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C. Schmidt, H. Wollmerstädt, S. Kureti, CO2-based Fischer-Tropsch synthesis toward aviation fuel components using a Na-promoted Fe catalyst, Chemie Ingenieur Technik, DOI: 10.1002/cite.202400160

C. Schmidt, H. Wollmerstädt, S. Kureti, Formation of high-molecular hydrocarbons by CO-based Fischer-Tropsch synthesis using Na-promoted Fe catalysts, ChemCatChem (2025) e202400632

N. Schreiter, A. Awgustow, H. Wollmerstädt, S. Kureti, CH4 oxidation on LaFeO3 perovskite catalysts for O2 removal from biomethane, Chemical Engineering & Technology, DOI: 10.1002/ceat.202400116

M. Werther, C. Singer, A. Groß, S. Kureti, J. C. Martínez-Munuera, A. García-García, Effect of SO2 on the soot oxidation activity of flame spray pyrolysis-made manganese oxide catalyst in gasoline model exhaust, Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis 137 (2024) 1455-1469

A. Pleßow, M. Mehne, S. Kureti, X-Ray Fluorescence determination of FeII/Fetotal ratios in sediments and soils, Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research (2024), DOI: 10.1111/ggr.12551

M. Mehne, S. Kureti, CH4 and CH2O oxidation in lean gas engine exhaust using Fe2O3 catalysts, Topics in Catalysis 66 (2023) 954-963

D. Schröder, S. Kureti, Low-temperature NOx reduction by H2 on Mo-promoted Pt/ZrO2 catalysts in lean exhaust gases, Topics in Catalysis 66 (2023) 787-796

C. Singer, C. Hahn, D. Q. Phan, T. Russwurm, M. Wensing, M. Kögl, L. Zigan, S. Kureti, Oxidation of soot in gasoline exhaust on Mn2O3 catalyst, Applied Catalysis A: General 663 (2023) 119316 

E. Eßer, D. Schröder, S. Kureti, Promoting effect exerted by WOx on Pt/ZrO2 catalysts during NOx reduction using H2 in the excess of O2, Journal of Catalysis 423 (2023) 129-144

E. Eßer, K. Müller, S. Kureti, Low-temperature H2-deNOx in diesel exhaust, Topics in Catalysis 66 (2023) 1020-1030

C. Schmidt, S. Kureti, CO2 conversion by Fischer-Tropsch synthesis using Na-modified Fe catalysts, Chemie Ingenieur Technik 94 (2022) 1747-1755

S. Schlicher, N. Prinz, J. Bürger, A. Omlor, C. Singer, M. Zobel, R. Schoch, J. Lindner, V. Schünemann, S. Kureti, M. Bauer, Quality or quantity? How structural parameters affect catalytic activity of iron oxides for CO oxidation, Catalysts 12 (2022) 675

C. Hahn, J. Seidel, F.O. Mertens, S. Kureti, Study on the kinetics of the adsorption and desorption of NH3 on Fe/H-BEA zeolite, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 22 (2022) 7493-7504

S. Gierth, S. Hartl, M. Pollack, C. Hasse, U. Hofmann, G. Zikoridse, H. Rautenberg, F. Will, C. Hahn, S. Kureti, Urea conversion for low-temperature SCR in a swirled diesel exhaust gas configuration, Chemical Engineering & Technology 45 (2022) 610-619

E. Esser, S. Kureti, L. Heckemüller, A. Todt, P. Eilts, T. Morawietz, W. Waiblinger, S. Hosseiny, A. Friedrich, F. Bunar, Low-temperature NOx reduction by H2 in diesel engine exhaust, SAE Technical Paper 2022-01-0538

E. Eßer, D. Schröder, A.V. Nartova, A.M. Dmitrachkov, S. Kureti, Reduction of NOx by H2 on WOx-promoted Pt/Al2O3/SiO2 catalysts under O2-rich conditions, Catalysis Letters 152 (2022) 1598-1610

