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Study concept

"All-rounder" is an apt description of an industrial engineer. The Industrial Engineering and Management programme offers a broad education in mathematics, natural sciences, engineering and business and economics, so that graduates can be employed in almost any field. They are expected to work at interfaces, understand specialists from different fields and build bridges between departments. This requires not only engineering expertise but also business know-how and the ability to familiarise oneself with complex tasks. 

The interdisciplinary Master's programme provides in-depth knowledge in business and economics and engineering disciplines and, in addition to a broad education, offers the opportunity for individual specialisation in relevant future fields. Students can choose from a number of technical specialisations that focus on different areas such as resource extraction, mechanical engineering or materials engineering. The programme lasts a total of three semesters and is divided into on-campus study and the preparation of the Master's thesis.


Please note that this is a German-language degree program. At TUBAF we offer a variety of English Master's degree programs. Click here for an overview.


 Freiberg for five reasons

Innovative teaching methods: Our programmes not only teach the necessary skills to meet current and future job market needs, but also use innovative teaching methods – from simulation games over flipped classroom concepts to gaming apps.

Interdisciplinary approach: Our programmes recognise that many real-world problems are multifaceted. The programmes take this into account by combining courses from different disciplines within the faculty and beyond.

Excellent learning environment: Studying in Freiberg takes place under the best conditions. Many, excellently equipped lecture theatres, a modern university library and innovative teaching and research facilities, including mixed reality facilities and a behavioural research lab, provide an excellent starting point for studying in Freiberg.

Cutting-edge topics: Our courses are research-based and address topical issues such as digital transformation and the circular economy. This enables students to broaden and strengthen their skills and enhance their employability.

Students take centre stage: Small groups, close contact with professors and their teams, and individual support are the hallmarks of the study programmes at the Faculty of Business Administration. Through direct exchange and dialogue, we help to develop forward-looking and creative personalities.

Faculty of Business Administration (Faculty 6)
Master of Science (M. Sc.)
Standard period of study
3 Semester
Part-time possible
Start of studies
Winter semester
Summer semester
Admission requirement

Bachelor's degree in Industrial Engineering and Management from the TU Bergakademie or at least an equivalent professionally qualifying university degree with at least 7 semesters

Language requirement

Course language
Professional advice
Prof. Dr. Alexander Leischnig
Schlossplatz 1, Room 1.105
Alexander.Leischnig [at] +49 3731 39-2070
Central Student Advisory Service
Central Student Counselling Service
Prüferstr. 2, 3rd floor, room 3.405
studienberatung [at] +49 3731 39-3469
Student Council
Student Representatives Faculty 6
Schlossplatzquartier, Schlossplatz 1, ground floor 202
fsr6 [at] +49 3731 39-3470
Job opportunities

Graduates in Industrial Engineering and Management have the opportunity to work in many different roles and areas. These include production planning and control, marketing and sales, transport and logistics, project management and consultancy, and finance and controlling.

In addition, the skills and expertise of industrial engineers are valued in a wide range of sectors, including the automotive industry and its suppliers, consultancy, the chemical industry, energy supply, mechanical and plant engineering and many more.

Presentation of economics degree programs (in German)