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Many research funding organisations have now defined requirements for the handling of research data. Research data from publicly funded projects should be made openly available with as few restrictions as possible.

The data management plan (DMP) - a living document

The data management plan (DMP) is a central document in which all information and planned measures for the management of research data within a project are summarised. It should be understood as a living document that supports the planning and organisation of the storage, reusability and retrievability of research data, but also includes important topics such as data protection, copyright and licensing. The aim is to make research transparent in the spirit of open science and to store the data in a suitable repository as accessibly as possible.


Why create a DMP?

  • Increasingly part of a funding application
  • Basis for dealing with FD in the research process
  • Facilitates the fulfilment of reporting obligations
  • Facilitates the understanding, provision and (own) subsequent use of the data
  • Improves knowledge management in the event of staff changes
  • Reduces the risk of data loss
  • Facilitates coordination and cooperation

A DMP describes:

  • the creation and collection of the data
  • the data documentation
  • the access to the data
  • the responsibilities in the RDM
  • the data archiving
  • the modalities of data publication

For details on the structure of a DMP, see:

Examples of current requirements from research funders:

Horizon Europe

Requirement of a data management plan (DMP): Yes

  • Short, approx. one-page DMP is part of the project description.
  • Detailed DMP required no later than 6 months after the start of project funding

Content / Template:

  • Horizon Europe Template (PDF or via RDMO)

DMP updates:

  • must be updated in the course of the project if significant changes occur
  • at the end of the project

Requirement of a data management plan (DMP): Requirements may vary depending on the funding programme/tender; if so:

  • detailed DMP must be submitted no later than 6 months after the start of the project

Content / template:

  • depends on the respective funding programme

DMP updates:

  • observe programme-specific requirements
  • i.Usually DMP must be updated after completion of the project

Requirement for a data management plan (DMP): Yes

  • FDM fact sheet (PDF)

Content / template:

DMP updates:

  • must be updated during the course of the project
  • the latest, updated version of the DMP must be submitted with the final report

Requirement of a data management plan (DMP):

  • Description of the handling of FD in projects mandatory (since March 2022)


  • DFG checklist for appropriate handling of research data in DFG projects (PDF)

DMP updates: no

Requirement of a data management plan (DMP): Yes

Content / template:

DMP updates: no


Applying for funding for RDM

Costs for research data management (personnel and material costs) can be applied for from some funding organisations either at the time of application or subsequently.

The DFG has specified which costs can be applied for in relation to RDM for all funding formats:

The following can be applied for:

  • as project-specific costs
    • costs for the indexing and re-utilisation of research data
    • transfer of research data to a public repository (person-months, software and hardware)
  • as other costs
    • user fees and membership fees for repositories

->see also information on funds that can be applied for

For projects already funded by the Volkswagen Foundation, additional funding can be requested for the preparation of research data for subsequent use. The funding format "Data Reuse" was created for this purpose.

Funding amount: up to 100.000

Prerequisite for application:

  • Application is possible up to 6 months after the end of the project
  • The target repository (publicly accessible, at best certified) must already be established
  • A letter of support from the repository must also be submitted

Applications are possible:

  • Scientific staff
  • Other staff
  • Travel expenses
  • Other ongoing material costs (programmes, licences, contracts for work and services, etc.)
  • Other costs of the repository


  • Publication costs (fee for data storage in the target repository)
  • Detailed funding requirements can be found here (PDF)