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They have made a major contribution to the development of the university in their professional lives and have been honoured with special awards from TU Bergakademie Freiberg: The University Medal was awarded to Dr Regina Hüttl in June; the Gold Badges of Honour were awarded to Ingrid Lange, Prof Dr Helmuth Albrecht, Prof Dr Alfons Ams and Prof Dr Jörg Matschullat.


Unimedaille für Chemikerin Dr. Regina Hüttl

University medal for chemist Dr Regina Hüttl

Dr Regina Hüttl was honoured with the University Medal for her extraordinarily diverse and sustained commitment to TU Bergakademie Freiberg. A member of the university's research and teaching staff since 1989, she has shown above-average commitment to the interests of TU Bergakademie Freiberg in numerous committees, including as a member of the Senate from 2009 to 2024 and as a student advisor and member of the study commission for the subject of chemistry. In this role, Dr Regina Hüttl campaigned for the reintroduction of the diploma degree programme in Chemistry. She was also involved in the Rectorate Commissions for Gender Equality (2010 to 2021) and for Academic Development and Libraries (2000 to 2021).


Die Professoren Prof. Dr. Helmuth Albrecht, Prof. Dr. Alfons Ams und Prof. Dr. Jörg Matschullat wurden für ihr vielseitiges Engagement für die Universität mit drei goldenen Ehrennadeln ausgezeichnet.

Badges of honour for emeritus professors from three faculties

Professors Prof. Dr Helmuth Albrecht, Prof. Dr Alfons Ams and Prof. Dr Jörg Matschullat were awarded a further three gold badges of honour for their multifaceted commitment to the university. In their academic careers, all emeriti have shaped the professorships of History of Technology and Industrial Archaeology, Technical Mechanics - Dynamics and Geochemistry and Geoecology respectively. In addition, all three recipients were involved in academic self-administration and contributed to the further development of the profile of TU Bergakademie Freiberg.

For example, Prof. Dr Helmuth Albrecht served as Dean of Faculty 6 (2003 to 2006), as well as Dean of Studies and was involved in the Faculty Council, Senate and Extended Senate.

Prof. Dr Alfons Ams was Dean of Faculty 4 between 2010 and 2016 as well as a member of the Faculty Council and Extended Senate.

Prof. Dr Jörg Matschullat was Dean of Faculty 3 between 2009 and 2023 as well as Vice Dean and Dean of Studies. He was also involved in the Faculty Council, Senate, Extended Senate and most recently Vice-Rector Research (2020 to 2023) for the interests of the university. As Director of the Interdisciplinary Ecological Centre, he provided interdisciplinary impetus for sustainability in research and teaching.

All five honourees have recently retired.