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At the lastest CHE ranking, currently enrolled students of the business degree programmes at TU Freiberg awarded top marks for their studies. They give particularly positive grades to the Bachelor's and Diploma programmes in Industrial Engineering. The Bachelor of Business Administration programme is also well placed in the current ranking. The business students have awarded good marks for several aspects of their studies: They particularly praise the opportunity to set individual focal points during their studies, the good supervision by the university lecturers and the support at the beginning of their studies. In the Industrial Engineering programme, students also praise the high level of practical relevance and the good availability of internships in laboratories without waiting lists. 

Eine junge Frau mit Laptop und Headset im Hörsaal

The students of the Business Administration and Business Administration for Resource Management degree programmes at TU Freiberg particularly appreciate the good organisation of studies and examinations as well as the comprehensive offers for digital and hybrid teaching.

"Those who study industrial engineering at TU Bergakademie Freiberg become true all-rounders, with all doors open to them after graduation," says Prof. Michael Höck. "The excellent laboratory equipment, the practical training, the personal support during the studies as well as unique specialisation options, for example in the fields of chemistry and biotechnology, mechanical engineering or deep drilling technology, set the industrial engineering programme apart from those of other universities," the Dean of Studies for Industrial Engineering explains.

Prof. Dr. Jutta Stumpf-Wollersheim
Schloßplatz 1, 2.202
jutta.stumpf-wollersheim [at]
Prof. Dr. Michael Höck
Schlossplatzquartier, Zimmer 3.101
Schlossplatz 1
Michael.Hoeck [at]
Eine Professorin erklärt zwei Studenten etwas
Diploma Industrial Engineering and Management
Student mit I-Pad im Innenhof des Schlossplatzquartiers
Bachelor Industrial Engineering and Management
Beratung und Hilfe suchen
Master Industrial Engineering and Management