
Hripsime Gevorgyan
Dr rer. nat. Hripsime Gevorgyan
Scientific assistant
Abraham-Gottlob-Werner-Bau, Room DG. 204
Brennhausgasse 5, 09596 Freiberg
+49 3731 39-3541
Hripsime [dot] Gevorgyan [at] mineral [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Hripsime[dot]Gevorgyan[at]mineral[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
- Dr. rer. nat. in Volcanology and Igneous Petrology with honours/summa cum laude, (2016-2020), Institute of Geology, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany
- M.Sc. in Geosciences with honours, (2009-2011), Faculty of Geography and Geology, Yerevan State University (Armenia)
- B.Sc. in Geology with honours, (2005-2009), Faculty of Geography and Geology, Yerevan State University (Armenia)
- Bernhard-von-Cotta-Prize-2021 for the outstanding/honoured dissertation: awarded by the Rector of the TUBAF and the Chairman of the VFF
- PhD scholarship (awarded by the TU Bergakademie Freiberg - 09/2018-07/2019)
- Scholarship holder of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) (09/2016-08/2018)
Professional experience
Time period | Activity |
Since 12/2020 | Scientific assistant at the Chair of Economic Geology and Petrology, Institute of Mineralogy, TU Bergakademie Freiberg (Germany) |
2019 - 2020 | Scientific Assistant at TU Bergakademie Freiberg (Germany) |
2012 - 2018 | Junior Research Fellow: Laboratory of Volcanology, Institute of Geological Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia (IGS NAS RA) |
2009 - 2012 | Engineering Geologist: Laboratory of Volcanology, Institute of Geological Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia (IGS NAS RA) 2008-2009- Laboratory Assistant: Laboratory of Volcanology, Institute of Geological Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia (IGS NAS RA) |
Grants and projects
Time period | Activity |
Since 2023 | "Tephrochronology and Volcanic Hazards Assessment, Armenia" - (University of Leeds, UK - Institute of Geological Sciences, NAS RA - TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany) |
Since 2022 | "Continental facies in the Neoproterozoic of the Anti Atlas" - (TU Bergakademie Freiberg - Moulay Ismail University in Errachidia, Morocco) - Erasmus Plus Programme |
Since 2021 | "Dating and magma ascent rates of Cenozoic volcanic rocks in Saxony"- (LfULG Saxony-TUBAF-Senckenberg Museum of Natural History-LfU Bayern) |
2015 - 2016 | Volcanic-tectonic framework of the Quaternary volcanism of the Kapan block (southern Armenia) and specific conditions of magma formation |
2013 - 2015 | Development of a conceptual model of volcanism in the Ararat Valley |
2013 - 2015 | PEER-Science volcanic hazard assessment for the Ararat Valley (USA-Armenia) |
2009 - 2011 | Participation in the project "Volcanic Hazard Assessment for the Armenian Nuclear Power Plant - ANPP" (USA-UK-Armenia) |
Research interests
- Physical volcanology (lithofacies architecture, eruption type and history, etc.).)
- Evolution and petrogenetic model of magmatic systems
- Magmatic petrology, geochemistry
- Mineral textures and chemistry
- Petrogeochemical constraints on magma chambers/reservoirs (constraints on pre-eruption dynamics and crystallisation conditions) in different tectonic settings
Teaching experience
- Basics of Petrology (BSc)
- Basics of Earth Sciences - Section Petrology (BSc)
- Microscopy of rock-forming minerals (BSc)
- Polarisation microscopy of special minerals (MSc)
- Petrology of igneous rocks/Magmatic processes (MSc)
- Petrology of metamorphic rocks (MSc)
- Geothermobarometry (MSc)
- Introduction to Volcanology (MSc)
Language skills
- Armenian: native speaker
- Russian: fluent in spoken and written
- English: fluent in spoken and written
- German: intermediate level
- Karimi, H., Gevorgyan, H., Ratschbacher, L., Yang, Z., Gerdes, A., Etemadi, A., 2024. Decoding the evolution of Paleo-Tethys: Geochemical and geochronological reinterpretation of the Paleozoic ultra-mafic to felsic rocks in Northeast Iran. Lithos – 494-495, 107916.
- Gevorgyan, H., Breitkreuz, C., Schulz, B., Repstock, A., Kirscher, U., Meliksetian, Kh., 2022. Physical volcanology and petrology of the Quaternary ignimbrites of the Aragaz Volcanic Province, Armenia. Acamonta 29: p. 174-176.
