The last two days we hosted the meeting oft he REF4FU Refineries for Future project consortium
(www.ref4fu.de), which deals with the development of sustainable fuels by Methanol to X techniques, pyrolysis oil processing and Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. The project also explores strategies to implement the techniques into an overall refinery concept to efficiently combine the output oft he different carbon and hydrogen conversion processes.
Our group presented the latest results on the catalyst and process developmen in the context of Methanol to Gasoline (Rostislav Konoplin), Methanol to Olefins (Adeem Rana) and olefin oligomerization toward gasoline, kerosene and diesel components (Steffen Cramer). The project is financed by the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV) and is supported by the Agency of Renewables (Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e. V. (FNR)). We thank all our project partners for the presentations and fruitful discussions and look forward for the further R&D within this project. Thanks also to Prof. Nicolaus Dahmen and Alexandra Böhm from KIT fort he preparation of the meeting and the continous coordination of the huge consortium.