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Barbknecht, Klaus-Dieter

Rektor Prof. Klaus-Dieter Barbknecht


Term of office: 2015-today

Meyer, Bernd

Prof. Bernd Meyer


Term of office: 2008-2015

1969-1976 Studies, incl. research studies, process engineering at the TH Leuna-Merseburg

from 1971 Freiberg Mining Academy, graduate engineer

1976-1978 Scientific assistant at Freiberg Mining Academy, Reaction and Fuel Technology Department

1978 Doctorate (Dr.- Ing.)

1978-1989 Scientific assistant at the Freiberg Fuel Institute, Reaction and Fuel Technology Department

1989-1994 Senior employee at Rheinbraun AG Köln


1978-1989 Research assistant at the Freiberg Fuel Institute, Research and Development of Fuel Technologies

1989-1994 Senior employee at Rheinbraun AG in Cologne, Research and Development

From 1994 Professor of Energy Process Engineering and Thermal Residue Treatment at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Director of the Institute of Energy Process Engineering and Chemical Engineering

2000-2003 Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical, Process and Energy Engineering

Unland, Georg



Term of office: 2000-2008

1972-1976 Studied mechanical engineering at the TH Darmstadt, Dipl.-Ing.

1980 Doctorate (Dr.-Ing.) at the TH Darmstadt

1980-1990 Various management positions at Krupp Polysius AG in Atlanta

1990-1993Ing. at the TH Darmstadt

1980-1990 various management positions at Krupp Polysius AG in Neubeckum

1990-1993 Managing Director of a subsidiary of the company in Atlanta, USA

from 1993 Professor of Mechanical Engineering (Processing Machines) and Director of the Institute for Processing Machines at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg

2003-2007 Chairman of the Saxon State University Conference

2008 Minister of Finance of the Free State of Saxony

Schlegel, Ernst



Term of office: 1997-2000

1957-1962 studied silicate metallurgy at the Freiberg Mining Academy, Dipl.-Ing.

1962-1975 scientific assistant, scientific assistant at the University of Freiberg. Assistant, wiss. Assistant and wiss. Senior Assistant at the Institute of Silicate Metallurgy

From 1968 at the Process Engineering and Silicate Technology Section, Silicate Technology Department of the Freiberg Mining Academy

1967 Doctorate at the Mining Academy

1976-1977 Assistant at the Institute for Reinforced Concrete Dresden

1978-1991 Lecturer in Binder Technology at the Bergakademie

1990-1994 Vice-Rector for Scientific Development

1991-1992 Associate Professor of Binder Technology

1992-2002 Professor of Binders and Building Materials

Schlegel, Ernst



Term of office: 1997-2000

1957-1962 studied silicate metallurgy at the Freiberg Mining Academy, Dipl.-Ing.

1962-1975 scientific assistant, scientific assistant at the University of Freiberg. Assistant, wiss. Assistant and wiss. Senior Assistant at the Institute of Silicate Metallurgy

From 1968 at the Process Engineering and Silicate Technology Section, Silicate Technology Department of the Freiberg Mining Academy

1967 Doctorate at the Mining Academy

1976-1977 Assistant at the Institute for Reinforced Concrete Dresden

1978-1991 Lecturer in Binder Technology at the Bergakademie

1990-1994 Vice-Rector for Scientific Development

1991-1992 Associate Professor of Binder Technology

1992-2002 Professor of Binders and Building Materials

Stoyan, Dietrich



Term of office: 1991-1997

1959-1964 studied mathematics at the TU Dresden, graduated in mathematics

1964-1969 research assistant at the German Fuel Institute Freiberg

1967 doctorate (Dr.-Ing.) at the Bergakademie Freiberg

1969-1971 research assistant at the Mathematics Section of the Bergakademie Freiberg

1971-1975 research assistant at the Bergakademie Freiberg. Senior Assistant at the Mathematics Section of the Bergakademie

