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Study with foresight, close to research and individualised support

Climate change, microplastics in water and resource scarcity: our world is facing complex problems. More than ever, we need clever minds to tackle these challenges. As a resource university, TU Bergakademie Freiberg focuses on future technologies - in teaching and research, the focus is on the responsible and environmentally friendly use of limited resources.

The TU Bergakademie Freiberg offers degree programmes in six faculties in the fields of

  • Mathematics and Computer Science,
  • Natural Sciences
  • Geosciences and Geoengineering
  • Engineering
  • Materials Science and
  • Economics

The number of students per seminar group is smaller than at other universities, which promotes cooperation and networking and enables individual support from lecturers.

Service and advice

Studierende und Professor in der Universitätsbibliothek

Application, Admission, Enrollment

Have you found the right degree program and would like to enroll at our university?

It's very easy:

  1. Complete and submit your application in the university portal (everything online).
  2. Transfer the semester fee. This officially registers you for the degree program.
  3. Once we have received all your documents and you have transferred the semester fee, you will receive your student ID from us. You are now enrolled (matriculated).
  4. We have prepared a lot for your successful start to your studies. Get to know the university, the city and your fellow students!

Study and campus

Neue Universitätsbibliothek
New university library and lecture theatre centre
Best conditions in the new library and lecture theatre centre from October 2023: mobile working on all floors, charging cabinets for laptops and a mixed reality room for innovative teaching.
Campus der TUBAF
Sustainability Campus
Sustainability is one of the fundamental values enshrined in the university's mission statement. This value characterises our research and our commitment to environmentally and climate-friendly campus operations.
Healthy Studying
During your studies, student health management supports the strengthening and development of personal health resources. There are health days, courses on healthy nutrition, and a wide range of university sports activities.

Study international

Ausschnitt eines Mannes, der seinen Koffer packt, einen Notizblock und Stift als Checkliste in der Hand
International Prospective Students
Information on Application Formalities and Preparing for Your Studies in Germany
TUBAF_Von Freiberg in die Welt
Going Abroad During Your Studies
Stay Abroad, Exchange and Scholarship Opportunities, and Much More.
Multiple Degrees
Double Degree, Triple Degree, or Joint Degree Program