D. Schröder, P. Preuster, E. Eßer, P. Wasserscheid, S. Kureti, LOHC-bound hydrogen for catalytic NOx reduction from O2-rich exhaust gas, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 46 (2021) 34498-34508

T. Raabe, H. Rasser, S. Nottelmann, A. Groß, H. Krause, S. Kureti, Mechanistic study on the H2S and subsequent O2 adsorption on different iron oxides and hydroxides, Applied Surface Science 565 (2021) 150504

N. Frenzel, M. Mehne, S. Bette, S. Kureti, G. Frisch, Synthesis and stability of single-phase chalcopyrite – a potential reference material for key investigations in chemistry and metallurgical engineering, RSC Advances 11 (2021) 3153-3161

Z. Baysal, J. Kirchner, M. Mehne, S. Kureti, Study on the reduction of ilmenite-type FeTiO3 by H2, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 46 (2021) 4447-4459

J. Kirchner, C. Zambrzycki, Z. Baysal, R. Güttel, S. Kureti, Fe based core-shell model catalysts for the reaction of CO2 with H2, Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis 131 (2020) 119-128 

E. Kamp, H. Thielert, O. von Morstein, S. Kureti, N. Schreiter, J.-U. Repke, Investigation on the simultaneous removal of COS, CS2 and O2 from coke oven gas by hydrogenation on Pd/Al2O3 catalyst, Catalysis Science & Technology 10 (2020) 2961-2969

D.T. Koch, E. Esser, S. Kureti, A. Sousa, H2-DeNOx-Katalysator für H2-Verbrennungsmotoren, Motortechnische Zeitschrift 6 (2020) 32-38 

C. Singer, S. Kureti, Soot oxidation in diesel exhaust on manganese oxide catalyst prepared by flame spray pyrolysis, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 272 (2020) 118961

N. Schreiter, J. Kirchner, S. Kureti, A DRIFTS and TPD study on the methanation of CO2 on Ni/Al2O3 catalyst, Catalysis Communications 140 (2020) 105988

T. Kuchling, A. Awgustow, S. Kureti, Energiewende im Verkehr – Beitrag "treibhausgasreduzierter" Kraftstoffe, Erdöl Erdgas Kohle 136 (2020) 24-31

J. Zuber, H. Wollmerstädt, T. Kuchling, S. Kureti, P. Rathsack, Analysis of hydrogenation products of biocrude obtained from hydrothermally liquefied algal biomass by fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry, Energy & Fuels 34 (2020) 3199-3209

J. Kirchner, C. Zambrzycki, S. Kureti, R. Güttel, Study on different structural concepts of Fe catalysts for CO2 methanation, Chemie Ingenieur Technik 92 (2020) 603-607

C. Jung, P. Seifert, C. Hahn, D. Schröder, F. Mehlhose, C. Wolfersdorf, S. Kureti, B. Meyer, Ottokraftstoffe aus erneuerbarem Methanol, Chemie Ingenieur Technik 92 (2020) 100-115

J. Kirchner, Z. Baysal, S. Kureti, Activity and structural changes of Fe-based catalysts during CO2 hydrogenation towards CH4 - a mini review, ChemCatChem 12 (2020) 981-988

Z. Baysal, S. Kureti, CO2 methanation on Mg-promoted Fe catalysts, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 262 (2020) 118300

P. Langenfeld, C. Hahn, A. Roppertz, S. Kureti, Laser Raman spectroscopic investigation on the conversion of molten urea into NH3 for the Selective Catalytic Reduction of NOx in oxygen-rich exhaust gases, Emission Control Science and Technology 5 (2019) 317-327

T. Raabe, M. Mehne, H. Rasser, H. Krause, S. Kureti, Study on iron-based adsorbents for alternating removal of H2S and O2 from natural gas and biogas, Chemical Engineering Journal 371 (2019) 738-749

P. Rathsack, H. Wollmerstaedt, T. Kuchling, S. Kureti, Analysis of hydrogenation products of biocrude obtained from hydrothermally liquefied algal biomass by comprehensive gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GCxGC-MS), Fuel 248 (2019) 178-188

