Contracts between the Library and some publishers
We have concluded contracts and made membership agreements with some publishers. This gives researchers of the TU Bergakademie Freiberg advantages in the area of open access publishing. The contract offers apply to members and affiliates of TU Bergakademie Freiberg in accordance with § 5 of the Grundordnung as well as guest researchers whose stay is regulated by a guest contract.
- Open Access publishing without author-side costs and without limiting the number of articles
- List of journals
- publish Open Access free of charge and without limit to the number of articles
- for hybrid journals and Gold Open Access journals
- Please note: the new ADC (article development charge) for an embargo-free green Open Access option is not part of the contract and cannot be financed from the Publishing Fund
- publish Open Access free of charge and without limit to the number of articles
- for hybrid journals only, not for Gold Open Access journals
- publish Open Access free of charge and without limit to the number of articles
- publish Open Access free of charge and without limit to the number of articles
- no additional costs for Open Access publications in hybrid journals
- 20 % discount on Article Processing Charges (APC) in Gold Open Access journals
- Reading access to almost the entire journal portfolio
- Open Access publishing without author-side costs and without limiting the number of articles
- Please use the official e-mail address (, the publisher will assign your publication to the TUBAF contract and funding can be provided by the university library.
- publish Open Access free of charge and without limit to the number of articles in 56 hybrid and 15 Gold Open Access journals under the Licence CC BY 4.0
- IOPP identifies all qualifying articles based on the stated institutional affiliation
- Author's Guide
- 10% discount on Article Processing Charges (APC)
- Attention! Due to price increases, APCs do not always meet the requirements of our Open Access Publication Fund despite a 10% discount. If necessary, conduct further negotiations in order to receive the funding.
- Open Access publishing in hybrid and gold journals without author-side costs
- Please use the official e-mail address (, the publisher will assign your publication to the TUBAF contract and funding can be provided by the university library.
- no additional costs for authors when publishing Open Access in hybrid journals
- 20 % discount on Article Processing Charges (APC) in Gold Open Access journals
- Read-only access to almost the entire journal portfolio
- publish Open Access without author costs and without limiting the number of articles
- further information at Springer Nature (e.g. author guide, eligible journals)
- The Gold Open Access titles Scientific Reports and Nature Communications (these are part of Springer Nature DEAL) as well as Nature Protocols and all Nature Reviews journals (these are only part of the Read component) are not included in the Publishing component
- use the institutional e-mail address ( when submitting the publication and provide an ORCID ID
- reading access to 15 titles (13 journals, 2 conference proceedings)
- publish free of charge in 17 publication organs (15 hybrid and 2 Gold OA publications) Open Access
- no additional costs for authors when publishing Open Access in hybrid journals
- 20 % discount on Article Processing Charges (APC) in Gold Open Access journals
- reading access to almost the entire journal portfolio
- No additional costs for authors for Open Access publications
A new publisher-independent funding option for new open access books or anthologies is available as part of the Consortium of Saxon University Libraries: authors from Saxon universities can apply for pro rata funding of up to €3,000 for books or anthologies or €1,500 for contributions in anthologies via their libraries. The money comes from funds from the state digitisation programme of the Free State of Saxony.