In the coming weeks, the EU research project AGEMERA will be conducting an online survey on the views of the local population regarding the exploration and extraction of mineral resources in the Ore Mountains. The questionnaire was developed and tested as part of the project in Finland and will now also be used in Germany and other partner countries of the research project. The survey is open to the public until 1 April 2024. The local partner in the AGEMERA project is the Chair of Underground Raw Material Mining and Special Processes at TU Bergakademie Freiberg.

The researchers are primarily asking the local population about their acceptance of exploration and raw materials projects. The survey also looks at the associated advantages and disadvantages for the local economy, for social coexistence in the region and for the environment. It also includes questions regarding trust in various players in the extractive industry.
Go to the online survey and further project information.
The broadest possible participation in the survey is crucial in order to develop a comprehensive understanding of sustainability parameters in relation to the exploration and extraction of mineral resources in the Ore Mountains. No personal data will be collected. It is planned to repeat the survey before the end of the AGEMERA project (31 July 2025) in the form of a follow-up study.
Further questions about the survey can be answered at agemera [at] tu-freiberg [dot] de (agemera[at]tu-freiberg[dot]de)