H. Wollmerstädt, T. Kuchling, L. Dombrowski, I. Petrick, S. Kureti, Flüssige Energieträger aus Mikroalgen, Erdöl Erdgas Kohle 135 (2019) 27-34

T. Kuchling, A. Awgustow, S. Kureti, Treibhausgasreduzierte Energieträger“ – Herstellung und Produkte, Erdöl Erdgas Kohle 135 (2019) 305-315

J. Kirchner, J.K. Anolleck, H. Lösch, S. Kureti, Methanation of CO2 on iron based catalysts, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 223 (2018) 47-59

W. Arlt, S. Kureti, Die Chance auf einen NOx-freien Verbrennungsmotor, Chemie Ingenieur Technik 90 (2018) 759-761

M. Goldbach, A. Roppertz, P. Langenfeld, M. Wackerhagen, S. Füger, S. Kureti, Study of urea decomposition in SCR on V2O5/WO3/TiO2 catalyst in diesel exhaust, Chemical Engineering & Technology 40 (2017) 2035-2043

M. Endisch, T. Kuchling, J. Schneider, S. Kureti, W. Hübner, M. Preis, C. Schmidt, Potential of on-board gasoline upgrading for enhancement of engine efficiency, Chemical Engineering & Technology 40 (2017) 1644-1651

D.Q. Phan, S. Kureti, CO oxidation on Pd/Al2O3 catalysts under stoichiometric conditions, Topics in Catalysis 60 (2017) 260-265

A. Roppertz, S. Füger, S. Kureti, Investigation of urea-SCR at low temperatures, Topics in Catalysis 60 (2017) 199-203

C. Hahn, M. Endisch, S. Kureti, Elementary kinetic mean field modelling of the lean NOx reduction by H2 on Pt/WO3/ZrO2 catalyst, Topics in Catalysis 60 (2017) 238-242

T. Raabe, H. Krause, S. Kureti, Oxygen content in natural gas infrastructure - Sources, resulting problems and a novel method for the removal, International Gas Research Conference Proceedings 2 (2017) 895-905

A. Boubnov, A. Roppertz, M.D. Kundrat, S. Mangold, B. Reznik, C.R. Jacob, S. Kureti, J.-D. Grunwaldt, Towards advanced structural analysis of iron oxide clusters on the surface of γ-Al2O3 using EXAFS, Applied Surface Science 386 (2016) 234-246

A. Awgustow, T. Kuchling, S. Kureti, Hydrierung von Pflanzenölen – Co-Processing mit Mitteldestillaten in Raffinerien, Erdöl Erdgas Kohle 132 (2016) 3701-377

C. Breyer, D. Reichert, J. Seidel, R. Hüttl, F. Mertens, S. Kureti, Kinetic modeling of the adsorption and desorption of CO2 on α-Fe2O3, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 17 (2015) 27011-27018

C. Hahn, S. Füger, M. Endisch, A. Pacher, S. Kureti, Kinetic modelling of the adsorption and desorption of NH3 on Fe/BEA zeolite, Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie 229 (2015) 739-757

M. Tepluchin, S. Kureti, M. Casapu, E. Ogel, S. Mangold, J.-D. Grunwaldt, Study on the hydrothermal and SO2 stability of Al2O3-supported manganese and iron oxide catalysts for lean CO oxidation, Catalysis Today 258 (2015) 498-506

S. Wagloehner, M. Nitzer-Noski, S. Kureti, Oxidation of soot on manganese oxide catalysts, Chemical Engineering Journal 259 (2015) 492-504

C. Hahn, S. Füger, M. Endisch, A. Pacher, S. Kureti, Global kinetic modelling of the NH3 oxidation on Fe/BEA zeolite, Catalysis Communications 58 (2015) 108-111

M. Tepluchin, D.K. Pham, M. Casapu, L. Mädler, S. Kureti, J.-D. Grunwaldt, Influence of single and double flame spray pyrolysis on the structure of MnOx/γ-Al2O3 and FeOx/γ-Al2O3 catalysts and their behaviour in CO removal under lean exhaust gas conditions, Catalysis Science & Technology 5 (2015) 455-464