- Repstock, A., Casa-Garcia, R., Zeug, M., Breitkreuz, C., Schulz, B., Gevorgyan, H., Heuer, F., Gilbricht, S., Lapp, M., 2022. The monotonous intermediate magma system of the Permian Wurzen caldera, Germany: Magma dynamics and petrogenetic constraints for a supereruption. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 429: p. 1-22.
- Kirscher, U., Gevorgyan, H., Meliksetian, Kh., Navasardyan, G. Dallanave, E., Breitkreuz, C., Bachtadse, V. 2020. Pleistocene ignimbrites of western Armenia - Paleomagnetic and magnetic anisotropy constraints on flow direction and stratigraphy. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 402: p. 1-16.
- Gevorgyan, H., Breitkreuz, C., Meliksetian, Kh., Israyelyan, A., Ghukasyan, Y., Pfänder, J.A., Sperner, B., Miggins, D.P., Anthony, K. 2020. Quaternary ring plain- and valley-confined pyroclastic deposits of Aragats stratovolcano (Lesser Caucasus): Lithofacies, geochronology and eruption history. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 401: p. 1-22.
- Meliksetian Kh., Nikogosian I., Jrbashyan R., Gevorgyan H., Navasardyan G., Grigoryan E., Mkrtchyan M. 2019. Quaternary monogenic volcanism of the Kapan Block: volcanology, geochronology and geochemistry (S-E part Republic of Armenia). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia (ISSN 0515-961X) Earth Sciences, 72, №2, p. 19-42; (in Russian, abstract in English)
- Gevorgyan, H., Repstock, A., Schulz, B., Meliksetian, Kh., Breitkreuz, Ch., Israyelyan, A., 2018. Decoding a post-collisional multistage magma system: The Quaternary ignimbrites of Aragats Stratovolcano, western Armenia. Lithos - 318-319, 267-282.
- Sheth H., Meliksetian Kh., Gevorgyan H., Israyelyan A., Navasardyan G., 2015. Intracanyon basalt lavas of the Debed River (northern Armenia), part of the Pliocene-Pleistocene continental flood basalt province in the South Caucasus. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, p. 1-15.
- Jrbashyan R. T., Meliksetian Kh. B., Ghukasyan Yu. G, Gevorgyan H. P., Savov I., Karapetyan S. H., Navasardyan G. Kh., Manucharyan D. A., 2015. The Plinian eruption of Irind volcano (Aragats volcanic region, Armenia). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia (ISSN 0515-961X) Earth Sciences, 68, №1, p. 3-21; (in Russian, abstract in English)
- Gevorgyan H., 2013. Genesis and stratigraphy of the Upper Pliocene-Quaternary tuff-ignimbrites of Armenia. Proceedings, Young scientists conference, Institute of Geological Sciences, National Academy of Sciences of Armenia (ISBN 978-9939-1-0186-6) Earth Sciences, p. 18-27; (in Armenian)
- Jrbashyan R. T., Ghukasyan Yu. G., Karapetyan S. H., Mnatsakanyan A. Kh., Navasardyan G. Kh., Gevorgyan H. P., 2012. Types of Volcanic Eruptions and Forms of Manifestation of the Late-Collision On-Land Volcanism in Armenia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia (ISSN 0515-961X) Earth Sciences, 65, №3, p. 3-20; (in Russian, abstract in English)
- Meliksetian Kh.B., Gevorgyan H.P., GhukasyanYu.G., 2010. Find of Specularite (Specular Hematite) in the crater of Blrashark-1 volcano. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia (ISSN 0515-961X) Earth Sciences, 63, № 3, pp. 24-29; (in Russian, abstract in English)
Abstracts and conference papers
- Sahagian, D., Gevorgyan, H., Greger, G., Tintle, L., Wygel, C., Clark, M., 2024. From the ashes of VEI: Decoding explosivity, mass eruption rate and hazards in real time. AGU24. 9-13 December, Washington, D. C., USA.
- Gevorgyan, H., Repstock, A., Büchner, J., Viereck, L. Buschbeck, N., Kämpf, H., 2024. Genesis and differentiation of melilite-bearing igneous rocks: Examples from the deeply eroded diatremes of Bösenbrunn and Burkhardtsgrün, Vogtland Volcanic Field. GEO Saxonia, 23 - 26 September, Dresden, Germany, abstract volume.
- Chafik, N., Karaoui, B., Allouban, M., Gevorgyan, H., Yajioui, Z., 2024. The Jurassic-Cretaceous Magmatic Complexes of the Eastern High Atlas, Morocco. GEO Saxonia, 23 - 26 September, Dresden, Germany, abstract volume.