1971-1975 Assistant at the Fuel Institute

1976-1990 Lecturer and

1990-1992 Associate Professor of Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics at the Bergakademie

1990-1991 Vice-Rector for Education

1992-2006 Professor of Applied Stochastics

Gerhardt, Horst



Term of office: 1988-1991

1954-1959 studied mining/civil engineering at the Freiberg Mining Academy, Dipl.-Ing

1959-1964 worked at the "Albert Funk" Freiberg Mining and Metallurgical Combine, ultimately as group leader for mining technology

1964-1965 assistant/senior assistant at the Institute for Mining Science and Civil Engineering at the Freiberg Mining Academy

1969 graduated as Dr. Ing.Ing. in Freiberg

1965-1980 managerial position at the WTZ Erzbergbau

and from 1968 at the Mansfeld-Kombinat Eisleben, ultimately as technical manager at the copper mining plant

1980-2000 Professor of Mining Civil Engineering at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg

1984-1988 Director of the Geotechnics and Mining Section

1991-1993 Director of the Institute of Mining Civil Engineering

Emons, Hans-Heinz



Term of office: 1982-1988

1949-1954 Studied chemistry at the TH Dresden

1954-1958 Scientific assistant at the Institute for Inorganic and Inorganic Technical Chemistry at the TH Dresden

1957 Doctorate (Dr.rer.nat.).

1962 habilitation at the TH Leuna-Merseburg

1959-1963 and 1964-1975 employment at the TH Leuna-Merseburg as senior assistant, lecturer, professor and finally 1968-1975 rector of the TH

1975-1988 Professor of Inorganic and Anorg.technical chemistry and head of the scientific department of the same name at the Freiberg Mining Academy

1988-1989 Vice President of the AdW of the GDR

1989-1990 Minister of Education of the GDR

Strzodka, Klaus



Term of office: 1976-1982

1948-1952 Studied mining at the Freiberg Mining Academy, Dipl.-Ing.

1953-1954 Scientific assistant at the Institute of Opencast Mining at the Mining Academy

1954 Doctorate (Dr.-Ing.)

1954-1958 Firstly production manager

From 1956 Technical director at the Lauchhammer lignite mine


1954-1958 initially production manager

from 1956 technical director at the Lauchhammer lignite plant

1958-1963 chief engineer for mining at the Schwarze Pumpe combine

1962 habilitation as Dr. Ing.Ing. habil. at the Bergakademie

1964-1966 Director of the German Fuel Institute Freiberg

1966-1969 Professor of Mining Water Management and Opencast Mining

1969-1992 Professor of Opencast Mining at the Bergakademie Freiberg

1974-1990 Head of the Scientific Department of Opencast Mining

Rotter, Dietrich



Term of office: 1970-1976

1950-1951 Studied mining at the Freiberg Mining Academy;

1951-1956 Mining civil engineering at the Moscow Mining University, Dipl.Ing.

1956-1959 Worked in the coal industry

1959-1964 Scientific advisor to the Class for Mining, Metallurgy and Montangeology at the German Academy of Sciences in Berlin

1964 Doctorate (Dr.- Ing.) at the Mining Academy

.Ing. at the Bergakademie

1964-1966 Head of working group at the Institute for Geodynamics Jena of the AdW, Freiberg branch

1966-1968 Institute for Applied Geophysics at the Bergakademie Freiberg

1969-1970 Director of Research at the Bergakademie

1970-1984 Professor of Geomechanics

From 1978 Head of the Scientific Department of Geomechanics

Köhler, Johann



Term of office: 1967-1970

1948-1951 Studied economics at the University of Leipzig and in the spring semester of 1951 lecturer course in Eberswalde, graduate social scientist and lecturer for the basic social science programme

1951-1956 Lecturer in the basics of political economy at the Freiberg Mining Academy

1955 Doctorate in economics at the University of Leipzig

1959 Habilitation at the Freiberg Mining Academy, Dr. oec. habil. oec. at the University of Leipzig

1959 Habilitation at the Bergakademie, Dr oec. habil.

from 1956

1959 - 1986 Professor,

Professor of Political Economy of Capitalism

1960-1968 Director of the Institute of Political Economy (acting since 1957)

1968-1981 Head of Scientific Area I of the SBW Section

Lüdemann, Karl-Friedrich



Term of office: 1965-1967

1931-1936 studied ferrous metallurgy at the Freiberg Mining Academy, Dipl.-Ing.

