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Storage of archive records

The following overview is intended to help you prepare for the transfer of documents to the archive and to give you an idea of the type and scope of documents held by the University Archives.

If you have any questions, please contact the archive staff.

1. Institution

1.1 Organisational structure
Staff directoriesFull archiving 
Lecture directoriesFull archiving 
Organisational and business allocation plans, upper and middle levelFull archiving 
Organisational and business distribution plans, lower levelSelection archiving 
File plans, upper and middle levelFull archiving 
File plans, lower levelSelection archiving 
Contributions to university legislationFull archiving 
University constitutionFull archiving 
StatutesFull archiving 
1.2 Committees
Minutes of the Rectorate or Presidential BoardFull archiving 
Senate minutesFull archiving 
Minutes of supervisory committees (e.g. University Council)Full archiving 
Minutes of the Administrative BoardFull archiving 
Minutes of the Faculty Council and other faculty committeesFull archiving 
Minutes of the General Student Committee (AStA)Full archiving 
Protocols of the student parliamentFull archiving 
Faculty council protocolsFull archiving 
Protocols of committees of the Senate or the facultiesExternal archiving 
1.3 Planning and strategy
Expansion planning, strategy and profile developmentselection archiving 
Discussion of mission statementselection archiving 
Capacity managementselection archiving 
Target agreements with ministriesselection archiving 
1.4 University members
Professors, main personnel filesFull archiving 
Professors, ancillary personnel filesSelection archiving 
Professors, Appointment filesFull archiving 
Professors, dean's files on the personFull archiving 
Other teaching staff of all kinds, Personnel filesFull archiving 
Other academic staff below professor level, personnel filesFull archiving 
Holders of senior administrative positions, personnel filesFull archiving 
Employees of administration, technology, libraries, computer centres, etc.a. in non-managerial positions, personnel filesFull archiving 
Student and research assistants, personnel filesDestruction (after expiry of retention periods) 
Students, Student filesFull archiving 
Statistics on students and staff in generalSelection archiving 
Student statistics per semesterFull archiving 
Files of disciplinary proceedings against students and staffFull archiving 
Files of processes involving staff and studentsSelection archiving 
1.5 Budgeting, foundations and funding organisations
Global budget of the entire universityFull archiving 
Compressed presentation of the implementation of the general budgetFull archiving 
Reports by the Court of AuditorsFull archiving 
Staffing planFull archiving 
Large equipment procurementSelection archiving 
Invoice vouchersDestruction (after expiry of retention periods) 
Budget monitoring listsDestruction (after expiry of retention periods) 
Funding organisation, Minutes and annual reportsFull archiving 
Foundation, other documentsSelection archiving 
Foundation in generalSelection archiving 
Foundation, annual accountsFull archiving 
1.6 International contacts
Contracts between higher education institutions and their initiationFull archiving 
Ongoing contacts between institutionsSelection archiving 
Annual report and other overviews of institutional contactsFull archiving 
Travel organisationDestruction (after expiry of retention periods) 
Contacts of individuals, Contracts and summary reportsFull archiving 
Contacts of individuals, individual casesSample education/selection archiving 
Applications and other material relating to inter-university programmes (scholarships abroad, summer courses, etc.)a.)Destruction (after expiry of retention periods) 
Relationships with institutions and personalities outside academiaSelection archiving 
1.7 Regional contacts
Contracts and their initiationFull archiving 
Continuing contactsSelection archiving 
High-level contacts with significant contentFull archiving 
1.8 Buildings
Exterior viewSelection archiving 
Interior viewSelection archiving 
Building plansSelection archiving 
Construction and property filesSelection archiving 
DetailedConversions and trivial installationsDestruction (after expiry of retention periods) 
Routine and ubiquitous security installationsDestruction (after expiry of retention periods) 
Unique or rare security installationsSelection archiving 
Technical InfrastructureSelection archiving 
Room distributionDestruction 
Naming of buildings and roomsSelection archiving 
Building modelsSelection archiving 
1.9 Scientific infrastructure - central facilities Central institutions
Routine tasksDestruction 
Organisational chartsFull archiving 
StatutesFull archiving 
Annual reports and statisticsFull archiving 
Minutes of the management levelFull archiving 
Exceptional activities (e.g. establishment of new services) Extensive archiving
History of the library statusExtensive archiving 
Land library functions of the university libraryExtensive archiving 
1.10 Honours (excluding honorary academic degrees)
Honourary senatorships and honorary citizenships, files and certificatesFull archiving 
Other honours (medals, titles, etc.), files and certificates  
Other honours (medals, titles, etc.), files and certificates  
Full archiving  


2. Research and teaching

2.1 Research
Activity reports of research institutionsSelection archiving
Printing of published research resultsDestruction
Progress of research projects generaldestruction
process of outstanding research projectsselection archiving
Scientific primary datasee notes from the University Library
Third-party funded research, Project applications, approvals and reportsFull archiving
Third-party funded research, Project funding at a glanceSelection archiving
Third-party funded research, other project managementDestruction (after expiry of retention periods)
Editorship and peer-review of outstanding journals with recognisable influence on the selection and content of articles or sociologically informative processesSelection archiving
Other EditorshipDestruction
Research transferSelection archiving
Patents and licencesFull archiving
2.2 Teaching
2.2.1 Courses
Lecture cataloguesFull archiving
Commentated lecture cataloguesFull archiving
Study regulations and curriculaFull archiving
Concepts for new degree programmesSelection archiving
E-Learning conceptsSelective archiving
Assignment of individual courses, individual references and statisticsselection archiving
Lecture notes (scripts)selection archiving
Teaching materialsselection archiving
Maintenance of SeminarsDestruction
Homework in the context of coursesDestruction (after expiry of retention periods)
Collection of materials for teachingDestruction
Studium generale, separate course catalogueFull archiving
Studium generale, content of outstanding coursesSelection archiving
2.2.2 Examinations, degrees and titles
Pre-degree examinationsDestruction (after expiry of the retention periods)
Intermediate master's examinationsDestruction (after expiry of the retention periods)
Other Intermediate examinationsDestruction (after expiry of the retention periods)
Examinations for achievements outside the final evaluationDestruction (after expiry of the retention periods)
Final examinations (Magister, Diploma, Bachelor, Master), examination certificates, possibly also curriculum vitae of the examinee, reportsFull archiving
Final examinations (Magister, Diplom, Bachelor, Master), other components of the examination file (without examination paper)Sample creation/destruction
Final examinations (Magister, Diplom, Bachelor, Master), Examination papersSample archiving
PhD files without dissertationsFull archiving
Dissertations (also as part of the examination file)Destruction
Habilitation filesFull archiving
Habilitation theses in generalDestruction
Unprinted habilitation theses without library transmissionFull archiving
Honourary academic degrees and titles awarded, Certificates, files and registersFull archiving
Degrees and titles awardedFull archiving


3. Student organisations

3.1 Student self-administration
General Students' Committee (AStA), minutesFull archiving
Fachschaften, MinutesFull archiving
Student Parliament, election resultsFull archiving
Student Parliament, minutesFull archiving
AStA and student councils, Accountability reportsFull archiving
AStA and student councils, semester programmesFull archiving
AStA departments, filesSelection archiving
Student council departments, FilesSelection archiving
Student conflictsSelection archiving
Flyers, posters, bannersSelection archiving
3.2 Student groups and corporations
AccreditationFull archiving
3.2.1 Political groups
Election programmesFull archiving
Semester programmesFull archiving
FlyersSelection archiving
JournalsFull archiving
3.2.2 Denominational groups (student communities)
Semester programmesFully archived
Annual reportsFully archived
3.2.3 Student Fraternities
Full Archiving
3.2.4 Other Groups
Full Archiving
3.3 Alumni organisations
Organisational structure, task definition and task fulfilmentSelection archiving
Database on alumniFull archiving


4. estates

A classification into the evaluation categories does not take place here. With + (= rather in favour of archiving), - (= rather in favour of destruction) and O (= for particularly sensitive consideration of the individual case), only a general evaluation tendency is communicated, which is, however, completely non-binding for the individual case.