- Kühnemann, V., Repstock, A., Breitkreuz, C., Gevorgyan, H., Schulz, B., Bögle, R., 2024. Cutting through the Lower Permian Wurzen monotonous intermediate (drilling B1/19S near Grimma, Saxony): Fabrics, facies, and geochemistry. GEO Saxonia, 23 - 26 September, Dresden, Germany, abstract volume.
- Büchner, J., Repstock, A., Gevorgyan, H., Sudo, M., Viereck, L., Tietz, O., Weber, S., 2024. New 40Ar/39Ar eruption ages of Meso- to Cenozoic volcanoes in the Northern Bohemian Massif. GEO Saxonia, 23 - 26 September, Dresden, Germany, abstract volume.
- Baessler, M. A., Repstock, A., Hecht, L., Gevorgyan, H., Gilbricht, S., 2024. Deducing the magma evolution of the Upper Carboniferous Tharandt Caldera (Saxony, Germany) by geochemical and mineralogical constraints. GEO Saxonia, 23 - 26 September, Dresden, Germany, abstract volume.
- Büchner, J., Tietz, O., Viereck, L., Repstock, A., Gevorgyan, H., Sudo, M., 2024. The long-lasting Lusatian Central Volcano: Insights into the center of a Cenozoic volcanic field. GEO Saxonia, 23 - 26 September, Dresden, Germany, abstract volume.
- Grigoryan, E., Meliksetian, Kh., Savov, I., Gevorgyan, H., Bangoyan, M., Navasardyan, G., 2024. Geochemical features of the tephras found in the Achajur area (NE Armenia) and its source of the eruption. COT-INTIMATE-THM 2024 International Conference “Tephra: Chronology, Stratigraphy, Hazards, & Climate” 8-15 September 2024, Catania, Sicily, Italy, abstract volume.
- Lindsay, I., Meliksetian, Kh., Gevorgyan, H., Dussubieux, L., Otárola-Castillo, E., 2024. Investigating Geological Sources and Sociotechnical Dimensions of Mica Pottery Inclusions from Late Bronze Age (LBA, 1500–1100 BC) Fortresses in Northern Armenia, Southeastern Archaeological Conference, 89th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, 17-21 April, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
- Gevorgyan, H., Repstock, A., Breitkreuz, C., Meliksetian, K., Schulz, B., Kirscher, U., Israyelyan, A., 2023. Volcano-magmatic evolution of the "shield-like" Aragarts stratovolcano, Armenia. Continental collision zone volcanism and associated hazards, Yerevan, Armenia.
- Zeug, M., Repstock, A., Voudouris, P., Gevorgyan, H., Schleicher, H., 2023. Unravelling the formation history of the Maronia Skarn, NE Greece: Insights from melilite group minerals. MinWien2023, Austria.
- Gevorgyan, H., Repstock, A., Kämpf, H., Schüller, I., 2023. Disclosing the magma genesis and storage beneath the Cretaceous Ebersbrunn diatreme, Saxony: Evidence from mineral chemistry and juvenile fragments. GeoBerlin-2023, Germany.
- Repstock, A., Zeug, M., Słodczyk, E., Gevorgyan, H., Buchwitz, M., 2023. the Late Paleozoic igneous suite between the Saxon granulite massif and the Altmark, central Germany: Petrogenetic and mineralogical constraints on the post-orogenic magma evolution.GeoBerlin-2023, Germany
- Grigoryan, E., Meliksetian, Kh., Gevorgyan, H., Savov, I., Navasardyan, G., Bangoyan, M., Boyakhchyan, T., 2023. Tephrochronology and geochemical correlation of Middle Pleistocene distal tephra deposits in Armenia. EGU23, the 25th EGU General Assembly, doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-15716
- Meliksetian Kh., Gevorgyan H., Savov I., Connor C., Connor L., Halama R., Jrbashyan R., Navasardyan G., Grigoryan E., Ishizuka O., 2021, Plinian eruption of the Middle Pleistocene Irind volcano, Armenia. Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU General Assembly 2021, Austria, Vienna.
- Schmidt S., Gevorgyan H., Kogan I., Lapp M., 2021, Digitisation of the multi-compositional Storkwitz carbonatite diatreme (Delitzsch Complex, Germany). Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU General Assembly 2021, Austria, Vienna.
- Gevorgyan H., Schmidt S., Kogan I., Lapp M., 2020, Mineral assemblages and xenolith cargo in the Storkwitz carbonatite (Delitzsch Complex, Germany). Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU General Assembly 2020, Austria, Vienna.