1936-1944 works engineer at the steelworks of Klöckner-Werke A.G., Haspe plant in Westphalia

1944-1950 various positions, finally

from 1947 as steelworks manager and later chief engineer at SAG "Marten" Silbitz

1950-1956 head of department at Eisen-Forschungsinstitut Hennigsdorf

1953 doctorate in engineering at TH Dresden

.Ing. at the TH Dresden

1953 Appointment as honorary professor of ferrous metallurgy at the Humboldt University of Berlin

1956-1967 Professor of ferrous metallurgy and director of the Ferrous Metallurgy Institute at the Freiberg Mining Academy

Wrana, Joachim



Term of office: 1963-1965

1929-1934 Studied heavy current engineering at the TH Dresden, Dipl.Ing.

1934-1938 Scientific assistant at the Institute for Heavy Current and High Voltage Engineering at the TH Dresden

1939 Doctorate at the TH Dresden

1938-1945 Test engineer,

From 1942 Head of an experimental department at Sachsenwerk Niedersedlitz

1945-1947 Head of the electrical laboratory at the Soviet Construction and Technological Development Office Niedersedlitz

1946 Habilitation at the TH Dresden

1947-1950 Imprisonment after conviction by a Soviet military court for failure to comply with a warrant. Military court for non-compliance with an SMA order

1950-1974 Professor of Electrical Engineering at the Freiberg Mining Academy and head of the institute of the same name until 1968

Hollweg, Günther



Term of office: 1961-1963

1920-1925 studied mining at the TH Berlin and the Clausthal Mining Academy, Dipl.- Ing.Ing.

1926-1929 works manager in fluorspar mining at the Hochscheidt trade union, Schwarzenfeld (Upper Palatinate) and

from 1928 at Th. Burger, Nuremberg-Mögeldorf, Sulzbach an der Donau plant

1929-1956 Managerial position in various companies and administrations in the Central German lignite industry, most recently

1953-1956 Technical Director of the Halle district management in the State Secretariat for Coal, based in Merseburg

1956-1963 Professor for the organisation of mining operations at the Freiberg Mining Academy

1957-1961 Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Economics

Oelsner, Oscar



Term of office: 1959-1961

1926 1921 Studies at the Freiberg Mining Academy, Dipl.-Ing.

1927-1928 Worked at the Geological Institute of the Freiberg Mining Academy

1930 Doctorate as Dr. Ing.Ing. in Freiberg

1928-1939 Worked in Turkey, first as a mining geologist, later at the Institute for Deposit Research at the Turkish Ministry of Economy in Ankara in various positions

1939-1946 Mining geologist at the State Deposit Research Centre for Saxony in Ankara. Deposit Research Centre for Saxony in Freiberg, which later became part of the Mining Office of the Mining Authority

1948-1952 Consultant at the Technical Office of Mining and the Fuel Industry of the State of Saxony in Freiberg

1951 Habilitation at the Freiberg Mining Academy

1952-1963 first Professor of Ore Deposit Science

from 1956 onwards for Deposit Science (reestablishment of this chair) at the Mining Academy

from 1959 onwards Director of the Institute of Mineralogy and Deposit Science

Härtig, Helmut



Term of office: 1957-1959

1921-1925 studied at the Freiberg Mining Academy, Dipl.-Ing.

