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Professorship of Engineering Mechanics - Solid Mechanics

Continuum MechanicsProf. Dipl.-.Ing. Björn Kiefer, Ph.D.Summer
Einführung in die Methode der finiten ElementeDr.-Ing. Stephan RothSummer
Fracture Mechanics ComputationsDr.- Ing.Ing. Omar El KhatibWinter
Höhere FestigkeitslehreProf. Dipl.- Ing.Ing. Björn Kiefer, Ph.D.Winter
Introduction to the Finite Volume MethodDr.-Ing. Stephan RothSummer
Messmethoden der MechanikM.Eng. Marcel Selent, Dipl.-Ing. Dagmar SchmidtWinter
Micromechanics and Homogenisation PrinciplesProf. Dipl.-Ing. Björn Kiefer, Ph.D.Winter
Nonlinear Finite Element MethodDr.-Ing. Stefan PrügerSummer
Parameter Identification in Nonlinear Solid MechanicsDr.-Ing. Martin AbendrothWinter
PlasticityProf. Dipl.- Ing.Ing. Björn Kiefer, Ph.D.Winter
Technische Mechanik A – StatikProf. Dipl.-Ing. Björn Kiefer, Ph.D.Winter
Technische Mechanik A – Festigkeitslehre IProf. Dipl.-Ing.Ing. Björn Kiefer, Ph.D.across semesters
Technische Mechanik A – Festigkeitslehre IIProf. Dipl.-Ing. Björn Kiefer, Ph.D.across semesters
WerkstoffmechanikDr.-Ing. Stephan RothWinter

Professorship for Micromechanical Material Modelling

AI-assisted Programming in Computational Materials and MechanicsProf. Dr.-Ing. habil. Bernhard EidelSummer
Atomistic Simulation MethodsDr.-.Ing. Arun PrakashWinter
Crystal Plasticity, Texture and AnisotropyDr.-Ing. Arun PrakashSummer
Fundamentals of MicrostructuresProf. Dr.-Ing. habil. Bernhard EidelWinter
Machine Learning for Materials ScientistsProf. Dr.-Ing. habil. Bernhard EidelSummer
Mechanics of MaterialsProf. Dr.-Ing. habil. Bernhard EidelWinter
Personal Programming ProjectProf. Dr.-Ing. habil. Bernhard Eidel, Dr.-Ing. Arun PrakashSummer and Winter
Software Tools for Computational Materials ScienceDr.-Ing. Arun PrakashWinter
Theory, Modelling and Simulation of MicrostructuresDr.-Ing. Arun PrakashSummer

Professorship of Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics

MaschinendynamikProf. Dr.-Ing. U. RömerWinter
MehrkörperdynamikProf. Dr.-Ing. U. RömerSummer
Messmethoden der MechanikM.Eng. Marcel Selent, Dipl.-Ing. Dagmar SchmidtWinter
Methoden der Technischen DynamikProf. Dr.-Ing. U. RömerSummer
Softwaretools für die SimulationProf. Dr.-Ing. U. RömerWinter
Technische MechanikProf. Dr.- Ing. U. Römeracross semesters
Technische Mechanik CProf. Dr.-Ing. U. RömerWinter
Technische SchwingungslehreProf. Dr.-Ing. U. RömerSummer

Professorship of Fluid Mechanics and Turbomachinery

Algorithmische Lösung technischer ProblemeProf. Dr.-Ing. habil. Rüdiger SchwarzeWinter
Applied Computational Fluid DynamicsDr.-Ing. Martin HeinrichWinter
Discrete Element MethodProf. Dr.-Ing. habil. Rüdiger SchwarzeWinter
Einführung in die SoftwareentwicklungDr.-Ing. Martin HeinrichSummer
FluidenergiemaschinenProf. Dr.-Ing. habil. Rüdiger SchwarzeWinter
Historische StrömungsmaschinenProf. Dr.-Ing. habil. Rüdiger SchwarzeWinter
Introduction into Computational Fluid DynamicsDr.-Ing. Martin HeinrichSummer
Mehrphasenströmung und RheologieProf. Dr.-Ing. habil. Rüdiger SchwarzeSummer
Numerische Methoden der Thermofluiddynamik IIProf. Dr.-Ing. habil. Rüdiger SchwarzeSummer
Numerische Methoden der Thermofluiddynamik IIIDr.-Ing. Martin HeinrichWinter
Strömungsmechanik IProf. Dr.-Ing. habil. Rüdiger SchwarzeSummer
Strömungsmechanik IIProf. Dr.-Ing. habil. Rüdiger SchwarzeWinter
Turbulente StrömungenDr.-Ing. Katrin Bauer, Dr.-Ing. Martin HeinrichSummer
Training in Fluid DynamicsDr.-Ing. Katrin BauerWinter
Wind- und WasserkraftanlagenProf. Dr.-Ing. habil. Rüdiger SchwarzeSummer