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There are several Apple iPads available to borrow.

Use our service and borrow an iPad for a fortnight. Take it home with you - study, write, research. The use of an individual Apple ID is a prerequisite for using the iPads. After authenticating the device in self-service, it is of course also possible to use the "eduroam" WLAN in our building and on campus.

You only need to carry out the following steps if you want to connect to the TUBAF eduroam WLAN network. If you want to use the iPad in a local network, you can log in to your network as normal via Settings > WLAN.

Setting up eduroam

The best way to set up the eduroam WLAN network is in our library. There are PCs available here that you need for the configuration. All steps must be repeated for each iPad you borrow.

  1. Go to the service portal PC on the first floor or to one of our internet workstations with the iPad.
  2. Create an app password for eduroam for this iPad in the service portal. Leave the password open for now.
  3. Setting up the eduroam WLAN requires an internet connection. The easiest way to do this on site in the library is with a mobile hotspot from your smartphone.
  4. Log in on the iPad with your Apple ID.
  5. Download the latest geteduroam app, install the application and follow the installation instructions.
  6. In the login window, enter your central university login with the realm @tu-freiberg de as the user name (e.g. ab12defg [at] tu-freiberg [dot] de).
  7. Type in the password exactly as it is displayed in the service portal - including hyphens.
  8. The configuration is now complete. Be sure to log out of the self-service portal on your PC!

Lending and renewal

The iPads can be borrowed from the lending and information desk. They can be borrowed for a fortnight.

You can find the iPads in the cataloge.


The iPad can only be returned at the circulation and information desk. It cannot be returned at the book return machine. After the return, any data you have saved, logins you have set up and apps you have installed will be automatically and completely deleted from the device.