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66 chemistry-enthusiastic schoolchildren visited the School College of TU Bergakademie Freiberg last week to test whether chemistry could be the right course of study for them. Two thirds of the participants were female. After a brightly colored experimental lecture, the participants conducted experiments on their own in the five chemical institutes of the TU Freiberg. They extracted natural substances, determined the hardness of water samples, carried out simple syntheses, enameled or determined the calorific value of cornflakes.

Schülerkolleg Chemie
Teilnehmerinnen des Schülerkolleg Chemie 2023.

Realistic picture of studying in Freiberg

"During a barbecue evening, the pupils get the opportunity to talk to students, doctoral candidates, staff and professors and thus get a realistic picture of the requirements and opportunities of a course of study," says chemist Prof. Dr. Gero Frisch from the pupils' college team.

Dr. Wagler, who supervised the students and added, "A highlight that has become popular is the experimental show, outdoors in the evenings, put on by the faculty's show lecture group."
