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Doctoral candidate in Economic Geology and Petrology - TU Bergakademie Freiberg, in collaboration with LKAB:

During my PhD studies, I will work on the characterisation of apatite and REEs at LKAB's Per Geijer Iron Oxide-Apatite-REE deposit, in northern Sweden (both P and REEs are considered critical raw materials by the EU). My work will include research on apatite mineral chemistry, fluid- and melt inclusions, isotopic systems, and apatite (texture) occurrences and affiliation within the deposit. Using these methods, I hope to contribute to the understanding of the highly debated genesis of the Per Geijer deposit and to develop process mineralogical vectors that help in understanding apatite amenability to the potential future beneficiation process. 


Research interests

  • Economic geology and Petrology - genesis of ore deposits (currently undertaking a PhD specialising in IOA deposits)
  • Process mineralogy
  • Plate tectonics and orogenic evolution – and the link to mineral deposit formation


  • M.Sc. European Mining Course (EMC) (2020-2023) - triple degree Master's Programme at Delft University of Technology, RWTH Aachen University, Aalto University.
    Master's thesis: "Spatial distribution of alteration mineral geochemistry at the Oijärvi gold deposit, Finland". Supervised by Dr. Tobias Fusswinkel and Prof. Dr. Thomas Wagner
  • B.Sc. Earth Sciences - focus on geology and geophysics (2017-2020) - Utrecht University
    Bachelor's thesis: "The geological architecture and tectonic evolution of New Guinea - an analysis and discussion of the existing models" Supervised by Prof. Dr. Douwe van Hinsbergen and Dr. Suzanna van de Lagemaat


EIT Raw Materials AVSA (Added Value Student Activity)