Documents on stages of the life path+
Sources on characteristics of the life path+
Expressive correspondence+
Unpublished works and lecture text+
Certificates of professional professional activity+
Autobiographical material+
Appointment diariesO
Collections material not originating with the descendant in generalO
Collections of newspaper cuttings-
Collections of third-party offprints-
Travel documents of a purely organisational nature-
Documents relating to the organisation of conferences attended-
Invitations of no particular informational value-
Private library-
Monographic works of the estate without traces of editing-
Manual copies of works by the author with traces of editing+
Collections of the author's writings that can hardly be reconstructed from public libraries+
Testimonies of the process of creation of scientific works-


5. Collections

5.1 Visual material
ProfessorsSelection archiving  
Buildings and campusSelection archiving  
Works of art, monuments and other outstanding objectsSelection archiving  
Significant research equipmentSelection archiving  
Events (anniversaries, regular celebrations, sporting events, etc.)Events (anniversaries, regular celebrations, sporting events, etc.)Events (anniversaries, regular celebrations, sporting events, etc.)Selection archiving
Academic everyday lifeSelection archiving  
5.3 Audio documents and films
Selection archiving  
5.4 Self-representation and media coverage
Annual reports and other work reports in generalExternal link  
Annual reports from top positions (especially Rector and President)And other work reports in generalAuthorisation 
Authorisation of the university. President)Full archiving 
Files for the preparation of annual reports in generalDestruction  
Files for the preparation of selective reports (e.g. annual report of the Rector) with additional information contentSelection archiving  
Press releasesFull archiving  
Press reviewsFull archiving  
Collections of the press office on members and institutions of the universityCollections of the press office on members and university institutionsFull archiving 
Other press office filesDestruction  
Press office photo collectionSelection archiving  
HochschulzeitungFull archiving  
AStA- and student council newspapersFull archiving  
Files of journal editorsDestruction  
Corporate design, Development and introduction as well as samples and rightsFull archiving  
Advertising materialSelection archiving  
Internet pagesSelection archiving  
5.5 Academic and cultural life, sporting events
Calendar of events of the entire university and the facultiesFull archiving  
General event management (organisation, catering, technology, flower arrangements, etc.).Destruction (after expiry of retention periods)  
Correspondence with prominent guests of honour or keynote speakersSelection archiving  
Speeches at the academic anniversary celebrations and other outstanding celebrations in the course of the year   
. outstanding celebrations throughout the yearFull archiving  
Programmes and examples of the regular celebrations throughout the yearSelection archiving  
Programmes and speeches for special ceremonies and commemorative eventsSelection archiving  
Programmes and work reports on other regular events throughout the year (e.g. Dies academicus)   
Selection archiving   
Programmes and work reports on advertising campaigns (e.g. Abituriententag, children's university or girls' day)Selection archiving  
Programmes and reports on artistic and sporting eventsSelection archiving  


(Source i.a.: Universitätspräsident der Universität des Saarlandes (ed.): Dokumentationsprofil für Archive wissenschaftlicher Hochschulen. A handout by Thomas Becker (Bonn), Werner Moritz (Heidelberg), Wolfgang Müller (Saarbrücken), Klaus Nippert (Karlsruhe) and Max Plassmann (Düsseldorf). Saarbrücken. 2009)

Storage of archive records

The following overview is intended to help you prepare for the transfer of documents to the archive and to give you an idea of the type and scope of documents held by the University Archives.

If you have any questions, please contact the archive staff.

1. Institution

1.1 Organisational structure
Staff directoriesFull archiving 
Lecture directoriesFull archiving 
Organisational and business allocation plans, upper and middle levelFull archiving 
Organisational and business distribution plans, lower levelSelection archiving 
File plans, upper and middle levelFull archiving 
File plans, lower levelSelection archiving 
Contributions to university legislationFull archiving 
University constitutionFull archiving 
StatutesFull archiving 
1.2 Committees
Minutes of the Rectorate or Presidential BoardFull archiving 
Senate minutesFull archiving 
Minutes of supervisory committees (e.g. University Council)Full archiving 
Minutes of the Administrative BoardFull archiving 
Minutes of the Faculty Council and other faculty committeesFull archiving 
Minutes of the General Student Committee (AStA)Full archiving 
Protocols of the student parliamentFull archiving 
Faculty council protocolsFull archiving 
Protocols of committees of the Senate or the facultiesExternal archiving 
1.3 Planning and strategy
Expansion planning, strategy and profile developmentselection archiving 
Discussion of mission statementselection archiving 
Capacity managementselection archiving 
Target agreements with ministriesselection archiving 
1.4 University members
Professors, main personnel filesFull archiving 
Professors, ancillary personnel filesSelection archiving 
Professors, Appointment filesFull archiving 
Professors, dean's files on the personFull archiving 
Other teaching staff of all kinds, Personnel filesFull archiving 
Other academic staff below professor level, personnel filesFull archiving 
Holders of senior administrative positions, personnel filesFull archiving 
Employees of administration, technology, libraries, computer centres, etc.a. in non-managerial positions, personnel filesFull archiving 
Student and research assistants, personnel filesDestruction (after expiry of retention periods) 
Students, Student filesFull archiving 
Statistics on students and staff in generalSelection archiving 
Student statistics per semesterFull archiving 
Files of disciplinary proceedings against students and staffFull archiving 
Files of processes involving staff and studentsSelection archiving 
1.5 Budgeting, foundations and funding organisations
Global budget of the entire universityFull archiving 
Compressed presentation of the implementation of the general budgetFull archiving 
Reports by the Court of AuditorsFull archiving 
Staffing planFull archiving 
Large equipment procurementSelection archiving 
Invoice vouchersDestruction (after expiry of retention periods) 
Budget monitoring listsDestruction (after expiry of retention periods) 
Funding organisation, Minutes and annual reportsFull archiving 
Foundation, other documentsSelection archiving 
Foundation in generalSelection archiving 
Foundation, annual accountsFull archiving 
1.6 International contacts
Contracts between higher education institutions and their initiationFull archiving 
Ongoing contacts between institutionsSelection archiving 
Annual report and other overviews of institutional contactsFull archiving 
Travel organisationDestruction (after expiry of retention periods) 
Contacts of individuals, Contracts and summary reportsFull archiving 
Contacts of individuals, individual casesSample education/selection archiving 
Applications and other material relating to inter-university programmes (scholarships abroad, summer courses, etc.)a.)Destruction (after expiry of retention periods) 
Relationships with institutions and personalities outside academiaSelection archiving 
1.7 Regional contacts
Contracts and their initiationFull archiving 
Continuing contactsSelection archiving 
High-level contacts with significant contentFull archiving 
1.8 Buildings
Exterior viewSelection archiving 
Interior viewSelection archiving 
Building plansSelection archiving 
Construction and property filesSelection archiving 
DetailedConversions and trivial installationsDestruction (after expiry of retention periods) 
Routine and ubiquitous security installationsDestruction (after expiry of retention periods) 
Unique or rare security installationsSelection archiving 
Technical InfrastructureSelection archiving 
Room distributionDestruction 
Naming of buildings and roomsSelection archiving 
Building modelsSelection archiving 
1.9 Scientific infrastructure - central facilities Central institutions
Routine tasksDestruction 
Organisational chartsFull archiving 
StatutesFull archiving 
Annual reports and statisticsFull archiving 
Minutes of the management levelFull archiving 
Exceptional activities (e.g. establishment of new services) Extensive archiving
History of the library statusExtensive archiving 
Land library functions of the university libraryExtensive archiving 
1.10 Honours (excluding honorary academic degrees)
Honourary senatorships and honorary citizenships, files and certificatesFull archiving 
Other honours (medals, titles, etc.), files and certificates  
Other honours (medals, titles, etc.), files and certificates  
Full archiving  


