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J. Börner, P. Menzel, M. Scheunert: Effect of microvariability on electrical rock properties. Geophys. J. Int. 237 (2024), 1414–1431

A. Plattner, E. Mazarico, C. Gerhards: Variable altitude cognizant Slepian functions. GEM - Int. J. Geomath. (2024), accepted

C. Gerhards, X. Huang: Spherical Basis Functions in Hardy Spaces with Localization Constraints. (preprint, arxiv)

C. Gerhards, X. Huang: Slepian spatiospectral concentration problem on the d-dimensional ball for different notions of bandwidth. (preprint, arxiv)

X. Huang: Revisit on the Slepian concentration problem of the spherical Fourier-Bessel setup (preprint, arxiv)

M. Sobh, G. G. Gabriel, R. Christiansen, M. Al-Aghbary, D. C. Tanner, C. Gerhards: Geothermal Heat Flow Mapping of Germany Through Integration of Multi-Geophysical and Geological Data with Uncertainty Quantification (preprint, essoar)

M. Michalak, C. Gerhards, P. Menzel: Broken Terrains v. 1.0: A supervised detection of fault-related lineaments on geological terrains, EGUsphere (preprint, egusphere)


C. Gerhards, X. Huang, A. KegelesRelation between Hardy components for locally supported vector fields on the sphere. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 517 (2023), 126572 (arxiv)

J. Heinicke, H. Woith, C. Alexandrakis-Zieger, S. Buske, R. Käppler, O. Krenz, P. Menzel. Neogene and Quaternary dikes and related joints as conduits for recent juvenile degassing: case studies from the seismically active region of NW-Bohemia, Czech Republic. Bull. Volcanol. 85, 38 (2023). 


M. Al-Aghbary, M. Sobh, C. GerhardsA geothermal heat flow model of Africa based on Random Forest Regression Front. Earth Sci. 10 (2022), 981899.

T. Farag, M. SobhH. Mizunaga: 3D constrained gravity inversion to model Moho geometry and stagnant slabs of the Northwestern Pacific plate at the Japan Islands. Tectonophysics 829  (2022), 229297.


M. Sobh, C. Gerhards, H.-J. Götze, I. Fadel: Mapping the thermal structure of southern Africa from Curie depth estimates based on wavelet analysis of magnetic data with uncertainties. Geochem. Geophys. Geosys. (2021), e2021GC010041.

L. Baratchart, C. Gerhards, A. KegelesP. MenzelUnique reconstruction of simple magnetizations from their magnetic potential. Inverse Problems 37 (2021), 105006 (arxiv)

L. Baratchart, C. Gerhards, A. KegelesDecomposition of L2-vector fields on Lipschitz-surfaces: characterization via null-spaces of the scalar potential.  SIAM J. Math. Anal. 53 (2021), 4096-4117 (arxiv)

S. Hassan, M. Sultan, M. SobhM. S. Elhebiry, K. Zahran, A. Abdeldayem, E. Issawy, S. Kamh: Crustal Structure of the Nile Delta: Interpretation of Seismic-Constrained Satellite-Based Gravity Data. Remote Sens. 13 (2021), 1934. 

C. D. N. Tchoukeu, M. Sobh, C. A. Basseka, M. Mouzong, Y. P. Djomani, J. Etame. The mechanical behaviour of the lithosphere beneath the Chad Basin and the Bangui Magnetic Anomaly. Insights from Moho depth and effective elastic thickness estimates, J. Afr. Earth Sci. 182 (2021), 104299

J. Teichmann, P. Menzel, T. HeinigK. Gerald v.d. Boogaart: Modeling and Fitting of Three-Dimensional Mineral Microstructures by Multinary Random Fields. Math. Geosci. 53 (2021)877–904


Sobh, M., Ebbing, J., Mansi, A. H., and Götze, H.-J., Emry, E., and Abdelsalam, M.: The Lithospheric Structure of the Saharan Metacraton from 3D Integrated Geophysical-Petrological Modelling. J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth 125, e2019JB018747 (2020). 

C. GerhardsA Brief Note on the Computation of Silent from Nonsilent Contributions of Spatially Localized Magnetizations on a Sphere. GEM – Int. J. Geomath 11, 25 (2020). 

P. MenzelJ. Teichmann, K. Gerald v.d. Boogaart: Efficient representation of Laguerre mosaics with an application to microstructure simulation of complex ore. Math. Geosci. 52, 731–757 (2020). 