C. Hahn, M. Endisch, F.J.P. Schott, S. Kureti, Kinetic modelling of the NOx reduction by H2 on Pt/WO3/ZrO2 catalyst in excess of O2, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 168 (2015) 429-440

S. Wagloehner, J.N. Baer, S. Kureti, Structure-activity relation of iron oxide catalysts in soot oxidation, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 147 (2014) 1000-1008

T. Raabe, R. Erler, S. Kureti, H. Krause, Oxygen removal during biogas upgrading using iron-based adsorbents, International Gas Research Conference Proceedings 3 (2014) 2504-2520

F. Bauer, K. Ficht, M. Bertmer, W.-D. Einicke, T. Kuchling, R. Gläser, Hydroisomerization of long-chain paraffins over nano-sized bimetallic Pt-Pd/H-beta catalysts, Catalysis Science & Technology (2014) 4045-4054

N.J. Amos, M. Widyawati, S. Kureti, D. Trimis, A.I. Minett, A.T. Harris, T.L. Church, Design and synthesis of stable supported-CaO sorbents for CO2 capture, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2 (2014) 4332-4339

M. Tepluchin, M. Casapu, A. Boubnov, H. Lichtenberg, D. Wang, S. Kureti, J.-D. Grunwaldt, Fe and Mn-based catalysts supported on γ-Al2O3 for CO oxidation under O2 rich conditions, ChemCatChem (2014) 1763-1773

S. Wagloehner, S. Kureti, Modelling of the kinetics of the catalytic soot oxidation on Fe2O3, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 129 (2013) 501-508

T. Kuchling, H. Wollmerstädt, M. Endisch, Hydrierung von Pflanzenölen - Mechanismus und Kinetik, Chemie Ingenieur Technik 85 (2013) 508-511

M. Endisch, T. Kuchling, J. Roscher, Process balances of vegetable oil hydrogenation and coprocessing investigations with middle-distillates, Energy & Fuels 27 (2013) 2628-2636

S. Waglöhner, D. Reichert, H. Bockhorn, S. Kureti, Studies on the effect of physico-chemical soot properties and feed gas composition on the kinetics of soot oxidation on Fe2O3 catalyst, Chemie Ingenieur Technik 85 (2013) 686-695

M. Leicht, F.J.P. Schott, M. Bruns, S. Kureti, NOx reduction by H2 on WOx/ZrO2-supported Pd catalysts under lean conditions, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 117-118 (2012) 275-282

S. Waglöhner, S. Kureti, Study on the mechanism of the oxidation of soot on Fe2O3 catalyst, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 125 (2012) 158-165

I. Petrick, L. Dombrowski, C. Dittrich, A. Szepietowska-Nelz, I. Krahl, M. Kröger, T. Beckert, S. Kureti (Hrsg.), T. Kuchling, M. Endisch, M. Strzodka, M. Koschmann, Stoffliche und energetische Nutzung von Mikroalgen, 1. Auflage, 2012, 255 Seiten, ISBN 978-3-86012-4666-6

I. Petrick, L. Dombrowski, M. Kröger, T. Beckert, T. Kuchling, S. Kureti, Algae biorefinery - material and energy use of algae, 1st edition, 2012, 154 pages, ISSN 2190-7943

F.J.P. Schott, S. Steigert, S. Zuercher, M. Endisch, S. Kureti, Reactor design for the evaluation of diesel oxidation catalysts supported by sintered metal filters, Chemical Engineering and Processing 62 (2012) 54-58

P.W. Roesky, A. Bhunia, Y. Lan, A.K. Powell, S. Kureti, Salen-based metal organic frameworks of nickel and the lanthanides, Chemical Communications 47 (2011) 2035-2037

B. Fiebig, Partialoxidation von o-Xylen zu Phthalsäure und Phthalsäureanhydrid in der Gas- und Flüssigphase, Freiberger Forschungshefte A 898, Dissertation TU Bergakademie Freiberg, 2009, ISBN 978-3-86012-378-2