2. Research and teaching

2.1 Research
Activity reports of research institutionsSelection archiving
Printing of published research resultsDestruction
Progress of research projects generaldestruction
process of outstanding research projectsselection archiving
Scientific primary datasee notes from the University Library
Third-party funded research, Project applications, approvals and reportsFull archiving
Third-party funded research, Project funding at a glanceSelection archiving
Third-party funded research, other project managementDestruction (after expiry of retention periods)
Editorship and peer-review of outstanding journals with recognisable influence on the selection and content of articles or sociologically informative processesSelection archiving
Other EditorshipDestruction
Research transferSelection archiving
Patents and licencesFull archiving
2.2 Teaching
2.2.1 Courses
Lecture cataloguesFull archiving
Commentated lecture cataloguesFull archiving
Study regulations and curriculaFull archiving
Concepts for new degree programmesSelection archiving
E-Learning conceptsSelective archiving
Assignment of individual courses, individual references and statisticsselection archiving
Lecture notes (scripts)selection archiving
Teaching materialsselection archiving
Maintenance of SeminarsDestruction
Homework in the context of coursesDestruction (after expiry of retention periods)
Collection of materials for teachingDestruction
Studium generale, separate course catalogueFull archiving
Studium generale, content of outstanding coursesSelection archiving
2.2.2 Examinations, degrees and titles
Pre-degree examinationsDestruction (after expiry of the retention periods)
Intermediate master's examinationsDestruction (after expiry of the retention periods)
Other Intermediate examinationsDestruction (after expiry of the retention periods)
Examinations for achievements outside the final evaluationDestruction (after expiry of the retention periods)
Final examinations (Magister, Diploma, Bachelor, Master), examination certificates, possibly also curriculum vitae of the examinee, reportsFull archiving
Final examinations (Magister, Diplom, Bachelor, Master), other components of the examination file (without examination paper)Sample creation/destruction
Final examinations (Magister, Diplom, Bachelor, Master), Examination papersSample archiving
PhD files without dissertationsFull archiving
Dissertations (also as part of the examination file)Destruction
Habilitation filesFull archiving
Habilitation theses in generalDestruction
Unprinted habilitation theses without library transmissionFull archiving
Honourary academic degrees and titles awarded, Certificates, files and registersFull archiving
Degrees and titles awardedFull archiving


3. Student organisations

3.1 Student self-administration
General Students' Committee (AStA), minutesFull archiving
Fachschaften, MinutesFull archiving
Student Parliament, election resultsFull archiving
Student Parliament, minutesFull archiving
AStA and student councils, Accountability reportsFull archiving
AStA and student councils, semester programmesFull archiving
AStA departments, filesSelection archiving
Student council departments, FilesSelection archiving
Student conflictsSelection archiving
Flyers, posters, bannersSelection archiving
3.2 Student groups and corporations
AccreditationFull archiving
3.2.1 Political groups
Election programmesFull archiving
Semester programmesFull archiving
FlyersSelection archiving
JournalsFull archiving
3.2.2 Denominational groups (student communities)
Semester programmesFully archived
Annual reportsFully archived
3.2.3 Student Fraternities
Full Archiving
3.2.4 Other Groups
Full Archiving
3.3 Alumni organisations
Organisational structure, task definition and task fulfilmentSelection archiving
Database on alumniFull archiving


4. estates

A classification into the evaluation categories does not take place here. With + (= rather in favour of archiving), - (= rather in favour of destruction) and O (= for particularly sensitive consideration of the individual case), only a general evaluation tendency is communicated, which is, however, completely non-binding for the individual case.

Documents on stages of the life path+
Sources on characteristics of the life path+
Expressive correspondence+
Unpublished works and lecture text+
Certificates of professional professional activity+
Autobiographical material+
Appointment diariesO
Collections material not originating with the descendant in generalO
Collections of newspaper cuttings-
Collections of third-party offprints-
Travel documents of a purely organisational nature-
Documents relating to the organisation of conferences attended-
Invitations of no particular informational value-
Private library-
Monographic works of the estate without traces of editing-
Manual copies of works by the author with traces of editing+
Collections of the author's writings that can hardly be reconstructed from public libraries+
Testimonies of the process of creation of scientific works-


5. Collections

5.1 Visual material
ProfessorsSelection archiving  
Buildings and campusSelection archiving  
Works of art, monuments and other outstanding objectsSelection archiving  
Significant research equipmentSelection archiving  
Events (anniversaries, regular celebrations, sporting events, etc.)Events (anniversaries, regular celebrations, sporting events, etc.)Events (anniversaries, regular celebrations, sporting events, etc.)Selection archiving
Academic everyday lifeSelection archiving  
5.3 Audio documents and films
Selection archiving  
5.4 Self-representation and media coverage
Annual reports and other work reports in generalExternal link  
Annual reports from top positions (especially Rector and President)And other work reports in generalAuthorisation 
Authorisation of the university. President)Full archiving 
Files for the preparation of annual reports in generalDestruction  
Files for the preparation of selective reports (e.g. annual report of the Rector) with additional information contentSelection archiving  
Press releasesFull archiving  
Press reviewsFull archiving  
Collections of the press office on members and institutions of the universityCollections of the press office on members and university institutionsFull archiving 
Other press office filesDestruction  
Press office photo collectionSelection archiving  
HochschulzeitungFull archiving  
AStA- and student council newspapersFull archiving  
Files of journal editorsDestruction  
Corporate design, Development and introduction as well as samples and rightsFull archiving  
Advertising materialSelection archiving  
Internet pagesSelection archiving  
5.5 Academic and cultural life, sporting events
Calendar of events of the entire university and the facultiesFull archiving  
General event management (organisation, catering, technology, flower arrangements, etc.).Destruction (after expiry of retention periods)  
Correspondence with prominent guests of honour or keynote speakersSelection archiving  
Speeches at the academic anniversary celebrations and other outstanding celebrations in the course of the year   
. outstanding celebrations throughout the yearFull archiving  
Programmes and examples of the regular celebrations throughout the yearSelection archiving  
Programmes and speeches for special ceremonies and commemorative eventsSelection archiving  
Programmes and work reports on other regular events throughout the year (e.g. Dies academicus)   
Selection archiving   
Programmes and work reports on advertising campaigns (e.g. Abituriententag, children's university or girls' day)Selection archiving  
Programmes and reports on artistic and sporting eventsSelection archiving  


(Source i.a.: Universitätspräsident der Universität des Saarlandes (ed.): Dokumentationsprofil für Archive wissenschaftlicher Hochschulen. A handout by Thomas Becker (Bonn), Werner Moritz (Heidelberg), Wolfgang Müller (Saarbrücken), Klaus Nippert (Karlsruhe) and Max Plassmann (Düsseldorf). Saarbrücken. 2009)

Storage of archive records

The following overview is intended to help you prepare for the transfer of documents to the archive and to give you an idea of the type and scope of documents held by the University Archives.

If you have any questions, please contact the archive staff.

1. Institution

1.1 Organisational structure
Staff directoriesFull archiving 
Lecture directoriesFull archiving 
Organisational and business allocation plans, upper and middle levelFull archiving 
Organisational and business distribution plans, lower levelSelection archiving 
File plans, upper and middle levelFull archiving 
File plans, lower levelSelection archiving 
Contributions to university legislationFull archiving 
University constitutionFull archiving 
StatutesFull archiving 
1.2 Committees
Minutes of the Rectorate or Presidential BoardFull archiving 
Senate minutesFull archiving 
Minutes of supervisory committees (e.g. University Council)Full archiving 
Minutes of the Administrative BoardFull archiving 
Minutes of the Faculty Council and other faculty committeesFull archiving 
Minutes of the General Student Committee (AStA)Full archiving 
Protocols of the student parliamentFull archiving 
Faculty council protocolsFull archiving 
Protocols of committees of the Senate or the facultiesExternal archiving 
1.3 Planning and strategy
Expansion planning, strategy and profile developmentselection archiving 
Discussion of mission statementselection archiving 
Capacity managementselection archiving 
Target agreements with ministriesselection archiving 
1.4 University members
Professors, main personnel filesFull archiving 
Professors, ancillary personnel filesSelection archiving 
Professors, Appointment filesFull archiving 
Professors, dean's files on the personFull archiving 
Other teaching staff of all kinds, Personnel filesFull archiving 
Other academic staff below professor level, personnel filesFull archiving 
Holders of senior administrative positions, personnel filesFull archiving 
Employees of administration, technology, libraries, computer centres, etc.a. in non-managerial positions, personnel filesFull archiving 
Student and research assistants, personnel filesDestruction (after expiry of retention periods) 
Students, Student filesFull archiving 
Statistics on students and staff in generalSelection archiving 
Student statistics per semesterFull archiving 
Files of disciplinary proceedings against students and staffFull archiving 
Files of processes involving staff and studentsSelection archiving 
1.5 Budgeting, foundations and funding organisations
Global budget of the entire universityFull archiving 
Compressed presentation of the implementation of the general budgetFull archiving 
Reports by the Court of AuditorsFull archiving 
Staffing planFull archiving 
Large equipment procurementSelection archiving 
Invoice vouchersDestruction (after expiry of retention periods) 
Budget monitoring listsDestruction (after expiry of retention periods) 
Funding organisation, Minutes and annual reportsFull archiving 
Foundation, other documentsSelection archiving 
Foundation in generalSelection archiving 
Foundation, annual accountsFull archiving 
1.6 International contacts
Contracts between higher education institutions and their initiationFull archiving 
Ongoing contacts between institutionsSelection archiving 
Annual report and other overviews of institutional contactsFull archiving 
Travel organisationDestruction (after expiry of retention periods) 
Contacts of individuals, Contracts and summary reportsFull archiving 
Contacts of individuals, individual casesSample education/selection archiving 
Applications and other material relating to inter-university programmes (scholarships abroad, summer courses, etc.)a.)Destruction (after expiry of retention periods) 
Relationships with institutions and personalities outside academiaSelection archiving 
1.7 Regional contacts
Contracts and their initiationFull archiving 
Continuing contactsSelection archiving 
High-level contacts with significant contentFull archiving 
1.8 Buildings
Exterior viewSelection archiving 
Interior viewSelection archiving 
Building plansSelection archiving 
Construction and property filesSelection archiving 
DetailedConversions and trivial installationsDestruction (after expiry of retention periods) 
Routine and ubiquitous security installationsDestruction (after expiry of retention periods) 
Unique or rare security installationsSelection archiving 
Technical InfrastructureSelection archiving 
Room distributionDestruction 
Naming of buildings and roomsSelection archiving 
Building modelsSelection archiving 
1.9 Scientific infrastructure - central facilities Central institutions
Routine tasksDestruction 
Organisational chartsFull archiving 
StatutesFull archiving 
Annual reports and statisticsFull archiving 
Minutes of the management levelFull archiving 
Exceptional activities (e.g. establishment of new services) Extensive archiving
History of the library statusExtensive archiving 
Land library functions of the university libraryExtensive archiving 
1.10 Honours (excluding honorary academic degrees)
Honourary senatorships and honorary citizenships, files and certificatesFull archiving 
Other honours (medals, titles, etc.), files and certificates  
Other honours (medals, titles, etc.), files and certificates  
Full archiving  


