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The University Library offers access to a selection of electronic books (e-books) via the cataloge.
The range of e-books is constantly being expanded and covers all subject areas. In addition, many digital publications are available via the DFG-funded national licences.

Access options

Access to electronic resources is possible on the campus network. Authorised users are usually university members and people who visit the library and have a valid library card. Access from outside the campus network is only possible for university members via VPN configuration or in some cases via Shibboleth login.

Problems with access?

Possible reasons:

  • You are not in the campus network. Please check whether you have established a VPN connection.
  • The University Library has not licenced the e-book. For acquisition suggestions, please use the following form or contact the staff of the respective subject departments.

If access to a licensed e-book is still not possible, please contact us by email (erwerb [at] ub [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de or auskunft [at] ub [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de).

Terms of use

The following generally applies to fee-based publishing offers:

  • Articles/chapters may only be saved or printed to an extent that corresponds to the individual scientific activity of the respective user.
  • Articles/chapters may not be passed on to third parties either electronically or in printed form.
  • The bibliographic data and content of the articles/chapters offered may not be changed or altered in any way.
  • The systematic downloading or printing of entire works, even if spread over several sessions, is not permitted. (Agreement within the meaning of Section 60g (2) UrhG)

Please be sure to observe the terms of use of the publishers or editors, as non-compliance can lead to access being blocked for the entire campus.

Searching for e-books

Please use our catalogue.

In addition, you will find recommendations for subject-related e-book collections on the subject department pages.

We also offer e-books via the online platform ProQuest Ebook Central™, where you can find specialist literature from numerous renowned scientific publishers.

Currently, members of the TU Bergakademie Freiberg have access to around 12,000 selected titles in our catalogue campus-wide or via VPN . The number of titles is updated monthly on the basis of various subject profiles.

These e-books are initially available as a one-day loan (short term loan). If the e-book is used again after this one-day loan, the library acquires the e-book permanently.

These e-books are equipped with digital rights management rights. This allocates usage time and prevents the unlawful creation and distribution of digital copies, i.e. limited pages from an e-book can be printed out or saved as a PDF (image file with watermark - not searchable or copyable).

For downloads, a one-time free registration at Pro Quest Ebook Central is required.

After that you have the following options:

  • populate your own bookshelf with books
  • important text passages can be provided with your own notes or saved in reference management programmes (e.g. Citavi)

In most cases, the entire e-book can be downloaded in ePub or PDF/A format for a maximum of 7 days. To do this, you will need the free Adobe Digital Editions program or alternatively the "Bluefire Reader" program.

For organisational reasons, an e-book reader is not installed on the public PCs in the library. We recommend that you download the e-book to a device on which you would like to use it during this time.

These videos will show you how to do this! (

Team Monograph & E-Books
Winklerstraße 3
09599 Freiberg
erwerb [at]