
This test setup can be used to investigate the propagation of cracks in rocks (e.g. after blasting work or meteorite impact).
- Sample size up to 250*250*50 mm
- Sample holder can be used several times, samples can then be removed completely "as a whole"
- Effective principle equivalent to flyer-plate, but with elongated flying plates (size adapted to sample size)
- initialisation by modified PWG, flying plate speeds < 1 km/s
- internal impedance correction by inserting plywood
- rock parameters according to Ahrens & Johnson (1995) [1]
[1] T. J. Ahrens, M. L. Johnson, Shock Wave Data for Minerals. In: T. J. Ahrens (ed.) MIneral Physics & Crystallography: A Handbook of Physical Constants, pp. 143-185, 1995.