As part of the "Art meets Science" series, the artist Walter Maria Padao is presenting paintings of various formats in the atrium of the Centre for Efficient High Temperature Material Conversion (ZeHS). The works correspond with the architecture of the research building: "Walter Padao's "painting installations" will now temporarily lend the light and spacious atrium a modern museum character on several floors," says the scientific spokesperson of the ZeHS, Professor Dirk C. Meyer. "In addition to the interdisciplinary engineering and science-orientated objectives, we also want to address socially relevant areas. To this end, the building offers space for visual artists who take up relevant topics and make parts of their work visible there."
Both the research at the ZeHS and Walter Padao's painting installations are about movement and coincidences that characterise a process in nature or art. "If you refrain from chaining things together in the same way, they stand next to each other in a strange and mysterious way. They start to slide, create unexpected transitions and generate a pull into the timeless. Experimenting in this openness, chance always comes to the rescue - just like in scientific research," says Walter Padao. Professor Dirk C. Meyer adds: "The researchers at ZeHS are working on processes that take place at high temperatures. High temperatures mean that particles in substances interact strongly. The element of movement can be found in a very special way in Walter Padao's work "The Horses". The depicted scene appears to have been captured through the viewfinder of a camera and thus addresses the challenge of capturing snapshots of concrete motion sequences using technical aids."
The exhibition is a contribution to the activities of the Capital of Culture year Chemnitz 2025. On 6 February 2025, a live performance with painting, music and dance will take place with the artist and other participants.
Walter Padao follows the tradition of artistic exploration of dynamic body-space relationships in images. In his sometimes surreal-looking paintings, he incorporates aspects of current visual techniques.
Art meets science
The newly built Centre for Efficient High-Temperature Material Conversion is an architectural highlight along the Freiberg Science Corridor. The research building is deliberately open to the interested public with the exhibition and other measures in the "Art meets Science" series. The permanently installed work "Solaris" by artist Axel Anklam can also be seen there. Reflections from the work of Prof. Piet Joehnk can be found on two floors in front of the industrial-scale halls.
The exhibition can be viewed by interested parties from 8 November 2024 from Monday to Friday between 9 am and 4 pm.
Die Ausstellung kann ab dem 8.11.2024 von Montag bis Freitag zwischen 9 Uhr und 16 Uhr von Interessierten besichtigt werden.
Zentrum für effiziente Hochtemperatur-Stoffwandlung
Winklerstr. 5
09599 Freiberg