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The interface between science, industry and politics

Since 2005, the IEC has organized the „International Freiberg Conference“ – a leading international conference which addresses a wide range of socio-technological-economical-ecological-political topics relating to the thermo-chemical conversion of carbonaceous feedstock and its contribution to decarbonization and zero waste.

Specifically, the event focuses on opportunities, challenges and developments in thermo-chemical conversion of primary and secondary carbon resources into chemical products/hydrogen/fuels for the transition towards a low carbon, circular and hydrogen economy. It provides a high-level interactive discussion forum for specialists, practitioners and stakeholders from industry, science, politics and civic society to exchange information and insights about new developments, current/planned projects and operational experiences along innovative carbon value chains.

Previous conferences have been held in various locations in Germany as well as in Inner Mongolia in China.

In addition to a stimulating scientific conference program, the event also includes exciting on-site and off-site technical tours. During the tours, participants not only obtain first-hand experience of the facilities, they also have the opportunity to engage experts and industry specialists on-site in intensive discussion about their activities.

Last but not least, the conference program also consists of interesting social events (e.g. welcome reception, conference dinner, walking tours) which are dedicated to facilitating networking and interaction between conference participants.


Reiche Zeche
Fuchsmuehlenweg 9 D
09599 Freiberg/Germany

Sindy Bauersfeld
+49 3731 39-4536
ifc [at] iec [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (ifc[at]iec[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)