 19. Juni 2015
    DOI: 10.1115/GT2015-42629
  • Heinrich M, Friebe C, Bothe F, Schwarze R:
    Experimental and Numerical Investigation of a Gearless One-Motor Contra-Rotating Fan
    FAN 2015, Lyon, Frankreich, 15. - 17. April 2015
  • Heinrich M, Schwarze R:
    All-Mach Number Density Based Flow Solver for OpenFOAM
    ASME Turbo Expo 2014: Power for Land, Sea and Air, Düsseldorf, Deutschland, 16. - 20. Juni 2014
    DOI: 10.1115/GT2014-26220
  • Bothe F, Friebe C, Heinrich M, Schwarze R:
    CFD-Simulation of Incompressible Turbomachinery - A Comparison of Results from ANSYS FLUENT and OpenFOAM
    ASME Turbo Expo: Power on Land, Sea and Air, Düsseldorf, Germany, 16.-20. Juni 2014
    DOI: 10.1115/GT2014-26338
  • Heinrich M, Schwarze R:
    Simulation and Validation of the Compressor Stage of a Turbocharger using OpenFOAM
    8th International Conference on Compressors and their Systems, ISBN: 978-1-78242-169-6, London, Vereinigtes Königreich, 9. - 10. September 2013
  • Heinrich M, Schwarze R:
    Simulation of the Compressor Stage of a Turbocharger - Validation of the Open Source Library OpenFOAM
    ASME Turbo Expo 2013: Power for Land, Sea and Air, San Antonio, USA, 3. -7. Juni 2013
    DOI: 10.1115/GT2013-94511
  • Heinrich M, Bäre A, Hofemeier P, Schwarze R:
    Turbomachinery Flow Simulations with OpenFOAM,
    6th European Congress on Computational Methods and Applied Sciences and Engineering
    ISBN: 978-3-95035-370-9, Wien, Österreich, 10. - 14. September 2012