1930 graduated as Dr.-Ing.Ing. at the Bergakademie Clausthal

1926-1952 Worked in various lignite plants, most recently

from 1948 at the Großkayna plant as head of the planning department and deputy chief engineer

1953-1967 Professor of Opencast Mining and Director of the Institute of the same name at the Bergakademie Freiberg

1955-1957 also Director of the Industrial Institute of the Bergakademie

Meißer, Otto



Term of office: 1955-1957

1919-1923 Studied mathematics, physics and natural sciences at the University of Jena

1923 Doctorate (Dr phil.).

1923-1940 worked at the Reich Institute for Earthquake Research in Jena

1928 habilitated as a private lecturer in geophysics at the University of Jena and taught there until 1940

from 1935 non-civil servant a.o. Professor

1939 Associate Professor

1940-1946 Associate Professor and Director of the Institute for Applied Geophysics at the Freiberg Mining Academy

1945-1947 Research work for the Soviet Technical Office for Non-ferrous Metals in Freiberg

1947-1950 Advisor to the Yugoslavian Ministry of Mining in Belgrade

1951-1966 Professor of Applied Geophysics at the Freiberg Mining Academy and Director of the institute of the same name

Kirchberg, Helmut



Time in office: 1953-1955

1924-1929 Studied mining at the Freiberg Mining Academy and the Technical Universities of Aachen and Berlin, Dipl.-Ing.

1929-1938 Assistant, senior assistant and finally senior engineer at the Chair of Mining, Processing and Briquetting at the Technical University of Berlin

1937 Doctorate (Dr.- Ing.) in Berlin

1938-1943 First scientific assistant at the ore department of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Iron Research in Düsseldorf

1943 Habilitation at the Technical University of Aachen

1943Ing. in Berlin

1938-1943 First scientific assistant at the ore department of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Iron Research in Düsseldorf

1943 Habilitation at the TH Aachen

1943-1945 Professor of Mining Science and Mineral Processing at the TH Breslau

1947-1960 Professor of Mineral Processing and Mining Science at the Freiberg Mining Academy

From 1955 Head of the newly founded Research Institute for Mineral Processing in Freiberg

Leutwein, Friedrich



Term of office: 1949-1953

1929-1934 Studied physics, chemistry, mineralogy and geology at the Universities of Freiburg and Giessen

1934-1936 Trainee assistant at the Institute of Physics at the University of Freiburg

1936-1939 Assistant at the Institute of Mineralogy at the University of Freiburg

1936 Doctorate (Dr. phil. nat.) in Freiburg

1939-1943 Research assistant at the Mining Department of the Freiberg Mining Authority

1943-1945 in Freiburg

1939-1943 Research assistant at the Freiberg Mining Office

1943-1945 Establishment and management of the Freiberg Mining District research laboratory

From 1945, research work for the Soviet Technical Office for Non-ferrous Metals in Freiberg

1947-1958 Professor of Mineralogy at the Freiberg Mining Academy

1958-1960 Honorary Professor at the Mineralogical Institute of the University of Hamburg

From 1962 Worked at scientific institutions in Nancy

Diepschlag, Ernst



Term of office: 1947-1949

1905-1908 Studied ferrous metallurgy at the TH Aachen and

1908-1911 at the Bergakademie Berlin, Dipl.Ing.

1911-1920 Worked in various metallurgical plants

1920-1921 Lecturer in technology and metallurgy at Köthen Polytechnic

1921-1945 Professor of ferrous metallurgy and foundry science at Breslau Technical University

1946-1953 Professor of ferrous metallurgy and foundry science at Freiberg Mining Academy

Greetings, Gerhard



Term of office: 1946-1947

1920-1925 Studied civil engineering, then mathematics and physics at the TH and the University of Berlin

1926-1934 Assistant at the Institute for Applied Mathematics at the TH Berlin

1927 Doctorate (Dr.-Ing.

1929 Habilitation in pure and applied mathematics at the TH Berlin

1934-1935 Deputy professor of civil engineering mechanics at the TH Stuttgart

1935-1950 Professor of mathematics and descriptive geometry and director of the Mathematical Institute at the Bergakademie Freiberg

