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Eusterholz, M.K., Boll, T., Ott, V., Stüber, M., López-Galán, O.A., Lu, Y., Gebauer, J., Kauffmann, A., Heilmaier, M.: Multiscale study of high-temperature oxidation in Al2O3-Nb-based composites. International Workshop High temperature Corrosion and Oxidation, DECHEMA 25.-29.09.2023, Marktheidenfeld, Deutschland (Poster)

Eusterholz, M.K., Boll, T., Ott, V., Stüber, M., Lu, Y., Gebauer, J., Kauffmann, A., Heilmaier, M.: High-temperature oxidation at Al2O3-Nb/Al interfaces at the nanoscale. Atom Probe Tomography & Microscopy APT&M conference, 17.-21.09.2023, Leuven, Belgien (Vortrag) 

Eusterholz, M.K., Boll, T., Ott, V., Stüber, M., Lu, A., Gebauer, J., Kauffmann, A., Heilmaier, M.: Interfacial phase formation in refractory Al2O3-Nb ceramic-metal composites. FEMS EUROMAT 23, 03.-07.09.2023, Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland (Vortrag)

Eusterholz, M.K., Boll, T., Lu, Y., Ott, V., Gebauer, J., Kraft, B., Weidner, A., Kauffmann, A., Stüber, M., Heilmaier, M.: Atom probe tomography of oxidation at (metal-ceramic) interfaces. Gordon Research Seminar on High Temperature Corrosion (GRS), 15.-16.07.2023, New London, New Hampshire, USA (eingeladener Vortrag)

Eusterholz, M.K., Boll, T., López-Galán, O.A., Ott, V., Gebauer, J., Kauffmann, A., Stüber, M., Heilmaier, M.: High-temperature oxidation of Al2O3-Nb interfaces at the nanoscale. Gordon Research Seminar on High Temperature Corrosion (GRS), 15.-16.07.2023, New London, New Hampshire, USA (Poster)


Eusterholz, M.K., Boll, T., Ott, V., Stüber, M., Lu, Y., Gebauer, J., Kauffmann, A., Heilmaier, M.: High-temperature oxidation at Al2O3-Nb/Al interfaces at the nanoscale. Atom Probe Tomography & Microscopy APT&M virtual conference, 11.-14.10.2022. Nanjing, China (online-Vortrag) 

Eusterholz, M.K., Boll, T., Kauffmann, A., Ott, V., Gebauer, J., Kraft, B., Zienert, T., Weidner, A., Stüber, M., Ulrich, S., Aneziris, C.G., Heilmaier, M.: High-temperature oxidation of bulk-alumina-niobium interfaces in a refractory composite material. 11th International Conference on Microscopy of Oxidation, 12.-.14.09.2022, Cranfield, UK (Vortrag)

Eusterholz, M.K., Boll, T., Kauffmann, A., Ott, V., Gebauer, J., Kraft, B., Zienert, T., Endler, D., Weidner, A., Stüber, M., Ulrich, S., Aneziris, C.G., Heilmaier, M.: Influence of O and C on the chemistry at the Nb/Al2O3 interface in a refractory composite material. DPG-Tagung des Sektion kondensierte Materie, 04.-09.09.2022, Regensburg,  Deutschland (Vortrag)

Eusterholz, M.K., Boll, T., Kauffmann, A., Sonkusare, R., Zienert, T., Ott, V., Gebauer, J., Weidner, A., Aneziris, C.G., Stüber, M., Heilmaier, M.: Influence of contaminats on the Al2O3-Nb phase boundary chemistry: Oxygen. 23. Symposium Verbundwerkstoffe und Werkstoffverbunde Verbund 2022, 20.-22.07.2022, Leoben, Österreich (Vortrag)

Storti, E., Neumann, M., Zienert, T.,Hubálková, J., Aneziris, C.G.: Metal-ceramic beads based on niobium and alumina produced by alginate gelation.  15th International Ceramics Congress CIMTEC, 20.-24.06.2022, Peruggia, Italien (Vortrag)