2. Research and teaching

2.1 Research
Activity reports of research institutionsSelection archiving
Printing of published research resultsDestruction
Progress of research projects generaldestruction
process of outstanding research projectsselection archiving
Scientific primary datasee notes from the University Library
Third-party funded research, Project applications, approvals and reportsFull archiving
Third-party funded research, Project funding at a glanceSelection archiving
Third-party funded research, other project managementDestruction (after expiry of retention periods)
Editorship and peer-review of outstanding journals with recognisable influence on the selection and content of articles or sociologically informative processesSelection archiving
Other EditorshipDestruction
Research transferSelection archiving
Patents and licencesFull archiving
2.2 Teaching
2.2.1 Courses
Lecture cataloguesFull archiving
Commentated lecture cataloguesFull archiving
Study regulations and curriculaFull archiving
Concepts for new degree programmesSelection archiving
E-Learning conceptsSelective archiving
Assignment of individual courses, individual references and statisticsselection archiving
Lecture notes (scripts)selection archiving
Teaching materialsselection archiving
Maintenance of SeminarsDestruction
Homework in the context of coursesDestruction (after expiry of retention periods)
Collection of materials for teachingDestruction
Studium generale, separate course catalogueFull archiving
Studium generale, content of outstanding coursesSelection archiving
2.2.2 Examinations, degrees and titles
Pre-degree examinationsDestruction (after expiry of the retention periods)
Intermediate master's examinationsDestruction (after expiry of the retention periods)
Other Intermediate examinationsDestruction (after expiry of the retention periods)
Examinations for achievements outside the final evaluationDestruction (after expiry of the retention periods)
Final examinations (Magister, Diploma, Bachelor, Master), examination certificates, possibly also curriculum vitae of the examinee, reportsFull archiving
Final examinations (Magister, Diplom, Bachelor, Master), other components of the examination file (without examination paper)Sample creation/destruction
Final examinations (Magister, Diplom, Bachelor, Master), Examination papersSample archiving
PhD files without dissertationsFull archiving
Dissertations (also as part of the examination file)Destruction
Habilitation filesFull archiving
Habilitation theses in generalDestruction
Unprinted habilitation theses without library transmissionFull archiving
Honourary academic degrees and titles awarded, Certificates, files and registersFull archiving
Degrees and titles awardedFull archiving


3. Student organisations

3.1 Student self-administration
General Students' Committee (AStA), minutesFull archiving
Fachschaften, MinutesFull archiving
Student Parliament, election resultsFull archiving
Student Parliament, minutesFull archiving
AStA and student councils, Accountability reportsFull archiving
AStA and student councils, semester programmesFull archiving
AStA departments, filesSelection archiving
Student council departments, FilesSelection archiving
Student conflictsSelection archiving
Flyers, posters, bannersSelection archiving
3.2 Student groups and corporations
AccreditationFull archiving
3.2.1 Political groups
Election programmesFull archiving
Semester programmesFull archiving
FlyersSelection archiving
JournalsFull archiving
3.2.2 Denominational groups (student communities)
Semester programmesFully archived
Annual reportsFully archived
3.2.3 Student Fraternities
Full Archiving
3.2.4 Other Groups
Full Archiving
3.3 Alumni organisations
Organisational structure, task definition and task fulfilmentSelection archiving
Database on alumniFull archiving


4. estates

A classification into the evaluation categories does not take place here. With + (= rather in favour of archiving), - (= rather in favour of destruction) and O (= for particularly sensitive consideration of the individual case), only a general evaluation tendency is communicated, which is, however, completely non-binding for the individual case.

Documents on stages of the life path+
Sources on characteristics of the life path+
Expressive correspondence+
Unpublished works and lecture text+
Certificates of professional professional activity+
Autobiographical material+
Appointment diariesO
Collections material not originating with the descendant in generalO
Collections of newspaper cuttings-
Collections of third-party offprints-
Travel documents of a purely organisational nature-
Documents relating to the organisation of conferences attended-
Invitations of no particular informational value-
Private library-
Monographic works of the estate without traces of editing-
Manual copies of works by the author with traces of editing+
Collections of the author's writings that can hardly be reconstructed from public libraries+
Testimonies of the process of creation of scientific works-


5. Collections

5.1 Visual material
ProfessorsSelection archiving  
Buildings and campusSelection archiving  
Works of art, monuments and other outstanding objectsSelection archiving  
Significant research equipmentSelection archiving  
Events (anniversaries, regular celebrations, sporting events, etc.)Events (anniversaries, regular celebrations, sporting events, etc.)Events (anniversaries, regular celebrations, sporting events, etc.)Selection archiving
Academic everyday lifeSelection archiving  
5.3 Audio documents and films
Selection archiving  
5.4 Self-representation and media coverage
Annual reports and other work reports in generalExternal link  
Annual reports from top positions (especially Rector and President)And other work reports in generalAuthorisation 
Authorisation of the university. President)Full archiving 
Files for the preparation of annual reports in generalDestruction  
Files for the preparation of selective reports (e.g. annual report of the Rector) with additional information contentSelection archiving  
Press releasesFull archiving  
Press reviewsFull archiving  
Collections of the press office on members and institutions of the universityCollections of the press office on members and university institutionsFull archiving 
Other press office filesDestruction  
Press office photo collectionSelection archiving  
HochschulzeitungFull archiving  
AStA- and student council newspapersFull archiving  
Files of journal editorsDestruction  
Corporate design, Development and introduction as well as samples and rightsFull archiving  
Advertising materialSelection archiving  
Internet pagesSelection archiving  
5.5 Academic and cultural life, sporting events
Calendar of events of the entire university and the facultiesFull archiving  
General event management (organisation, catering, technology, flower arrangements, etc.).Destruction (after expiry of retention periods)  
Correspondence with prominent guests of honour or keynote speakersSelection archiving  
Speeches at the academic anniversary celebrations and other outstanding celebrations in the course of the year   
. outstanding celebrations throughout the yearFull archiving  
Programmes and examples of the regular celebrations throughout the yearSelection archiving  
Programmes and speeches for special ceremonies and commemorative eventsSelection archiving  
Programmes and work reports on other regular events throughout the year (e.g. Dies academicus)   
Selection archiving   
Programmes and work reports on advertising campaigns (e.g. Abituriententag, children's university or girls' day)Selection archiving  
Programmes and reports on artistic and sporting eventsSelection archiving  


(Source i.a.: Universitätspräsident der Universität des Saarlandes (ed.): Dokumentationsprofil für Archive wissenschaftlicher Hochschulen. A handout by Thomas Becker (Bonn), Werner Moritz (Heidelberg), Wolfgang Müller (Saarbrücken), Klaus Nippert (Karlsruhe) and Max Plassmann (Düsseldorf). Saarbrücken. 2009)

Storage of archive records

The following overview is intended to help you prepare for the transfer of documents to the archive and to give you an idea of the type and scope of documents held by the University Archives.

