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With its new mentoring programme, TU Bergakademie Freiberg is sending out a strong signal for the promotion of female students from all disciplines. The "StudySisters" and "ScienceSisters" programmes offer targeted support for female students who want to successfully achieve their study goals and orient themselves professionally. Regardless of the subject, mentoring helps students to realise their full potential and navigate safely through the decisive phases of their studies.

At TU Bergakademie Freiberg, the proportion of women in STEM degree programmes is around 30%. This makes it all the more important for female students to create networks and support that promote exchange and further development. This is precisely where the two new mentoring programmes come in. While the StudySisters programme helps first-year students to find their way around university life and build a strong network, the ScienceSisters programme is aimed at female students at the end of their studies who are preparing to start a career or pursue a career in science.

"With our mentoring programmes, we want to give female students the opportunity to develop themselves further, make valuable contacts and receive support from experienced mentors," explains Antje Wehmeyer, project coordinator at the Graduate and Research Academy (GraFA) at TUBAF. "We see mentoring as an opportunity to inspire each other and use their studies as a springboard into the future."

ScienceSisters - With experience into the future

The ScienceSisters started their work in May this year. Nine female doctoral students are currently supporting nine mentees who are about to complete their diploma or master's degree programme. "Our programme has met with great interest," continues Wehmeyer. "There are many unanswered questions, especially in the final phase of a degree programme, whether it's about balancing career and family planning or further academic development. With the ScienceSisters, we want to encourage female students and show them that there are many ways to be successful - and that every experience they gain is valuable."

StudySisters - Confidently through the start of your studies

The StudySisters programme offers comprehensive support for first-year female students as they enter everyday university life. Workshops on soft skills, regular meetings in peer groups and mentoring by experienced female students help them to quickly find their bearings and establish their first networks. "We want to show female students right from the start that they are not alone and that there are many opportunities to develop further and find their own path," explains Wehmeyer.

The project started in the current semester, 20 participants have already signed up and there is still the opportunity to join the programme.

sisters [at] tu-freiberg [dot] de

Website of the programmes

Study Sisters mit Mentorinnen

Networking and exchange at eye level

The mentoring programme not only offers professional support, but also attaches great importance to personal exchange. Whether at seminars, workshops or evenings around the campfire, participants benefit from a trusting environment in which they can exchange ideas, support and inspire each other. It's not just about academic success, but also about developing career prospects and building important networks that remain valuable beyond their studies. The contacts are established in collaboration with Dr Constance Bornkampf, Alumni Representative, and Dr Theresa Wand (GraFA), who supports female doctoral students in the "Young Women to the Top" success team, among others.

Funded by the European Social Fund

The mentoring is part of the study success project "Increasing interdisciplinary competences of students at TU Bergakademie Freiberg", headed by Prof. Dr Swanhild Bernstein, Vice-Rector for Education and Quality Management in Teaching, and is funded by the European Social Fund (ESF). This initiative comprises six sub-projects that provide students with targeted support in various phases of their studies.

The mentoring sub-project "FemStudySuccess" is led by Prof Dr Yvonne Joseph, Equal Opportunities Officer at TUBAF and Head of the Institute for Nanoscale and Biobased Materials, and Dr Kristina Wopat, Director of the Graduate and Research Academy. Antje Wehmeyer and Laura Hohlfeld, research assistants, are available as contact persons for interested parties.