P. Balle, B. Geiger, S. Kureti, Selective catalytic reduction of NOx by NH3 on Fe/BEA zeolite catalysts in oxygen-rich exhaust, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 85 (2009) 109-119

F.J.P. Schott, P. Balle, J. Adler, S. Kureti, Reduction of NOx by H2 on Pt/WO3/ZrO2 catalysts in oxygen-rich exhaust, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 87 (2009) 18-29

M. Sander, A. Raj, O.R. Inderwildi, M. Kraft, S. Kureti, H. Bockhorn, The simultaneous reduction on nitric oxide and soot in emissions from diesel engines, Carbon 47 (2009) 866-875

B. Fiebig, T. Kuchling, Oxidation von o-Xylol zur Herstellung von Phthalsäureanhydrid, 2. Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Flüssigphasenoxidation, Chemie Ingenieur Technik 81 (2009) 1941-1948

B. Fiebig, T. Kuchling, Oxidation von o-Xylol zur Herstellung von Phthalsäureanhydrid. Teil 1: Prozesssimulation der heterogen katalysierten Gasphasenoxidation, Chemie Ingenieur Technik 81 (2009) 1467-1472

M. Trompelt, T. Weber, T. Kuchling, B. Meyer, Modellierung der Fischer-Tropsch-Synthese mit Aspen Plus®, Erdöl Erdgas Kohle 125 (2009) 79-84

S. Djerad, B. Geiger, F.J.P. Schott, S. Kureti, Synthesis of nano-sized ZrO2 and its use as catalyst support in SCR, Catalaysis Communications 10 (2009) 1103-1106

P. Balle, B. Geiger, D. Klukowski, M. Pignatelli, S. Wohnrau, M. Menzel, I. Zirkwa, G. Brunklaus, S. Kureti, Study of the selective catalytic reduction of NOx on an efficient Fe/HBEA zeolite catalyst for heavy duty diesel engines, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 91 (2009) 587-595

D. Klukowski, P. Balle, B. Geiger, S. Wagloehner, S. Kureti, B. Kimmerle, A. Baiker, J.-D. Grunwaldt, On the mechanism of the SCR reaction on Fe/HBEA zeolite, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 93 (2009) 185-193

D. Reichert, H. Bockhorn, S. Kureti, Study of the reaction of NOx and soot on Fe2O3 catalyst in excess of O2, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 80 (2008) 248-259

T. Finke, M. Hartmann, M. Gernsbeck, U. Eisele, C. Vincent, S. Kureti, H. Bockhorn, Numerical modelling of the adsorption and thermal desorption of NH3 on ZrO2, Thermochimica Acta 473 (2008) 32-39

D. Reichert, T. Finke, N. Atanassova, H. Bockhorn, S. Kureti, Global kinetic modelling of the reaction of soot with O2 and NOx on Fe2O3 catalyst, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 84 (2008) 803-812

S. Wagloehner, D. Reichert, D. Leon-Sorzano, P. Balle, B. Geiger, S. Kureti, Kinetic modelling of the oxidation of CO on Fe2O3 catalyst in excess of O2, Journal of Catalysis 260 (2008) 305-314

E. Roedel, A. Urakawa, S. Kureti, A. Baiker, On the local sensitivity of different IR techniques: Ba species relevant in NOx storage-reduction, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 10 (2008) 6190-6198.

T. Kuila, H. Acharya, S.K. Srivastava, B.K. Samantaray, S. Kureti, Enhancing the ionic conductivity of PEO based plasticized composite polymer electrolyte by LaMnO3 nanofiller, Materials Science Engineering B 137 (2007) 217-224

M. Olschar, M. Endisch, T. Dimmig, T. Kuchling, Investigations of Catalytic Hydrocracking of Fischer-Tropsch Wax for the Production of Transportation Fuels, Oil Gas European Magazine (2007) 187-193

H. Bockhorn, S. Kureti, D. Reichert, Study on the mechanism of the catalytic conversion of NOx and soot into N2 and CO2 on Fe2O3 in diesel exhaust, Topics in Catalysis 42-43 (2007) 283-286