If you have any questions, please contact the archive staff.

1. Institution

1.1 Organisational structure
Staff directoriesFull archiving 
Lecture directoriesFull archiving 
Organisational and business allocation plans, upper and middle levelFull archiving 
Organisational and business distribution plans, lower levelSelection archiving 
File plans, upper and middle levelFull archiving 
File plans, lower levelSelection archiving 
Contributions to university legislationFull archiving 
University constitutionFull archiving 
StatutesFull archiving 
1.2 Committees
Minutes of the Rectorate or Presidential BoardFull archiving 
Senate minutesFull archiving 
Minutes of supervisory committees (e.g. University Council)Full archiving 
Minutes of the Administrative BoardFull archiving 
Minutes of the Faculty Council and other faculty committeesFull archiving 
Minutes of the General Student Committee (AStA)Full archiving 
Protocols of the student parliamentFull archiving 
Faculty council protocolsFull archiving 
Protocols of committees of the Senate or the facultiesExternal archiving 
1.3 Planning and strategy
Expansion planning, strategy and profile developmentselection archiving 
Discussion of mission statementselection archiving 
Capacity managementselection archiving 
Target agreements with ministriesselection archiving 
1.4 University members
Professors, main personnel filesFull archiving 
Professors, ancillary personnel filesSelection archiving 
Professors, Appointment filesFull archiving 
Professors, dean's files on the personFull archiving 
Other teaching staff of all kinds, Personnel filesFull archiving 
Other academic staff below professor level, personnel filesFull archiving 
Holders of senior administrative positions, personnel filesFull archiving 
Employees of administration, technology, libraries, computer centres, etc.a. in non-managerial positions, personnel filesFull archiving 
Student and research assistants, personnel filesDestruction (after expiry of retention periods) 
Students, Student filesFull archiving 
Statistics on students and staff in generalSelection archiving 
Student statistics per semesterFull archiving 
Files of disciplinary proceedings against students and staffFull archiving 
Files of processes involving staff and studentsSelection archiving 
1.5 Budgeting, foundations and funding organisations
Global budget of the entire universityFull archiving 
Compressed presentation of the implementation of the general budgetFull archiving 
Reports by the Court of AuditorsFull archiving 
Staffing planFull archiving 
Large equipment procurementSelection archiving 
Invoice vouchersDestruction (after expiry of retention periods) 
Budget monitoring listsDestruction (after expiry of retention periods) 
Funding organisation, Minutes and annual reportsFull archiving 
Foundation, other documentsSelection archiving 
Foundation in generalSelection archiving 
Foundation, annual accountsFull archiving 
1.6 International contacts
Contracts between higher education institutions and their initiationFull archiving 
Ongoing contacts between institutionsSelection archiving 
Annual report and other overviews of institutional contactsFull archiving 
Travel organisationDestruction (after expiry of retention periods) 
Contacts of individuals, Contracts and summary reportsFull archiving 
Contacts of individuals, individual casesSample education/selection archiving 
Applications and other material relating to inter-university programmes (scholarships abroad, summer courses, etc.)a.)Destruction (after expiry of retention periods) 
Relationships with institutions and personalities outside academiaSelection archiving 
1.7 Regional contacts
Contracts and their initiationFull archiving 
Continuing contactsSelection archiving 
High-level contacts with significant contentFull archiving 
1.8 Buildings
Exterior viewSelection archiving 
Interior viewSelection archiving 
Building plansSelection archiving 
Construction and property filesSelection archiving 
DetailedConversions and trivial installationsDestruction (after expiry of retention periods) 
Routine and ubiquitous security installationsDestruction (after expiry of retention periods) 
Unique or rare security installationsSelection archiving 
Technical InfrastructureSelection archiving 
Room distributionDestruction 
Naming of buildings and roomsSelection archiving 
Building modelsSelection archiving 
1.9 Scientific infrastructure - central facilities Central institutions
Routine tasksDestruction 
Organisational chartsFull archiving 
StatutesFull archiving 
Annual reports and statisticsFull archiving 
Minutes of the management levelFull archiving 
Exceptional activities (e.g. establishment of new services) Extensive archiving
History of the library statusExtensive archiving 
Land library functions of the university libraryExtensive archiving 
1.10 Honours (excluding honorary academic degrees)
Honourary senatorships and honorary citizenships, files and certificatesFull archiving 
Other honours (medals, titles, etc.), files and certificates  
Other honours (medals, titles, etc.), files and certificates  
Full archiving  


2. Research and teaching

2.1 Research
Activity reports of research institutionsSelection archiving
Printing of published research resultsDestruction
Progress of research projects generaldestruction
process of outstanding research projectsselection archiving
Scientific primary datasee notes from the University Library
Third-party funded research, Project applications, approvals and reportsFull archiving
Third-party funded research, Project funding at a glanceSelection archiving
Third-party funded research, other project managementDestruction (after expiry of retention periods)
Editorship and peer-review of outstanding journals with recognisable influence on the selection and content of articles or sociologically informative processesSelection archiving
Other EditorshipDestruction
Research transferSelection archiving
Patents and licencesFull archiving
2.2 Teaching
2.2.1 Courses
Lecture cataloguesFull archiving
Commentated lecture cataloguesFull archiving
Study regulations and curriculaFull archiving
Concepts for new degree programmesSelection archiving
E-Learning conceptsSelective archiving
Assignment of individual courses, individual references and statisticsselection archiving
Lecture notes (scripts)selection archiving
Teaching materialsselection archiving
Maintenance of SeminarsDestruction
Homework in the context of coursesDestruction (after expiry of retention periods)
Collection of materials for teachingDestruction
Studium generale, separate course catalogueFull archiving
Studium generale, content of outstanding coursesSelection archiving
2.2.2 Examinations, degrees and titles
Pre-degree examinationsDestruction (after expiry of the retention periods)
Intermediate master's examinationsDestruction (after expiry of the retention periods)
Other Intermediate examinationsDestruction (after expiry of the retention periods)
Examinations for achievements outside the final evaluationDestruction (after expiry of the retention periods)
Final examinations (Magister, Diploma, Bachelor, Master), examination certificates, possibly also curriculum vitae of the examinee, reportsFull archiving
Final examinations (Magister, Diplom, Bachelor, Master), other components of the examination file (without examination paper)Sample creation/destruction
Final examinations (Magister, Diplom, Bachelor, Master), Examination papersSample archiving
PhD files without dissertationsFull archiving
Dissertations (also as part of the examination file)Destruction
Habilitation filesFull archiving
Habilitation theses in generalDestruction
Unprinted habilitation theses without library transmissionFull archiving
Honourary academic degrees and titles awarded, Certificates, files and registersFull archiving
Degrees and titles awardedFull archiving


3. Student organisations

3.1 Student self-administration
General Students' Committee (AStA), minutesFull archiving
Fachschaften, MinutesFull archiving
Student Parliament, election resultsFull archiving
Student Parliament, minutesFull archiving
AStA and student councils, Accountability reportsFull archiving
AStA and student councils, semester programmesFull archiving
AStA departments, filesSelection archiving
Student council departments, FilesSelection archiving
Student conflictsSelection archiving
Flyers, posters, bannersSelection archiving
3.2 Student groups and corporations
AccreditationFull archiving
3.2.1 Political groups
Election programmesFull archiving
Semester programmesFull archiving
FlyersSelection archiving
JournalsFull archiving
3.2.2 Denominational groups (student communities)
Semester programmesFully archived
Annual reportsFully archived
3.2.3 Student Fraternities
Full Archiving
3.2.4 Other Groups
Full Archiving
3.3 Alumni organisations
Organisational structure, task definition and task fulfilmentSelection archiving
Database on alumniFull archiving


4. estates

A classification into the evaluation categories does not take place here. With + (= rather in favour of archiving), - (= rather in favour of destruction) and O (= for particularly sensitive consideration of the individual case), only a general evaluation tendency is communicated, which is, however, completely non-binding for the individual case.

