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On Saturday, 30 November, TUBAF's JuniorUni, a science event especially for children, will take place again. Among others, Bolormaa Dendev will give a lecture. Her topic: How do nomadic children live in Mongolia? Bolormaa Dendev herself comes from Mongolia and studied silicate technology in Freiberg in the 1990s. Today, she heads the scientific liaison office of the Free State of Saxony in Ulaanbaatar. She is also involved in TUBAF's Nomadic Children Project, which equips teachers in rural areas for STEM subjects. We met Bolormaa Dendev ahead of her talk at the JuniorUni in Freiberg. She has already laid out objects on a table that will play a role in her lecture: blue bags that rattle auspiciously.

The next JuniorUni will take place on 30 November 2024 between 10 am and 1 pm in the Schloßplatzquartier lecture theatre (SPQ-1301), Prüferstraße 4, 09599 Freiberg. First, Christina Seifert, museum educator at terra mineralia, will give the experimental lecture "The stones whispered it...", followed by Bolormaa Dendev with her lecture on the Mongolian nomad children (from 11 a.m.). Registration is not required.

Kathrin Häußler
Koordinatorin Lokales Netzwerk „Junior Forscher an der TUBAF“
Kunsthandwerkerhof, Burgstraße 19
Kathrin.Haeussler [at] + 49 3731 39-3007