The Verein der Freunde und Förderer der TU Bergakademie Freiberg e.V. celebrated its 100th anniversary with a two-day ceremony on 16 and 17 June 2022. With a total of almost 9 million euros in financial support since 1990, the association has made an important contribution to supporting students and researchers at the Bergakademie - past and present.
The festivities kicked off on Thursday evening with the stage play "Faust II and the Mining Sciences". Goethe's late work is also regarded as his overview of the development of the geosciences and mining technology. Actors from the TU Bergakademie Freiberg's theatre group recited excerpts from Goethe's Faust. Alternating with this and inspired by the respective scenes, Prof Jörg Matschullat, Junior Prof Sindy Fuhrman, Prof Egon Fahning and Prof Bernhard Cramer gave lectures from their specialist areas.
Friday was all about the aims of the association. At the annual members' meeting in the morning, the VFF finally congratulated the Bernhard von Cotta Award winners on two outstanding dissertations. The 2021 prizewinners are:
- Mrs Dr rer. nat. Hripsime Gevorgyan (Faculty of Geosciences, Geotechnics and Mining) Topic: "Physical volcanology and petrology of Quaternary ignimbrites of the Aragats Volcanic Province, western Armenia"
- Mr Dr - Ing.Johann Kirchner (Faculty of Mechanical, Process and Energy Engineering) Topic: "CO2 hydrogenation to CH4 on Fe-based catalysts"
The Bernhard von Cotta Prize is just one of many prizes that the VFF donates each year to promote research and teaching, thus recognising the achievements of young scientists. In line with the four guiding principles of tradition, support, promotion and networking, this recognition was also evident in the contributions at the ceremony. In addition to an outline of the history, which can be read in the commemorative publication published in 2021, sponsorship recipients and award winners from science and industry had their say. The range is astonishing. The VFF supports the TU Bergakademie in an extraordinary way, from living tradition in the form of monument preservation and conservation, to individual sponsorship of students and scientists, to the promotion of entire branches of science.
"The VFF supports the members of the TU Bergakademie Freiberg in setting priorities in their education and training and thus sharpening their profile," said Rector Prof. Dr Klaus-Dieter Barbknecht.
One of the highlights of the celebrations was the entertaining presentation by famous personalities such as Alexander von Humboldt, former Rector Dr Otto Emil Fritzsche and his wife, Dr. Ing.Otto Emil Fritzsche and his wife Dora as well as Alma Mater played by Thomas Schmalz and Dr Saskia Wesolowski.
The crowning glory was the well-attended Barbara celebration and the singing of the Steigerlied with musical accompaniment by the SAXONIA mining music corps.