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47 students at TU Bergakademie Freiberg will receive a Deutschlandstipendium scholarship this winter semester. In recognition of their outstanding academic achievements and social commitment, they will receive a grant of 300 euros per month for up to one year. Students can apply for the Deutschlandstipendium from January 2024 for the coming semester.

Gruppe der Stipendiatinnen und Stipendiaten bei der Verleihung der Deutschlandstipendien.

"The Deutschlandstipendien relieve the financial burden on the recipients and give them additional freedom for their studies. The students also benefit from direct contact with the sponsors, who can contribute to the success of their studies as mentors," says Prof Swanhild Bernstein, Vice-Rector for Education at TU Bergakademie Freiberg. (In total, around 900 committed students have received a Deutschlandstipendium since the programme was launched at Freiberg University.)

Honorary commitment is rewarded

Students receive 300 euros per month for a maximum of two semesters to support them in their everyday studies. Half of the scholarships are funded by the federal government and half by private sponsors. 23 women and 24 men receive the monthly support; the majority of them for the first time. "The social commitment of our students is very diverse and ranges from involvement in the volunteer fire brigade to sport," says Vice-Rector Prof Swanhild Bernstein.

New sponsors of the Deutschlandstipendium at TU Bergakademie Freiberg this year are the companies TIS Technischer Industrie-Service für Verschleiß- und Fördertechnik GmbH, VNG-Stiftung im Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft and Infineon Technologies Dresden GmbH.

Students benefit from workshops and networking

The scholarships offer scholarship holders the opportunity to get a taste of a company before they graduate. Sponsoring companies get to know the potential specialists and managers of tomorrow through close contact with the students.

Half of the funding is provided by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the other half by companies, foundations or private individuals. Long-standing sponsors at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg are: Dr Erich Krüger Foundation, Dr h.c. Erika Krüger, Relaxdays Gmbh, ExxonMobil Deutschland GmbH, DEEP.KBB GmbH, HPC AG, Lausitz Energie Bergbau AG, MIBRAG GmbH, GMB GmbH, Akkodis Germany Tech Experts GmbH, ALD Vacuum Technologies GmbH, Industrieverein Sachsen 1828 e.V., Hüttenwerke Krupp Mannesmann GmbH, Sparkassen-Stiftung, BASF GmbH.

Diana Giersch
Prorektorat Bildung, Sekretariat
Universitätshauptgebäude, Akademiestraße 6, 1. OG
09599 Freiberg
Diana.Giersch [at] +49 3731 39-2583