Documents on stages of the life path+
Sources on characteristics of the life path+
Expressive correspondence+
Unpublished works and lecture text+
Certificates of professional professional activity+
Autobiographical material+
Appointment diariesO
Collections material not originating with the descendant in generalO
Collections of newspaper cuttings-
Collections of third-party offprints-
Travel documents of a purely organisational nature-
Documents relating to the organisation of conferences attended-
Invitations of no particular informational value-
Private library-
Monographic works of the estate without traces of editing-
Manual copies of works by the author with traces of editing+
Collections of the author's writings that can hardly be reconstructed from public libraries+
Testimonies of the process of creation of scientific works-


5. Collections

5.1 Visual material
ProfessorsSelection archiving  
Buildings and campusSelection archiving  
Works of art, monuments and other outstanding objectsSelection archiving  
Significant research equipmentSelection archiving  
Events (anniversaries, regular celebrations, sporting events, etc.)Events (anniversaries, regular celebrations, sporting events, etc.)Events (anniversaries, regular celebrations, sporting events, etc.)Selection archiving
Academic everyday lifeSelection archiving  
5.3 Audio documents and films
Selection archiving  
5.4 Self-representation and media coverage
Annual reports and other work reports in generalExternal link  
Annual reports from top positions (especially Rector and President)And other work reports in generalAuthorisation 
Authorisation of the university. President)Full archiving 
Files for the preparation of annual reports in generalDestruction  
Files for the preparation of selective reports (e.g. annual report of the Rector) with additional information contentSelection archiving  
Press releasesFull archiving  
Press reviewsFull archiving  
Collections of the press office on members and institutions of the universityCollections of the press office on members and university institutionsFull archiving 
Other press office filesDestruction  
Press office photo collectionSelection archiving  
HochschulzeitungFull archiving  
AStA- and student council newspapersFull archiving  
Files of journal editorsDestruction  
Corporate design, Development and introduction as well as samples and rightsFull archiving  
Advertising materialSelection archiving  
Internet pagesSelection archiving  
5.5 Academic and cultural life, sporting events
Calendar of events of the entire university and the facultiesFull archiving  
General event management (organisation, catering, technology, flower arrangements, etc.).Destruction (after expiry of retention periods)  
Correspondence with prominent guests of honour or keynote speakersSelection archiving  
Speeches at the academic anniversary celebrations and other outstanding celebrations in the course of the year   
. outstanding celebrations throughout the yearFull archiving  
Programmes and examples of the regular celebrations throughout the yearSelection archiving  
Programmes and speeches for special ceremonies and commemorative eventsSelection archiving  
Programmes and work reports on other regular events throughout the year (e.g. Dies academicus)   
Selection archiving   
Programmes and work reports on advertising campaigns (e.g. Abituriententag, children's university or girls' day)Selection archiving  
Programmes and reports on artistic and sporting eventsSelection archiving  


(Source i.a.: Universitätspräsident der Universität des Saarlandes (ed.): Dokumentationsprofil für Archive wissenschaftlicher Hochschulen. A handout by Thomas Becker (Bonn), Werner Moritz (Heidelberg), Wolfgang Müller (Saarbrücken), Klaus Nippert (Karlsruhe) and Max Plassmann (Düsseldorf). Saarbrücken. 2009)

Storage of archive records

The following overview is intended to help you prepare for the transfer of documents to the archive and to give you an idea of the type and scope of documents held by the University Archives.

If you have any questions, please contact the archive staff.

1. Institution

1.1 Organisational structure
Staff directoriesFull archiving 
Lecture directoriesFull archiving 
Organisational and business allocation plans, upper and middle levelFull archiving 
Organisational and business distribution plans, lower levelSelection archiving 
File plans, upper and middle levelFull archiving 
File plans, lower levelSelection archiving 
Contributions to university legislationFull archiving 
University constitutionFull archiving 
StatutesFull archiving 
1.2 Committees
Minutes of the Rectorate or Presidential BoardFull archiving 
Senate minutesFull archiving 
Minutes of supervisory committees (e.g. University Council)Full archiving 
Minutes of the Administrative BoardFull archiving 
Minutes of the Faculty Council and other faculty committeesFull archiving 
Minutes of the General Student Committee (AStA)Full archiving 
Protocols of the student parliamentFull archiving 
Faculty council protocolsFull archiving 
Protocols of committees of the Senate or the facultiesExternal archiving 
1.3 Planning and strategy
Expansion planning, strategy and profile developmentselection archiving 
Discussion of mission statementselection archiving 
Capacity managementselection archiving 
Target agreements with ministriesselection archiving 
1.4 University members
Professors, main personnel filesFull archiving 
Professors, ancillary personnel filesSelection archiving 
Professors, Appointment filesFull archiving 
Professors, dean's files on the personFull archiving 
Other teaching staff of all kinds, Personnel filesFull archiving 
Other academic staff below professor level, personnel filesFull archiving 
Holders of senior administrative positions, personnel filesFull archiving 
Employees of administration, technology, libraries, computer centres, etc.a. in non-managerial positions, personnel filesFull archiving 
Student and research assistants, personnel filesDestruction (after expiry of retention periods) 
Students, Student filesFull archiving 
Statistics on students and staff in generalSelection archiving 
Student statistics per semesterFull archiving 
Files of disciplinary proceedings against students and staffFull archiving 
Files of processes involving staff and studentsSelection archiving 
1.5 Budgeting, foundations and funding organisations
Global budget of the entire universityFull archiving 
Compressed presentation of the implementation of the general budgetFull archiving 
Reports by the Court of AuditorsFull archiving 
Staffing planFull archiving 
Large equipment procurementSelection archiving 
Invoice vouchersDestruction (after expiry of retention periods) 
Budget monitoring listsDestruction (after expiry of retention periods) 
Funding organisation, Minutes and annual reportsFull archiving 
Foundation, other documentsSelection archiving 
Foundation in generalSelection archiving 
Foundation, annual accountsFull archiving 
1.6 International contacts
Contracts between higher education institutions and their initiationFull archiving 
Ongoing contacts between institutionsSelection archiving 
Annual report and other overviews of institutional contactsFull archiving 
Travel organisationDestruction (after expiry of retention periods) 
Contacts of individuals, Contracts and summary reportsFull archiving 
Contacts of individuals, individual casesSample education/selection archiving 
Applications and other material relating to inter-university programmes (scholarships abroad, summer courses, etc.)a.)Destruction (after expiry of retention periods) 
Relationships with institutions and personalities outside academiaSelection archiving 
1.7 Regional contacts
Contracts and their initiationFull archiving 
Continuing contactsSelection archiving 
High-level contacts with significant contentFull archiving 
1.8 Buildings
Exterior viewSelection archiving 
Interior viewSelection archiving 
Building plansSelection archiving 
Construction and property filesSelection archiving 
DetailedConversions and trivial installationsDestruction (after expiry of retention periods) 
Routine and ubiquitous security installationsDestruction (after expiry of retention periods) 
Unique or rare security installationsSelection archiving 
Technical InfrastructureSelection archiving 
Room distributionDestruction 
Naming of buildings and roomsSelection archiving 
Building modelsSelection archiving 
1.9 Scientific infrastructure - central facilities Central institutions
Routine tasksDestruction 
Organisational chartsFull archiving 
StatutesFull archiving 
Annual reports and statisticsFull archiving 
Minutes of the management levelFull archiving 
Exceptional activities (e.g. establishment of new services) Extensive archiving
History of the library statusExtensive archiving 
Land library functions of the university libraryExtensive archiving 
1.10 Honours (excluding honorary academic degrees)
Honourary senatorships and honorary citizenships, files and certificatesFull archiving 
Other honours (medals, titles, etc.), files and certificates  
Other honours (medals, titles, etc.), files and certificates  
Full archiving  