From 1939, he also held the chair of technical mechanics

1945-1950 part-time director of the library at the Bergakademie

Controller, Friedrich



Term of office: 1945-1946

1920-1924 Studied physics and mathematics at the University of Vienna

1924 Doctorate (Dr. phil.), University of Vienna

1924-1941 worked for various companies in Vienna

1933-1941 after habilitation, part-time private lecturer in applied physics at the Vienna University of Technology

1941-1947 at the Freiberg Mining Academy, initially lecturer and head of the X-ray Institute

from 1942 adjunct professor of physics

from 1945 o. Professor of Physics and Director of the Institute of Physics

1947-1971 Full Professor of Experimental Physics at Vienna University of Applied Sciences

1958/59 Rector of Vienna University of Applied Sciences

Uhlitzsch, Heinz



Time in office: 1944-1945

1913-1914 studied at the TH Munich, WS 1918/19 TH Hanover

1919-1921 Ferrous metallurgy at the Bergakademie Clausthal, Dipl.-Ing.

1921-1922 Assistant for ferrous metallurgy in Clausthal

1922 Doctorate in engineering, Clausthal

1923-1926 Assistant in the iron foundry of the Krupp-Grusonwerk in Magdeburg

1926-1945 Worked at the Freiberg Mining Academy, initially as a lecturer in foundry engineering

From 1927 Associate Professor of Ferrous Metallurgy and Head of the Chair of Foundry Engineering at the Ferrous Metallurgy Institute in Freiberg

1940 Appointment as o. Professor of Ferrous Metallurgy, in particular Foundry Science

From 1942 Director of the newly established Foundry Institute

1950-1963 Worked at the Iron Research Institute in Hennigsdorf, ultimately as Head of Department

Brenthel, Franz



Term of office: 1939-1944

1910-1919 Studies at the Freiberg Mining Academy, Dipl.Ing.

1919-1930 Worked at Halsbrückner Hütte, ultimately as director from 1924

1930-1946 Professor of metallurgy, electrometallurgy and tasting science at the Freiberg Mining Academy
1940-1945 Dean of the Faculty of Mining and Metallurgy

1947-1952 Technical advisor to a lead smelter in southern Serbia

1952-1957 Establishment of a research institute in Nuremberg on behalf of the Society for Electrometallurgy, later took over the management of the institute

Höltje, Robert



Term of office: 1937-1939

1920-1925 Studied chemistry at the University of Hanover, graduated

1927 Doctorate (Dr.-Ing.Ing. at the TH Hannover

1926-1933 Assistant at the Chemical Laboratory of the Bergakademie Freiberg

1930 Habilitation

1933-1934 TH Danzig, Associate Professor

1934-1945 Professor of Inorganic Chemistry and Institute Director at the Bergakademie Freiberg

Madel, Johannes



Term of office: 1935-1937

1907-1911 Studies at the Freiberg Mining Academy, Dipl.Ing.

1912-1913 scientific assistant for geology and deposit theory at the Freiberg Mining Academy
1913-1924 worked in various positions in Brád (Transylvania), Constantinople, on the island of Celebes (now Sulawesi, Indonesia) and finally from 1923 back in Brád as a plant engineer in the processing plant of the Ruda 12 Apostles trade union

1924-1939 Professor of Mineral Processing and Mining Science at the Freiberg Mining Academy, Director of the Institute of Mineral Processing and Mining Science

Schumacher, Friedrich



Term of office: 1933-1935

1902-1905 Studied civil engineering at the TH Stuttgart

1905-1908 Studied at the Bergakademie Freiberg, Dipl.-Ing.

