EdUp - Support and Expansion of the Ukrainian Higher Education Sector in the Area of Resources and Technology

The idea behind EdUp
The goal of EdUp is to implement demand-driven digital courses and teaching formats, and to back and further integrate the Ukrainian higher education system by strenghthening the cooperation network.
The predecessor project SUUUpoRT could successfully establish the required processes and create a strong basis for further cooperation between TUBAF and the Ukrainian higher education system. The activities have also shed light on the ongoing relevance of this project complex.
One the one hand, the number of enrolled students exceeded the anticipated number by far. On the other hand, a detailed analysis revealed further needs and the high potential to realize creative, innovative, and particularly demand-driven teaching ideas. And most importantly: To realize them together, since we are convinced that new ideas and a strong relationship arise from mutual understanding and learning.
With EdUp, we therefore aim on better understanding and addressing identified needs, and provide a quality offer. We also wish to further establish the existing cooperation and create new contacts and bonds to our Ukrainian partners. Therefore, the main focus of EdUp is to facilitate collaborative teaching projects between Ukrainian and EU teachers.
Project Goals
- Ensure continued access to free-of-cost digital learning resources for Ukrainian students and teachers (also see SUUUpoRT)
- Further boost the digital competences of involved teachers and partners
- Improve the process and production quality of the digital courses
- Understanding and mapping the needs expressed by the Ukrainian partner institutions
- Pooling competences and matching experts of partner institutions
- Tailoring a demand-driven course offer
- Implementing new, needs-oriented courses and materials
- Strengthening existing networks
- Creating new forms of collaboration between the partners by forming Teacher Twins
- Matching experts and teachers for special joint teaching projects
Project Consortium / Partner Universities
- TU Bergakademie Freiberg (lead), GE
- Montanuniversität Leoben, AU
- Dnipro University of Technology, UA
Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology LUT, FIN
More about EdUp
Project Number: 2023-1-DE01-KA220-HED-000158407
Project Runtime: 31.12.2023 - 30.12.2025
Funding: 400.000 €
Funded by: Erasmus+
- Needs structuring, mapping and distribution: Currently, the partners run an extensive survey among Ukrainian HEI
- Content creation via Teacher Twinning
- Capacity building e-education: Workshops for teachers
- Community Management and Student Support