In his role as Consul General of the USA, John R. Crosby visited TU Bergakademie Freiberg for the first time on August, 8th. During his inaugural visit, he signed the university's Book of Honour. In talks with the Rector of TU Bergakademie Freiberg and the Vice-Rector for Research, International Affairs and Transfer, Professor Dr Tobias Fieback, the opportunities for closer cooperation were explored. In particular, they focussed on intensifying cooperation between the university and the German-American Institute Saxony (DAIS). TU Bergakademie Freiberg is already a member of this organisation. The representatives also discussed collaborations with universities in the United States.

Professor Fieback informed Consul General John R. Crosby about existing links with Dartmouth College New Hampshire, where TUBAF Emeritus Professor Jörg Matschullat has taken on tasks in connection with Freiberg University. There are also collaborations with Pittsburg State University and the Colorado School of Mines, among others. "We are delighted about Consul General Crosby's interest in TU Bergakademie Freiberg," said Professor Fieback, "As a university with a strong international profile, TUBAF is a reliable and innovative partner in the region and the world."
John R. Crosby has been US Consul General for Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia at the US Consulate General in Leipzig since July 2023. Previously, he was head of the New York Programme Division of the US State Department's Office of International Visitor Programs. Previous places of work for the lawyer and historian include Milan, Munich, Kabul and Ljubljana.