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The University Library accepts deposit copies of the approved dissertation or habilitation thesis of TU Bergakademie Freiberg, checks compliance with the formal and technical requirements and confirms the receipt.

The regulations for the award of doctorates resp. the habilitation regulations and any amendments to the statutes of TU Bergakademie Freiberg apply.

Necessary regulations, handouts, information sheets and forms

Notes on publication

Printed edition:

  • The title page must comply with the requirements of the doctoral or habilitation regulations.
  • The accepted formats are DIN A4, A5 or intermediate sizes.
  • The pages may be printed on one or both sides.
  • The binding can be hardcover or softcover (paperback), please no spiral or ring binding.

Please make an appointment to hand over the printed copies.

Electronic edition:

We recommend the electronic publication of your dissertation or habilitation thesis on our repository Qucosa.

  • The file must be in PDF format (or better: PDF/A, more detailed information), must not be protected and must be identical to the printed version.
  • Please ensure that you do not infringe any third-party rights with the online publication.

Please proceed as follows:

  1. Enter the metadata and upload the PDF file via the Input assistant.
  2. Print out, fill in and sign the Declaration of consent.
  3. Please make an appointment to hand over the printed copies and the declaration form.


Parallel publication:

It is possible to publish your thesis in a commercial publishing house and on Qucosa. If you plan this, you should transfer non-exclusive rights of use or make additional agreements with the publisher to retain the right to deposit your work on a non-commercial repository. The SHERPA/RoMEO list provides an overview of what publishers allow.



Depending on the type of publication, a different number of printed copies must be submitted to the university library.

Type of publicationDissertationHabilitation thesis
Publisher's edition5 printed copies5 printed copies
Publication of key results in internationally recognised journals5 printed copies
5 printed copies and 
upload to Qucosa (see above for details)
5 printed copies and 
upload to Qucosa (see above for details)

5 printed copies and 
an additional 20 printed copies or as microfiches (or 75 copies for economics and social science papers)
5 printed copies and 
an additional 20 printed copies or microfiches (or 75 copies for economics and social science papers)


Cornelia Rau

Winklerstraße 3

+49 3731 39-3383
pflichtexemplar [at] ub [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de