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Rhena Wulf
Dr.-Ing. Rhena Wulf
wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Lampadius-Bau, Gustav-Zeuner-Straße 7, Raum 304
09599 Freiberg
Rhena.Wulf [at] +49 3731 39-2468

Professional background

Time periodActivity
2009Doctorate (Dr.-Ing.) on the topic "Thermal conductivity of heat-resistant and refractory insulating materials"
since 1998TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Professorship for Technical Thermodynamics, Research assistant
1992 to 1997Research studies and time spent bringing up children
1985 - 1991Study of energy application at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg
1982 - 1985Professional training as a machinist for thermal power plants with Abitur (BmA)


  • General organisation of teaching
  • Lecture and exercise for the course "Heat Transfer in Porous Media"
  • Exercises for the courses
    • Technical Thermodynamics I
    • Technical Thermodynamics II
    • Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer
    • Applied Thermodynamics
  • Processing of services
  • Conducting and analysing measurements to determine thermophysical material properties

  • Influencing factors on various thermophysical material properties
  • Heat conductivity of refractory construction and insulation materials (analysis of the different measurement results using different measurement methods including numerical simulation)
  • Increasing the resistance of high-temperature thermal insulation materials in industrial furnaces with a hydrogen-containing inert gas atmosphere
  • .thermal insulation materials in industrial furnaces with hydrogen-containing inert gas atmospheres (as part of the EBEST project/part of the thermal conductivity of insulation materials)
  • Thermophysical properties of the filter materials and filter structures as well as the effective heat transport processes during filtration (management of sub-project B3 as part of the CRC 920 "Multifunctional filters for molten metal filtration - a contribution to zero defect materials"; Project completion on 30.06.2023)