Sobh, M., Ebbing, J., Mansi, A. H., and Götze, H-J.: Inverse and 3D forward gravity modelling for the estimation of the crustal thickness of Egypt.Tectonophysics,752, 52–67 (2019). 

Sobh, M., Mansi, A. H., Ebbing, J., and Campbel, S.: Regional Gravity Field Model of Egypt Based on the Satellite and Ground-Based Data. Pure Appl. Geophys. 176, 767–786 (2019).

C. GerhardsOn the reconstruction of inducing dipole directions and susceptibilities from knowledge of the magnetic field on a sphere, Inv. Probl. Sci. Engin. 27 (2019), 37-60

K. Bachmann, P. MenzelR. Tolosana-Delgado, M. Hill, C. Schmidt, J. Gutzmer: Multivariate geochemical classification of chromitite seams in the Bushveld Complex, South Africa. Applied Geochemistry 103  (2019) , 106-117.

K. Bachmann, P. Menzel, R. Tolosana-Delgado, M. Hill, C. Schmidt, J. Gutzmer: The use of assay data as a foundation for a geometallurgical model - The case of the Thaba Chromite Mine, South Africa. Journal of Geochemical Exploration  201 (2019), 99-112. 


Ngalamo, J.F.G., Sobh, M., Abdelsalam, M. G., Atekwana, E. A., and Dieudonne, B. G.: Lithospheric structure beneath the Central Africa Shear Zone in Cameroon from joint analysis of satellite gravity and passive seismic data. Tectonophysics, 745 (2018),  326–337. 

R. Telschow, C. Gerhards, M. Rother: On the approximation of spatial structures of global tidal magnetic field models, Ann. Geophys. 36 (2018), 1393-1402

C. GerhardsSpherical Potential Theory: Tools and Applications, In: Handbook of Mathematical Geodesy, Editors W. Freeden, Z. Nashed, Springer (2018) (arxiv)


L. Baratchart, C. GerhardsOn the Recovery of Core and Crustal Components of Geomagnetic Potential Fields, SIAM J. Appl. Math. 77 (2017), 1756-1780 (arxiv)

W. Freeden, C. GerhardsRomberg extrapolation for Euler summation-based cubature on regular regions, GEM – Int. J. Geomath. 8 (2017), 169-182

C. Gerhards, S. Pereverzyev Jr., P. Tkachenko: A parameter choice strategy for the inversion of multiple observations, Adv. Comp. Math. 43 (2017), 101-112

H.-J. Götze, S. Schmidt, P. MenzelIntegrative interpretation of potential field data by 3D-modeling and visualizationOil Gas European Magazine 43 (2017), 202-208


C. GerhardsOn the unique reconstruction of induced spherical magnetizations, Inverse Problems 32 (2016), 015002 (arxiv)

P. MenzelConstrained indicator data resampling - A parameter constrained irregular resampling method for scattered point data. Geophysics 81 (2016): F27-F36, DOI: 10.1190/geo2015-0220.1.


C. GerhardsMultiscale Modeling of the Geomagnetic Field and Ionospheric Currents, In: Handbook of Geomathematics, Editors W. Freeden, Z. Nashed, T. Sonar, Springer, 2nd Edition (2015)

M. Augustin, M. Bauer, C. Blick, S. Eberle, W. Freeden, C. Gerhards, M. Ilyasov, R. Kahnt, M. Klug, S., Möhringer, T. Neu, H. Nutz, I. Ostermann, A. Punzi: Modeling Deep Geothermal Reservoirs: Recent Advances and Future Perspectives. In: Handbook of Geomathematics, 2nd Edition, Editors W. Freeden, Z. Nashed, T. Sonar, Springer, 2nd Edition (2015)


2013 and earlier

W. Freeden, C. GerhardsGeomathematically Oriented Potential Theory, Chapman & Hall/CRC (2012)

C. GerhardsLocally Supported Wavelets for the Separation of Spherical Vector Fields with Respect to their Sources, Int. J. Wavel. Multires. Inf. Process. 10 (2012), 1250034

C. GerhardsSpherical Decompositions in a Global and Local Framework: Theory and an Application to Geomagnetic Modeling, GEM – Int. J. Geomath. 1 (2011), 205–256

W. Freeden, C. GerhardsPoloidal and Toroidal Field Modeling in Terms of Locally Supported Vector Wavelets, Math. Geosc. 42 (2010), 817-838