2. Research and teaching

2.1 Research
Activity reports of research institutionsSelection archiving
Printing of published research resultsDestruction
Progress of research projects generaldestruction
process of outstanding research projectsselection archiving
Scientific primary datasee notes from the University Library
Third-party funded research, Project applications, approvals and reportsFull archiving
Third-party funded research, Project funding at a glanceSelection archiving
Third-party funded research, other project managementDestruction (after expiry of retention periods)
Editorship and peer-review of outstanding journals with recognisable influence on the selection and content of articles or sociologically informative processesSelection archiving
Other EditorshipDestruction
Research transferSelection archiving
Patents and licencesFull archiving
2.2 Teaching
2.2.1 Courses
Lecture cataloguesFull archiving
Commentated lecture cataloguesFull archiving
Study regulations and curriculaFull archiving
Concepts for new degree programmesSelection archiving
E-Learning conceptsSelective archiving
Assignment of individual courses, individual references and statisticsselection archiving
Lecture notes (scripts)selection archiving
Teaching materialsselection archiving
Maintenance of SeminarsDestruction
Homework in the context of coursesDestruction (after expiry of retention periods)
Collection of materials for teachingDestruction
Studium generale, separate course catalogueFull archiving
Studium generale, content of outstanding coursesSelection archiving
2.2.2 Examinations, degrees and titles
Pre-degree examinationsDestruction (after expiry of the retention periods)
Intermediate master's examinationsDestruction (after expiry of the retention periods)
Other Intermediate examinationsDestruction (after expiry of the retention periods)
Examinations for achievements outside the final evaluationDestruction (after expiry of the retention periods)
Final examinations (Magister, Diploma, Bachelor, Master), examination certificates, possibly also curriculum vitae of the examinee, reportsFull archiving
Final examinations (Magister, Diplom, Bachelor, Master), other components of the examination file (without examination paper)Sample creation/destruction
Final examinations (Magister, Diplom, Bachelor, Master), Examination papersSample archiving
PhD files without dissertationsFull archiving
Dissertations (also as part of the examination file)Destruction
Habilitation filesFull archiving
Habilitation theses in generalDestruction
Unprinted habilitation theses without library transmissionFull archiving
Honourary academic degrees and titles awarded, Certificates, files and registersFull archiving
Degrees and titles awardedFull archiving


3. Student organisations

3.1 Student self-administration
General Students' Committee (AStA), minutesFull archiving
Fachschaften, MinutesFull archiving
Student Parliament, election resultsFull archiving
Student Parliament, minutesFull archiving
AStA and student councils, Accountability reportsFull archiving
AStA and student councils, semester programmesFull archiving
AStA departments, filesSelection archiving
Student council departments, FilesSelection archiving
Student conflictsSelection archiving
Flyers, posters, bannersSelection archiving
3.2 Student groups and corporations
AccreditationFull archiving
3.2.1 Political groups
Election programmesFull archiving
Semester programmesFull archiving
FlyersSelection archiving
JournalsFull archiving
3.2.2 Denominational groups (student communities)
Semester programmesFully archived
Annual reportsFully archived
3.2.3 Student Fraternities
Full Archiving
3.2.4 Other Groups
Full Archiving
3.3 Alumni organisations
Organisational structure, task definition and task fulfilmentSelection archiving
Database on alumniFull archiving


4. estates

A classification into the evaluation categories does not take place here. With + (= rather in favour of archiving), - (= rather in favour of destruction) and O (= for particularly sensitive consideration of the individual case), only a general evaluation tendency is communicated, which is, however, completely non-binding for the individual case.

Documents on stages of the life path+
Sources on characteristics of the life path+
Expressive correspondence+
Unpublished works and lecture text+
Certificates of professional professional activity+
Autobiographical material+
Appointment diariesO
Collections material not originating with the descendant in generalO
Collections of newspaper cuttings-
Collections of third-party offprints-
Travel documents of a purely organisational nature-
Documents relating to the organisation of conferences attended-
Invitations of no particular informational value-
Private library-
Monographic works of the estate without traces of editing-
Manual copies of works by the author with traces of editing+
Collections of the author's writings that can hardly be reconstructed from public libraries+
Testimonies of the process of creation of scientific works-


5. Collections

5.1 Visual material
ProfessorsSelection archiving  
Buildings and campusSelection archiving  
Works of art, monuments and other outstanding objectsSelection archiving  
Significant research equipmentSelection archiving  
Events (anniversaries, regular celebrations, sporting events, etc.)Events (anniversaries, regular celebrations, sporting events, etc.)Events (anniversaries, regular celebrations, sporting events, etc.)Selection archiving
Academic everyday lifeSelection archiving  
5.3 Audio documents and films
Selection archiving  
5.4 Self-representation and media coverage
Annual reports and other work reports in generalExternal link  
Annual reports from top positions (especially Rector and President)And other work reports in generalAuthorisation 
Authorisation of the university. President)Full archiving 
Files for the preparation of annual reports in generalDestruction  
Files for the preparation of selective reports (e.g. annual report of the Rector) with additional information contentSelection archiving  
Press releasesFull archiving  
Press reviewsFull archiving  
Collections of the press office on members and institutions of the universityCollections of the press office on members and university institutionsFull archiving 
Other press office filesDestruction  
Press office photo collectionSelection archiving  
HochschulzeitungFull archiving  
AStA- and student council newspapersFull archiving  
Files of journal editorsDestruction  
Corporate design, Development and introduction as well as samples and rightsFull archiving  
Advertising materialSelection archiving  
Internet pagesSelection archiving  
5.5 Academic and cultural life, sporting events
Calendar of events of the entire university and the facultiesFull archiving  
General event management (organisation, catering, technology, flower arrangements, etc.).Destruction (after expiry of retention periods)  
Correspondence with prominent guests of honour or keynote speakersSelection archiving  
Speeches at the academic anniversary celebrations and other outstanding celebrations in the course of the year   
. outstanding celebrations throughout the yearFull archiving  
Programmes and examples of the regular celebrations throughout the yearSelection archiving  
Programmes and speeches for special ceremonies and commemorative eventsSelection archiving  
Programmes and work reports on other regular events throughout the year (e.g. Dies academicus)   
Selection archiving   
Programmes and work reports on advertising campaigns (e.g. Abituriententag, children's university or girls' day)Selection archiving  
Programmes and reports on artistic and sporting eventsSelection archiving  


(Source i.a.: Universitätspräsident der Universität des Saarlandes (ed.): Dokumentationsprofil für Archive wissenschaftlicher Hochschulen. A handout by Thomas Becker (Bonn), Werner Moritz (Heidelberg), Wolfgang Müller (Saarbrücken), Klaus Nippert (Karlsruhe) and Max Plassmann (Düsseldorf). Saarbrücken. 2009)

Storage of archive records

The following overview is intended to help you prepare for the transfer of documents to the archive and to give you an idea of the type and scope of documents held by the University Archives.

If you have any questions, please contact the archive staff.

1. Institution

1.1 Organisational structure
Staff directoriesFull archiving 
Lecture directoriesFull archiving 
Organisational and business allocation plans, upper and middle levelFull archiving 
Organisational and business distribution plans, lower levelSelection archiving 
File plans, upper and middle levelFull archiving 
File plans, lower levelSelection archiving 
Contributions to university legislationFull archiving 
University constitutionFull archiving 
StatutesFull archiving 
1.2 Committees
Minutes of the Rectorate or Presidential BoardFull archiving 
Senate minutesFull archiving 
Minutes of supervisory committees (e.g. University Council)Full archiving 
Minutes of the Administrative BoardFull archiving 
Minutes of the Faculty Council and other faculty committeesFull archiving 
Minutes of the General Student Committee (AStA)Full archiving 
Protocols of the student parliamentFull archiving 
Faculty council protocolsFull archiving 
Protocols of committees of the Senate or the facultiesExternal archiving 
1.3 Planning and strategy
Expansion planning, strategy and profile developmentselection archiving 
Discussion of mission statementselection archiving 
Capacity managementselection archiving 
Target agreements with ministriesselection archiving 
1.4 University members
Professors, main personnel filesFull archiving 
Professors, ancillary personnel filesSelection archiving 
Professors, Appointment filesFull archiving 
Professors, dean's files on the personFull archiving 
Other teaching staff of all kinds, Personnel filesFull archiving 
Other academic staff below professor level, personnel filesFull archiving 
Holders of senior administrative positions, personnel filesFull archiving 
Employees of administration, technology, libraries, computer centres, etc.a. in non-managerial positions, personnel filesFull archiving 
Student and research assistants, personnel filesDestruction (after expiry of retention periods) 
Students, Student filesFull archiving 
Statistics on students and staff in generalSelection archiving 
Student statistics per semesterFull archiving 
Files of disciplinary proceedings against students and staffFull archiving 
Files of processes involving staff and studentsSelection archiving 
1.5 Budgeting, foundations and funding organisations
Global budget of the entire universityFull archiving 
Compressed presentation of the implementation of the general budgetFull archiving 
Reports by the Court of AuditorsFull archiving 
Staffing planFull archiving 
Large equipment procurementSelection archiving 
Invoice vouchersDestruction (after expiry of retention periods) 
Budget monitoring listsDestruction (after expiry of retention periods) 
Funding organisation, Minutes and annual reportsFull archiving 
Foundation, other documentsSelection archiving 
Foundation in generalSelection archiving 
Foundation, annual accountsFull archiving 
1.6 International contacts
Contracts between higher education institutions and their initiationFull archiving 
Ongoing contacts between institutionsSelection archiving 
Annual report and other overviews of institutional contactsFull archiving 
Travel organisationDestruction (after expiry of retention periods) 
Contacts of individuals, Contracts and summary reportsFull archiving 
Contacts of individuals, individual casesSample education/selection archiving 
Applications and other material relating to inter-university programmes (scholarships abroad, summer courses, etc.)a.)Destruction (after expiry of retention periods) 
Relationships with institutions and personalities outside academiaSelection archiving 
1.7 Regional contacts
Contracts and their initiationFull archiving 
Continuing contactsSelection archiving 
High-level contacts with significant contentFull archiving 
1.8 Buildings
Exterior viewSelection archiving 
Interior viewSelection archiving 
Building plansSelection archiving 
Construction and property filesSelection archiving 
DetailedConversions and trivial installationsDestruction (after expiry of retention periods) 
Routine and ubiquitous security installationsDestruction (after expiry of retention periods) 
Unique or rare security installationsSelection archiving 
Technical InfrastructureSelection archiving 
Room distributionDestruction 
Naming of buildings and roomsSelection archiving 
Building modelsSelection archiving 
1.9 Scientific infrastructure - central facilities Central institutions
Routine tasksDestruction 
Organisational chartsFull archiving 
StatutesFull archiving 
Annual reports and statisticsFull archiving 
Minutes of the management levelFull archiving 
Exceptional activities (e.g. establishment of new services) Extensive archiving
History of the library statusExtensive archiving 
Land library functions of the university libraryExtensive archiving 
1.10 Honours (excluding honorary academic degrees)
Honourary senatorships and honorary citizenships, files and certificatesFull archiving 
Other honours (medals, titles, etc.), files and certificates  
Other honours (medals, titles, etc.), files and certificates  
Full archiving  