- Gevorgyan H., Breitkreuz C, Meliksetian Kh., Ghukasyan Yu., Jrbashyan R.T., Israyelyan A., Pfänder, J. A., Miggins D., Koppers, A., 2019, Physical volcanology of Quaternary ignimbrites in the Aragats Volcanic Province (Lesser Caucasus): a lithofacies-based approach. GeoMünster-2019, Germany, p. 116-117.
- Gevorgyan H., Kirscher U., Breitkreuz C, Meliksetian Kh., Israyelyan A., Bachtadse V., Miggins D., Koppers, A., 2019, The Pliocene pyroclastic succession of Ani, Armenian-Turkish border: geochronology, geochemistry, and paleomagnetic constraints. GeoMünster-2019, Germany, p.123.
- Meliksetian, Kh., Navasardyan, G., Jrbashyan, R., Savov, I., Gevorgyan, H., Manucharyan, D., Grigoryan, E., Misakyan, M., 2019, New geochronological data and interactions between polygenetic and monogenetic volcanism of Syunik and Vardenis volcanic uplands. A conference dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of A. T. Aslanyan, 7-8th February 2019, Yerevan, Armenia.
- Meliksetian, Kh., Jrbashyan, R., Gevorgyan, H., Navasardyan, G., Grigoryan, E., Manucharyan, D., Misakyan, M., 2018, Volcanic hazards as an underestimated risk factor in Armenia, Georgia, and Eastern Turkey. Spitak 30 International conference, 3-7th December 2018, Yerevan, Armenia.
- Gevorgyan H., Repstock A., Schulz B., Meliksetian Kh., Breitkreuz C., Israyelyan A., 2017. Classifications and p-T Paths of Phenocrysts and Volcanic Glass from the Quarternary Ignimbrite Units of the Aragats Volcanic Province, Armenia. Goldschmidt-2017, France, Paris.
- Gevorgyan H., Repstock A., Schulz B., Meliksetian Kh., Breitkreuz C., Israyelyan A., 2017. Mineral textures in ignimbrites of the Quaternary Aragats stratovolcano, western Armenia: Implication for magma chamber dynamics. GeoBremen-2017, Germany.
- Kirscher U., Meliksetian Kh., Gevorgyan H., Navasardyan G., Bachtadse V., 2017. Ignimbrites of Armenia - Paleomagnetic constraints on flow direction and stratigraphy of pyroclastic activity of Mount Aragats. Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU General Assembly 2017, Vol. 19, Austria, Vienna.
- Gevorgyan H.P., Meliksetian Kh.B., Ghukasyan Yu. G., Savov I., Karapetyan S.G., Navasardyan G.Kh., 2015. Quaternary ignimbrites of Armenia: Petrology and stratigraphy. 26th IUGG General Assembly 2015, Czech Republic, Prague.
- Meliksetian Kh., Connor C., Savov I., Connor L., Navasardyan G., Manucharyan D., Ghukasyan Y., Gevorgyan H., 2015. Conceptual model of volcanism and volcanic hazards of the region of Ararat valley, Armenia. Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU General Assembly 2015, Vol. 17, Austria, Vienna.
- Meliksetian Kh., Savov I., Connor C., Halama R., Jrbashyan R., Navasardyan G., Ghukasyan Y., Gevorgyan H., Manucharyan D., Ishizuka O., Quidelleur X., Germa A., 2014. Aragats stratovolcano in Armenia - volcano-stratigraphy and petrology. Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU General Assembly 2014, Vol. 16, Austria, Vienna.
- Meliksetian Kh.B., Ghukasyan Yu. G, Jrbashyan R.T., Savov I., Navasardyan G. Kh., Gevorgyan H. P., 2013. Geochemistry of volcanic series of Aragats province. International scientific-practical conference "Continental Neovolcanism of Alpian Fold Area of Eastern Europe" Kiev, 2013, p. 33. (in Russian).
- Jrbashyan, R., T., Meliksetian, Kh., B., Navasardyan, G., Kh., Grigoryan, E., S., Gevorgyan, H., P., Ghukasyan, Yu.,G., 2024. catalogue of Quaternary volcanoes of the Republic of Armenia. Pubilshing haus "Gitutyun", 212pp. DOI: 10.54503/978-9939-1-1809-3
- Contribution to 'A Photographic Atlas of Flood Basalt Volcanism' by H. Sheth, 2018, Springer, 363pp.