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The VFF regularly organises events. These include the members' meeting once a year, including the Barbara celebration, and the student discussion evenings once or twice a year. All VFF members are cordially invited to take part in these events!

Annual general meeting and St Barbara's Day celebration

Every year, the traditional Barbara celebration of the "Friends and Sponsors of the TU Bergakademie Freiberg e. V." takes place on the Friday before the 1st Advent after the annual general meeting in the ballroom of the Alte Mensa in Freiberg. The festive event is dedicated to the patron saint of miners, St Barbara. Incidentally, the VFF's first Barbara celebration can be traced back to 6 December 1991.

Note on photo and video recordings at events

We expressly point out that image and sound material in the form of photos and video recordings will be created by persons and service providers commissioned or accredited by us as part of our events. The recordings are intended to document both the event itself and the participation of individual persons.

In the case of recordings focussing on individual persons, participants have the right and the opportunity to inform the photographer or videographer at any time that they do not wish to be recorded. If this is not possible or is not observed, we will subsequently prevent publication by us and our service providers upon notification.

We assume that the persons participating or otherwise involved in the event consent to the creation and publication of the image and sound recordings for the purpose of public reporting on the event and on our websites, including on social media, through their behaviour of participation or involvement. Consent includes consent to download the recordings from our websites.