T. Finke, M. Gernsbeck, U. Eisele, H. Bockhorn, M. Hartmann, S. Kureti, C. Vincent, Surface chemistry of ceramic materials - analysing strategies and model associations, cfi./Ber. DKG 84 (2007) 24-28

M.T. Jan, S. Kureti, K. Hizbullah, N. Jan, Reduction of nitrogen oxides by ammonia over iron containing catalysts, Chemical Engineering & Technology 30 (2007) 1440-1444

S. Djerad, M. Crocoll, S. Kureti, L. Tifouti, W. Weisweiler, Effect of oxygen concentration on the NOx reduction with ammonia over V2O5-WO3/TiO2 catalyst, Catalalysis Today 113 (2006) 208-214

P. Balle, H. Bockhorn, B. Geiger, N. Jan, S. Kureti, D. Reichert, T. Schröder, A novel laboratory bench for practical evaluation of catalysts useful for simultaneous conversion of NOx and soot in diesel exhaust, Chemical Engineering and Processing 45 (2006) 1065-1073

M. Crocoll, S. Kureti, W. Weisweiler, Mean field modeling of NO oxidation over Pt/Al2O3 catalyst under oxygen rich conditions, Journal of Catalysis 229 (2005) 480-489

N. Apostolescu, B. Geiger, K. Hizbullah, M.T. Jan, S. Kureti, D. Reichert, F. Schott, W. Weisweiler, Selective catalytic reduction of nitrogen oxides by ammonia on iron oxide catalysts, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 62 (2005) 104-114

K. Hizbullah, S. Kureti, W. Weisweiler, Potassium promoted iron oxide catalysts for simultaneous catalytic removal of nitrogen oxides and soot from diesel exhaust gas, Catalysis Today 93-95 (2004) 839-843

N. Apostolescu, T. Schröder, S. Kureti, Study on the mechanism of the reaction of NO2 with aluminium oxide, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 51 (2004) 43-50

R. Pednekar, R. Mhalsikar, K.S. Rane, S. Kureti, H. Langbein, Synthetic strategies in obtaining iron oxide spinel materials useful as catalysts and sensors, Proceedings of the international conference on ferrites (ICF-9), San Francisco, California, USA, American Ceramic Society, R.F. Soohoo (ed.), ISBN 1574982184, p. 63-68 (2004)

S. Kureti, W. Weisweiler, K. Hizbullah, Simultaneous conversion of nitrogen oxides and soot into nitrogen and carbon dioxide over iron containing oxide catalysts in diesel exhaust gas, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 43 (2003) 281-291

S. Kureti, K. Hizbullah, W. Weisweiler, Simultaneous catalytic removal of nitrogen oxides and soot from diesel exhaust gas over potassium modified iron oxide, Chemical Engineering & Technology 26 (2003) 1003-1006

S. Kureti, W. Weisweiler, A novel sol-gel method for the synthesis of γ-aluminium oxide: Development of the sol-gel transformation and characterization of the xerogel, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 303 (2002) 253-261

E.E. Iojoiu, N. Apostolescu, P. Onu, S. Kureti, W. Weisweiler, Selective catalytic reduction of NO by NH3 over iridium supported MCM-41 mesoporous material, Revista di Chimie 53 (2002) 725-727

S. Kureti, W. Weisweiler, A new route for the synthesis of high surface area γ-aluminium oxide xerogel, Applied Catalysis A: General 225 (2002) 251-259

W. Weisweiler, K. Hizbullah, S. Kureti, Simultaneous catalytic conversion of NOx and soot from diesel engines exhaust into nitrogen and carbon dioxide, Chemical Engineering & Technology 25 (2002) 140-143

W. Weisweiler, K. Hizbullah, S. Kureti, Reinigung von Dieselabgasen durch katalysierte Simultanumsetzung von Stickoxiden mit Ruß zu Stickstoff und Kohlendioxid, Chemie Ingenieur Technik 73 (2001) 557-561