Love Data Week 2025 - Whose Data Is It, Anyway?

The Love Data Week is an annual international week of action around the topics of research data and research data management (RDM).
The Open Science team at Freiberg University Library is once again taking part this year with three coffee lectures (15 - 20 minute presentation followed by a Q&A session).
When: 11 am
- Tuesday, 11.02.25:
Basics of research data management - Wednesday, 12.02.25:
Making research visible: Publishing data on repositories made easy - Thursday, 13.02.25:
Funding and research data: What funding bodies really want to see
Where: BigBlueButton
You are also welcome to take advantage of the events offered by other universities and initiatives (including NFDIs), which are often held online.
Event overview for Love Data Week 2025
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us: forschungsdaten [at] ub [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (forschungsdaten[at]ub[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
- 11:00
- 11:30
Event location
Online, BBB
Information event
No Registration required