
Head of the Energy Technology group
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hartmut Krause
Professorship for Gas and Heat Technology
Institute of Thermal Engineering
Lampadius-Bau, Room 315
Gustav-Zeuner-Straße 7
09599 Freiberg
+49 3731 39-3940
Hartmut [dot] Krause [at] iwtt [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Hartmut[dot]Krause[at]iwtt[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
Research areas of the group
The interdisciplinary Energy Technology group is involved in teaching and research activities for innovative technologies for the efficient, economical and environmentally friendly generation, conversion, storage and use of energy from a wide range of energy sources.
The focus is on the following topics:
- Development of various reforming processes (design, calculation and optimisation) with conventional and renewable fuels (including natural gas, biogas) for small and large fuel cell systems and for H2 production
- Catalyst studies on a dedicated test rig with a focus on hydrocarbon reforming for H2 production
- Design and construction of gas treatment systems (desulphurisation, fine purification), in particular for H2 and biogas
- Technology assessment and energy efficiency management (KPIs)
- Test field for thermal solar applications to investigate different types of collectors (e.g. tube, flat collectors, parabolic receivers)
- Experimental investigations of fermentation processes, i.e. the investigation of (bio)gas production through the anaerobic biochemical conversion of organic substrates, in particular renewable raw materials, in our own biogas laboratory