
Der Lehrstuhl ist bemüht ein möglichst breites Spektrum an Forschungsthemen innerhalb des Umwelt- und Ressourcenmanagements abzudecken. Sowohl Nachhaltigkeit als auch Ressourceneffektivität stehen dabei im Mittelpunkt.
Auch durch die Beteiligung an der Lehre der TU Bergakademie erwirtschaftet der Lehrstuhl finanzielle Mittel.
Aktuelle Forschungsprojekte:
- Life Cycle Assessment
- Multi-mineral extraction
- Energy from renewable sources for the mining and minerals sector
- Smart Mining
- Selecting “green” construction products as a complex issue of decision-making
- Urban mining / Recycling
- Innovation through networking
- Mineral Extraction from old Waste Dumps
- Mine Water Management (under extreme conditions)
- Educational development projects between Germany and resource rich economies
- Ecological and economic assessment of the smart mining technology
Vergangene Forschungsprojekte:
- Procurement strategies for Rare Earths
- Grid Parity of Photovoltaics
- Optimal Poly-Metallic Mining
- Low Carbon Energy in the Automotive Industry
- Local Governments and Innovations
- Resource - Efficient Production and Provision of Products
- Alumni Seminar in Mexico
- Alumni Seminar in Indonesia
- Erneuerbare Energien im ländlichen Raum
- 3rd International Seminar on Society and Materials - SAM3
- Sustainability of Steel
- DiMo: A BMBF financed study on the marketability of silicium panels in cooperation with the Institute of Technical Chemistry (Prof. Bertau), the introduction of an Environmental Management System at a steel manufacturer as well as the development of Factsheets
- Pfaffroda
- Alumni Seminar in Africa
- Expert Seminar
- Introducing an EMS for a Steel Manufacturer
- WassErleben