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Archive history

The oldest holdings of the Freiberg Mining Academy's university archive include the files kept by the Mining Academy Inspector after the founding of the Mining Academy (1765) and those of the Mining Academy Disciplinary Authority, as well as the documents handed over to the Mining Academy by the Royal Saxon Mining Office after its dissolution (1869) - which until then had been responsible for the management and supervision of the Mining Academy. The latter also include the supervisory files on the use of the scholarship funds of the so-called Scholarship Fund (since 1702).

In 1950, the archive holdings of the Bergakademie's administration, which essentially comprised documents from the period before 1900 (documents worthy of archiving from 1900 to 1929, on the other hand, were largely destroyed in 1945 out of ignorance of their value), were merged with those of the former Oberbergamtsarchiv (mining archive) within the Bergakademie's university library, without the formation of a university archive within the meaning of the archive regulations in force at the time. It was not until February 1961, when the position of director of the university archive was filled, that the actual history of the archive began. In 1962, the Rectorate handed over the archival documents from the period 1929 to 1950, which had previously been managed by the Rectorate, to the University Archives.

While the Mining Archives were finally removed from the Bergakademie in 1967 and attached to the Dresden State Archives as a branch office, the University Archives were placed under the Administrative Director / Director of Economics of the Bergakademie as part of the university reform in 1968. After various assignments, the University Archive, which has borne this name since 1993, was placed directly under the Chancellor of the University in July 2001.

Since the beginning of the transfer of administrative files from various university institutions to the University Archive in 1963, it has performed both the function of an access archive (administrative archive) for the (today) around 75 offices of the TU Bergakademie that hold files and that of a final archive for currently around 150 holdings. 

At the end of 2001, the University Archive moved to the newly renovated premises in the centre of the TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Prüferstraße 9. In this building, where the Freiberg Mining School was located from 1893 to 1919, almost ideal storage conditions for the archive holdings and excellent working conditions for the two archive staff and users were created.