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The Institute of Experimental Physics focuses its current research interests on functional oxides. This includes their usage for new and innovative materials for high-performance components. The defect and its properties are the centre of analysis because they can produce or prevent desired material properties.

The Institute’s research topics stretch from basic research to market preparation. Challenges that are relevant to our modern society take centre stage: the development of functional materials for data storage and sensors as well as for energy and material conversion, especially electrochemical energy storage.

Apart from the synthesis of materials, e.g. through Atomic Layer Deposition, structure-property relations are established by X-ray and synchrotron radiation probing.

Working Groups

Energy Materials Group
Experimenting with pyroelectric functional materials
Freiberger Zentrum für Pyroelektrizität
Experimenting at Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY/HASYLAB
Resonante Röntgenmethoden und Kristallmodellierung
Gebäude des Forschungszentrums ZeHS
Zentrum für effiziente Hochtemperatur-Stoffwandlung