2. Research and teaching

2.1 Research
Activity reports of research institutionsSelection archiving
Printing of published research resultsDestruction
Progress of research projects generaldestruction
process of outstanding research projectsselection archiving
Scientific primary datasee notes from the University Library
Third-party funded research, Project applications, approvals and reportsFull archiving
Third-party funded research, Project funding at a glanceSelection archiving
Third-party funded research, other project managementDestruction (after expiry of retention periods)
Editorship and peer-review of outstanding journals with recognisable influence on the selection and content of articles or sociologically informative processesSelection archiving
Other EditorshipDestruction
Research transferSelection archiving
Patents and licencesFull archiving
2.2 Teaching
2.2.1 Courses
Lecture cataloguesFull archiving
Commentated lecture cataloguesFull archiving
Study regulations and curriculaFull archiving
Concepts for new degree programmesSelection archiving
E-Learning conceptsSelective archiving
Assignment of individual courses, individual references and statisticsselection archiving
Lecture notes (scripts)selection archiving
Teaching materialsselection archiving
Maintenance of SeminarsDestruction
Homework in the context of coursesDestruction (after expiry of retention periods)
Collection of materials for teachingDestruction
Studium generale, separate course catalogueFull archiving
Studium generale, content of outstanding coursesSelection archiving
2.2.2 Examinations, degrees and titles
Pre-degree examinationsDestruction (after expiry of the retention periods)
Intermediate master's examinationsDestruction (after expiry of the retention periods)
Other Intermediate examinationsDestruction (after expiry of the retention periods)
Examinations for achievements outside the final evaluationDestruction (after expiry of the retention periods)
Final examinations (Magister, Diploma, Bachelor, Master), examination certificates, possibly also curriculum vitae of the examinee, reportsFull archiving
Final examinations (Magister, Diplom, Bachelor, Master), other components of the examination file (without examination paper)Sample creation/destruction
Final examinations (Magister, Diplom, Bachelor, Master), Examination papersSample archiving
PhD files without dissertationsFull archiving
Dissertations (also as part of the examination file)Destruction
Habilitation filesFull archiving
Habilitation theses in generalDestruction
Unprinted habilitation theses without library transmissionFull archiving
Honourary academic degrees and titles awarded, Certificates, files and registersFull archiving
Degrees and titles awardedFull archiving


3. Student organisations

3.1 Student self-administration
General Students' Committee (AStA), minutesFull archiving
Fachschaften, MinutesFull archiving
Student Parliament, election resultsFull archiving
Student Parliament, minutesFull archiving
AStA and student councils, Accountability reportsFull archiving
AStA and student councils, semester programmesFull archiving
AStA departments, filesSelection archiving
Student council departments, FilesSelection archiving
Student conflictsSelection archiving
Flyers, posters, bannersSelection archiving
3.2 Student groups and corporations
AccreditationFull archiving
3.2.1 Political groups
Election programmesFull archiving
Semester programmesFull archiving
FlyersSelection archiving
JournalsFull archiving
3.2.2 Denominational groups (student communities)
Semester programmesFully archived
Annual reportsFully archived
3.2.3 Student Fraternities
Full Archiving
3.2.4 Other Groups
Full Archiving
3.3 Alumni organisations
Organisational structure, task definition and task fulfilmentSelection archiving
Database on alumniFull archiving


4. estates

A classification into the evaluation categories does not take place here. With + (= rather in favour of archiving), - (= rather in favour of destruction) and O (= for particularly sensitive consideration of the individual case), only a general evaluation tendency is communicated, which is, however, completely non-binding for the individual case.

Documents on stages of the life path+
Sources on characteristics of the life path+
Expressive correspondence+
Unpublished works and lecture text+
Certificates of professional professional activity+
Autobiographical material+
Appointment diariesO
Collections material not originating with the descendant in generalO
Collections of newspaper cuttings-
Collections of third-party offprints-
Travel documents of a purely organisational nature-
Documents relating to the organisation of conferences attended-
Invitations of no particular informational value-
Private library-
Monographic works of the estate without traces of editing-
Manual copies of works by the author with traces of editing+
Collections of the author's writings that can hardly be reconstructed from public libraries+
Testimonies of the process of creation of scientific works-


5. Collections

5.1 Visual material
ProfessorsSelection archiving  
Buildings and campusSelection archiving  
Works of art, monuments and other outstanding objectsSelection archiving  
Significant research equipmentSelection archiving  
Events (anniversaries, regular celebrations, sporting events, etc.)Events (anniversaries, regular celebrations, sporting events, etc.)Events (anniversaries, regular celebrations, sporting events, etc.)Selection archiving
Academic everyday lifeSelection archiving  
5.3 Audio documents and films
Selection archiving  
5.4 Self-representation and media coverage
Annual reports and other work reports in generalExternal link  
Annual reports from top positions (especially Rector and President)And other work reports in generalAuthorisation 
Authorisation of the university. President)Full archiving 
Files for the preparation of annual reports in generalDestruction  
Files for the preparation of selective reports (e.g. annual report of the Rector) with additional information contentSelection archiving  
Press releasesFull archiving  
Press reviewsFull archiving  
Collections of the press office on members and institutions of the universityCollections of the press office on members and university institutionsFull archiving 
Other press office filesDestruction  
Press office photo collectionSelection archiving  
HochschulzeitungFull archiving  
AStA- and student council newspapersFull archiving  
Files of journal editorsDestruction  
Corporate design, Development and introduction as well as samples and rightsFull archiving  
Advertising materialSelection archiving  
Internet pagesSelection archiving  
5.5 Academic and cultural life, sporting events
Calendar of events of the entire university and the facultiesFull archiving  
General event management (organisation, catering, technology, flower arrangements, etc.).Destruction (after expiry of retention periods)  
Correspondence with prominent guests of honour or keynote speakersSelection archiving  
Speeches at the academic anniversary celebrations and other outstanding celebrations in the course of the year   
. outstanding celebrations throughout the yearFull archiving  
Programmes and examples of the regular celebrations throughout the yearSelection archiving  
Programmes and speeches for special ceremonies and commemorative eventsSelection archiving  
Programmes and work reports on other regular events throughout the year (e.g. Dies academicus)   
Selection archiving   
Programmes and work reports on advertising campaigns (e.g. Abituriententag, children's university or girls' day)Selection archiving  
Programmes and reports on artistic and sporting eventsSelection archiving  


(Source i.a.: Universitätspräsident der Universität des Saarlandes (ed.): Dokumentationsprofil für Archive wissenschaftlicher Hochschulen. A handout by Thomas Becker (Bonn), Werner Moritz (Heidelberg), Wolfgang Müller (Saarbrücken), Klaus Nippert (Karlsruhe) and Max Plassmann (Düsseldorf). Saarbrücken. 2009)