Gehre, P., Zienert, T., Endler, D., Hubálková, J., Storti, E., Aneziris, C.G.: Design and production of coarse-grained aggregates for refractory composites. Unified International Technical Conference on Refractories UNITECR 2022, 15.-18.03.2022, Chicago, USA (Vortrag)

Zienert, T., Endler, D., Hubálková, J., Günay, G., Weidner, A., Brachhold, N., Biermann, H., Aneziris, C.G.: Synthesis of niobium-alumina composite aggregates and their application in coarse-grained refractory ceramic-metal castables. 97. DKG-Jahrestagung KERAMIK 2022 (virtuelle Konferenz), 07.-09.03.2022, Karlsruhe, Germany (Vortrag)

Kraft, B., Zienert, T., Wagner, S., Hoffmann, M.J.: Field assisted sintering of refractory composite materials Nb-/Ta-Al2O3 and the influence on material properties. 97. DKG-Jahrestagung KERAMIK 2022 (virtuelle Konferenz), 07.-09.03.2022, Karlsruhe, Germany (Vortrag)

Eusterholz, M.K., Boll, T., Kauffmann, A., Sonkusare, R., Zienert, T., Ott, V., Gebauer, J., Weidner, A., Aneziris, C.G., Stüber, M., Heilmaier, M.: The influence of impurities on the interfacial chemistry of Nb-Al2O3 high-temperature refractories. TMS 2022 Annual Meeting & Exhibition, 27.02.-03.03.2022, Anaheim, California, USA (Vortrag)


Zienert, T., Hubálková, J., Aneziris, C.G.: Presynthesis of functional aggregates for manufacturing of refractory composites. 12. Freiberger Feuerfestforum, 08.12.2021, Freiberg, Germany (Poster)

Endler, D., Gehre, P., Aneziris, C.G.: Refractory composites via vibration assisted casting and pressure slip casting based on conventional pressureless sintering. 12. Freiberger Feuerfestforum, 08.12.2021, Freiberg, Germany (Poster)

Günay, G., Weidner, A., Biermann, H.: Mechanical high-temperature properties and damage behavior of refractory composites. 12. Freiberger Feuerfestforum, 08.12.2021, Freiberg, Germany (Poster)

Weiner, M., Schmidtchen, M., Prahl, U.: Fast, physically based algorithms for modelling the heat treatment of refractory composites. 12. Freiberger Feuerfestforum, 08.12.2021, Freiberg, Germany (Poster)

Eusterholz, M., Boll, T., Heilmaier, M.: Grain boundary analysis and design of powders, green bodies and component parts as a function of sintering conditions. 12. Freiberger Feuerfestforum, 08.12.2021, Freiberg, Germany (Poster)

Kraft, B., Wagner, S., Hoffmann, M.J.: Pressure and field assisted sintering and their influence on the microstructural properties. 12. Freiberger Feuerfestforum, 08.12.2021, Freiberg, Germany (Poster)

Gebauer, J., Franke, P., Seifert, H.J.: Thermodynamics and phase diagrams of refractory composites. 12. Freiberger Feuerfestforum, 08.12.2021, Freiberg, Germany (Poster)

Endler, D., Zienert, T., Hubálková, J., Gehre, P., Aneziris, C.G.: Coarse grain metallic/ceramic-refractory composites, an approach for functional refractory composites. 64. ICR International Colloquium on Refractories "Refractories in the global value chain", 29.-30.09.2021, Aachen, Germany (Vortrag)

Kraft, B., Wagner, S., Zienert. T., Endler, D., Aneziris, C.G., Hoffmann, M.J.: Properties of coarse-grained Nb-Al2O3 and Ta-Al2O3 refractory composite materials for high temperature applications. 96. DKG-Jahrestagung KERAMIK 2021 (virtuelle Konferenz), Jülich, Germany (Vortrag)