Dear colleagues and students,
TUBAF is constantly evolving: there are many new additions - new employees and, of course, new student cohorts. With increasing digitalisation, it can happen that you rarely meet people with whom you have frequent contact via email or telephone and have no opportunity to get to know the person behind the email address/extension number. Or you work at different ends of the campus and therefore have little opportunity to bump into each other.
That's why - after the stunning success of the first edition - there will be a second GetTUgether Party! TUBAFplus and TUBAFdigital have taken the great feedback into account and invite you to GetTugether 2.0 on the 6th of November 2024 from 7 pm in the Alte Mensa! Not only employees but also students are welcome and can use the evening to have a good time with new and old colleagues. There will once again be a karaoke stage with 61,000 songs to choose from (www.karafun.de) - Lady Gaga from the HR department? Take That from PhD students? It doesn't matter whether you sing well or fail amusingly - take a chance!
There will also be another opportunity to provide some input for the future development of TUBAF!
We look forward to getting to know as many new faces as possible at this opportunity and to being able to make our TUBAF even more communal! We would like to thank the Verein der Freunde und Förderer der TU Bergakademie Freiberg e. V . (https://tu-freiberg.de/vff ) for their generous financial support!

Nice drinks from the Bar! Special offers available!

Sing solo or in a group and have fun!
