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64 chemistry-enthusiastic pupils are taking part in the 33rd School College at TU Bergakademie Freiberg and testing whether chemistry could be the right degree programme for them. After a brightly coloured experimental lecture, the participants carry out experiments independently. Equipped with lab coats and protective goggles, they transform themselves into real chemists: they measure the heat of combustion of various foods using a bomb calorimeter, determine the water hardness of water samples they have brought themselves, extract various natural substances or deal with reverse osmosis and flotation.


"During these exciting experiments, but also during a barbecue evening, the pupils have the opportunity to talk to students, doctoral candidates, employees and professors and thus get a realistic picture of the requirements and opportunities of studying in Freiberg," says chemist Professor Gero Frisch from the team of the school college.

Chemistry should be fun

The aim of the programme offered by the Faculty of Chemistry, Physics and Biosciences is to inspire pupils in grades 11 and 12 who are interested in science to study chemistry. The German language chemistry degree is offered in Freiberg as a diploma and bachelor's study programme. Thanks to the modern equipment in the new laboratory buildings, there are sufficient places available for students in the laboratories for practical courses - without any waiting lists. Students are involved in current research projects at an early stage in the practical courses and are thus optimally prepared for the requirements of the industry.

The date for the next Schülerkolleg has already been set. From August, 19 to August, 22, 2025, enthusiastic pupils are once again invited to attend. Anyone who would like to find out more now can contact the jana [dot] kriehme [at] chemie [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (organisers Alexandra Gleißner and Jana Kriehme).

The student college is financially supported by the German Chemical Society and the mentoring programme of the Chemical Industry Fund.