1910 Doctorate (Dr.- Ing.)

1905-1908 Graduated as Dr.-Ing.Ing. at the TH Stuttgart

1908-1920 Worked in various positions in Germany, Romania and Africa, most recently from 1919-1920 as chief engineer at the Hirschfelde state lignite plant

1920-1946 Professor of Geology and Deposit Theory and Director of the Geological Institute at the Bergakademie Freiberg

1940-1945 Head of the Research Centre for Colonial Mining at the Bergakademie

From 1947 Worked in Yugoslavia, Turkey and finally at the University of Bonn, where he retired as Professor of Mineralogy in 1958


Walther, Reinhold Baron von



Time in office: 1931-1933

1887-1893 Studied natural sciences, especially chemistry, at the universities of Munich, Erlangen and Leipzig

1893 Doctorate at the University of Leipzig

1893-1918 Worked at the TH Dresden

From 1898 Associate Professor of Inorganic Chemistry

1896 Habilitation as Privatdozent in Dresden

1918-1935 Professor of Organic Chemistry and Chemistry of Coal at the Freiberg Mining Academy


Kögler, Franz

Ein Bild von Franz Kögler


Term of office: 1928-1930

1900-1905 Studied civil engineering at the TH Dresden, Dipl.Ing.

1905-1912 Worked in the Saxon State Building Service

1912-1914 Director of Construction at the Dresden Civil Engineering Office

1914-1918 Technical Director at the German Railway Association in Berlin

1918-1939 Professor of Technical Mechanics and Civil Engineering at the Freiberg Mining Academy

1930-1939 Managing Director of the Society of Friends of the Mining Academy

Wandhoff, Erich



Term of office: 1926-1928

1901-1904 Studied mine surveying and geodesy at the Clausthal Mining Academy, from 1902 at the TH Aachen

1905 Licence as mine surveyor from the Oberbergamt Dortmund

1905-1907 Worked as mine surveyor in Lorraine and Westphalia

1908-1918 First assistant at the Institute of Mine Surveying at the TH Aachen

1913 Doctorate at the University of Giessen

1918-1934 Professor of Mine Surveying and Geodesy at the Freiberg Mining Academy

Brion, Georg



Term of office:1924-1926

1891-1896 Studied natural sciences at the universities of Leipzig and Strasbourg

1896 Doctorate at the University of Strasbourg

1896/97 Studied electrical engineering at the Polytechnic in Zurich

1898-1911 Worked at the Electrotechnical Institute of the TH Dresden

1907 Habilitation as a private lecturer

1911-1938, 1947-1950 Professor of Electrical Engineering at the Freiberg Mining Academy

1912-1930 also Professor of Physics

Fritzsche, Otto

Ein Foto von Otto Fritzsche


Time in office: 1920-1922

1898-1902 Studied mechanical engineering at the TH Dresden, Dipl.-Ing.

1902-1906 Assistant to Prof. Mollier in Dresden

1906 Doctorate (Dr.- Ing.Ing. TH Dresden

1907-1910 Engineer at Friedrich Krupp A.G. in Essen

1910-1918 Professor of Mechanics and Machine Theory at the Freiberg Mining Academy

1918-1949 After separation of Mechanics and renaming of the chair, Professor of Machine Science and Technical Thermodynamics

1923-1933 Chair of the "Academic Committee for Physical Exercise" at the Mining Academy

Brunck, Otto



Time in office: 1919-1920 and 1930-1931

1884-1885 studied physics and 1886-1889 studied chemistry at the Technical University of Munich, graduated

1889-1892 lecturer and private assistant in the laboratory of Otto Fischer at the University of Erlangen, Doctorate

1892/93 Studies at the Freiberg Mining Academy

From 1893 First assistant to Clemens Winkler at the Freiberg Mining Academy
1896 Appointment as associate professor and from 1902 as full professor of chemistry (successor to Clemens Winkler) until 1934

Schiffner, Carl



Time in office: 1917-1919

1885-1889 Studied at the Freiberg Mining Academy, graduated as a metallurgical engineer

1890-1902 Employed at the Freiberg smelters, where he held various positions in Halsbrücke and Muldenhütten

1902-1930 Professor of metallurgy and electrometallurgy, from 1909 also lecturer in metallurgical metallurgy

1919-1925 Chairman of the Gesellschaft Deutscher Metallhütten- und Bergleute

Galli, Johannes



Term of office: 1915-1917

1878-1882 Studied at the Freiberg Mining Academy, graduated as an ironworks engineer

1883-1906 Worked in various steelworks and rolling mills, finally as technical director of the Annener (Annen near Dortmund) Gußstahlwerk A.-G.

