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We use an integrated approach to evaluate technologies and process pathways along the social-technological-ecological-economic-political dimensions to support decision-making and socio-political dialogue at the interface of science, technology and society.


Research methodology

  • Energy and material flow analyses, process simulation (Aspen Plus, MATLAB)
  • Economic evaluation (annuity method, net present value method)
  • Life cycle assessment (GaBi LCA, OpenLCA, EASETECH)
  • Risk analyses
  • Surveys, focus group discussions and expert interviews
  • Workshops and colloquia

Contact us

M.Sc. Antonia Helf
Head of Department
+49 3731 39-4476
Antonia [dot] Helf@iec [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de [at] iec [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Antonia[dot]Helf[at]iec[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)

Dr.-Ing. Florian Keller
Deputy Head of Department
+49 3731 39-3952
Florian [dot] Keller@iec [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de [at] iec [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Florian[dot]Keller[at]iec[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)