
Prof Dr Michael Höck
Holder of the professorship
Castle Square 1, Room 3.101
Michael.Hoeck [at]
+49 3731 39-2676
Wednesdays: 17.00-18.00
Curriculum Vitae
Time | Activity |
Since 2008 | University Professor at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg. Holder of the Chair of Industrial Management/Production Economics, Logistics. |
2007 | Professor, Operations Management, GISMA Business School, Hanover |
2005 - 2006 | Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Operations Management, Krannert School of Management, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA. |
2005 | Habilitation with the topic "Dienstleistungsmanagement aus produktionswirtschaftlicher Sicht" at the University of Hamburg, Department of Economics (venia legendi). |
2002 | Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Operations Management, Krannert School of Management, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA. |
2000 - 2001 | Visiting Research Fellow, Department of Operations Management, Krannert School of Management and Center for Customer-Driven Quality, School of Consumer & Family Sciences, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA. |
1997 - 2004 | Scientific Assistant at the Institute for Industrial Management and Organisation, Department of Industrial Management, University of Hamburg, Head: Prof. Dr. K.-W. Hansmann. |
1997 | PhD with dissertation on "Production planning and control of flexible manufacturing" at the University of Hamburg, Department of Economics (summa cum laude). |
1993 - 1997 | Scientific assistant at the Institute of Industrial Management and Organisation, University of Hamburg, Head: Prof. Dr. K.-W. Hansmann. |
1993 | Scientific assistant at the Institute of Industrial Management, University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg, Director: Prof. Dr K.-W. Hansmann. |
1987 - 1992 | Study of Business Administration at the University of Hamburg. |
Selected publications
Time | Description |
2005 | Dienstleistungsmanagement aus produktionswirtschaftlicher Sicht, Wiesbaden 2005 (also habilitation thesis). |
1998 | Produktionsplanung und -steuerung einer flexiblen Fertigung, Wiesbaden 1998 (also dissertation). |