1906-1925 Professor of Ferrous Metallurgy and Mechanical Technology at the Freiberg Mining Academy


Kolbeck, Friedrich



Term of office: 1913-1915 and 1922-1923

1879-1883 Studied natural sciences at the University of Leipzig

1883 Doctorate at the University of Leipzig

1883-1884 Studied at the Freiberg Mining Academy

1884 Employed as assistant for metallurgy, metallurgy, assaying and solder pipe assaying at the Freiberg Mining Academy

1893 Appointment as lecturer and 1896 Professor of assaying and solder pipe assaying

1901-1928 Professor of mineralogy and solder pipe assaying, continued to teach solder pipe assaying until 1930

Beck, Richard

Foto von Richard Beck


Term of office: 1911-1913

1879-1883 Studied natural sciences in Freiburg (only SS 1879) and Leipzig

1883 Doctorate at the University of Leipzig

1883-1895 Geologist at the Royal Saxon Geological Survey in Leipzig, major contribution to the geological mapping of Saxony

1895-1919 Professor of geology, mineral deposits and petrification at the Freiberg Mining Academy

Treptow, Emil



Time in office: 1909-1911

1874-1878 Studied at the Freiberg Mining Academy, graduated as a mining engineer and mine surveyor

1879-1884 Worked in Peruvian mines

From 1884 back in Freiberg as a mining engineer and mine surveyor, 1887 mining office surveyor

1887-1892 Director of the Freiberg Mining School

1891-1923 Professor of Mining Engineering and Processing at the Freiberg Mining Academy

Erhard, Theodor



Term of office: 1907-1909

1858-1863 Studied at the Freiberg Mining Academy, state examination for metallurgists 23 January 1863

1863-1868 Worked in various companies in the Freiberg mining district, including as. from 1867 manager of the arsenic smelter and the clay goods factory in Muldenhütten

1867 part-time physics lectures at the Bergakademie

1868 appointed as a teacher of physics and descriptive geometry at the Bergakademie

1874 doctorate at the University of Leipzig

1875 awarded the title of professor

1881 first lectures on electrical engineering at the Bergakademie

1906-1916 part-time head of the university library, even after his retirement in 1912

Papperitz, Erwin

Ein Bild von Erwin Papperitz


Terms of office: 1901-1903, 1905-1907 and 1923-1924
1875-1877 studied philosophy and natural sciences at the University of Leipzig
1877-1878 University of Munich
from 1878 University of Leipzig, in particular at the mathematical seminar of Prof. Adolph Meyer; 1882 state examination for higher education
1883 doctorate in mathematics at the University of Leipzig
1886 habilitation as a private lecturer in mathematics at the Polytechnikum Dresden (1882). Adolph Meyer; 1882 state examination for the higher education authority
1883 doctorate as Dr phil. at the University of Leipzig
1886 habilitation as private lecturer in mathematics at the Dresden Polytechnic (1890 TH)
1889 title of associate professor
1892-1928 professor of mathematics and descriptive geometry at the Freiberg Mining Academy

Ledebur, Adolf

Ein Bild von Adolf Ledebur


Terms of office: 1899 - 1901 and 1903 - 1905
1856 - 1858 Studied at the Collegium Carolinum Braunschweig
1858 - 1875 Worked in various ironworks, including as an ironworks inspector and plant manager
1875 - 1906 Professor of Ferrous Metallurgy at the Freiberg Mining Academy
1892 - 1906 Part-time head of the library at the Mining Academy