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A donation from the Günter Heinisch Foundation "Geoscientific Collections" - in the Association of Friends and Sponsors of TU Bergakademie Freiberg

About the foundation

The "Humboldt-Bonpland Foundation for Biological Sciences" was founded by Prof Dr Hermann Heilmeier (Biology / Ecology working group, Institute of Biosciences at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg) as an endowment of the Günter Heinisch Foundation "Geosciences Collections" in the Association of Friends and Sponsors of the TU Bergakademie Freiberg in 2023.

It was named after the most important graduate of the TU Bergakademie Freiberg and "first ecologist", Alexander von Humboldt (1769-1859), and the botanist and travelling companion of Humboldt on his trip to America, Aimé Jacques Alexandre Bonpland (1773-1858).

The purpose of the foundation is to promote teaching and research in the field of organismic biology (recent organismic biology and ecology as well as palaeontology) at TU Bergakademie Freiberg.

Funding guidelines

The purpose of the foundation is to be achieved in particular through the following funding opportunities:

  • Scholarships for the preparation of Bachelor's, Master's and doctoral theses (material and travel grants),
  • prizes for outstanding Bachelor's, Master's and doctoral theses,
  • organisation of symposia, grants for conference participation.

Applications to the foundation can be submitted by the students themselves and their supervisors. Scholarship applications (including grants for conference participation) and applications for prizes (proposed by university lecturers) are decided by an awards committee on the basis of academic achievements and letters of recommendation. The organisation of symposia in the field of organismic biology is also to be supported, for example through grants for speakers.


For scholarships and grants for conference participation and the organisation of symposia.

Application deadline:

31 January of each calendar year

The review process is completed by 30 June of the respective calendar year at the latest.

Submission structure

(if applicable):

  1. General information:
    1. Applicant, institution
    2. Topic, planned period for project implementation
    3. Abstract
  2. Scientific basis
    1. Status of research
    2. If applicable. Own preliminary work
    3. Literature
  3. Objectives
    1. Questions / hypotheses
    2. Work programme with timetable
  4. Funds requested
    1. Small equipment and consumables
    2. Travel expenses
    3. Other costs
  5. CV, if applicable. List of publications
  6. Attachments (cost estimates, certificates, etc.)

The application should not exceed five pages (without attachments). It should be sent in electronic form (pdf file) to the e-mail address heilmei [at] ioez [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (heilmei[at]ioez[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de).

Obligations for scholarship holders

Humboldt-Bonpland Foundation
"Nature painting" from the Caatinga (north-east Brazil), a landscape similar to that explored by Alexander von Humboldt and Aimé Jacques Alexandre Bonpland in western South America

By accepting the scholarship, the scholarship holders commit to the following:

  1. Report within one year or publication (in an internationally peer-reviewed journal or in Freiberg Ecology Online) within two years after completion of the work
  2. Contribution to the Foundation's website (abstract with images) and ACAMONTA (approx. 2 manuscript pages incl. images, electronic submission to acamonta [at] tu-freiberg [dot] de)
  3. Account of the scholarship (with receipts)