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New examination and study regulations for BAI and MAI

The study commissions for the Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes in Applied Computer Science have adopted new examination and study regulations. Students of the old regulations are subject to transitional regulations, which are set out in the corresponding regulations. In summary, this means:

The new regulations apply to students commencing their studies from winter semester 2024/2025. They also apply to all students studying on the Bachelor's/Master's degree programme in Applied Computer Science at TU Bergakademie Freiberg under the old regulations with regard to

  1. all modules, whose courses end in the winter semester and whose
    examinations they
    will take for the first time from the winter semester 2024/2025 and
  2. all modules whose courses end in the summer semester and whose
    examinations they
    will take for the first time from the summer semester 2025.

In the event of any problems arising from the transition, in particular with the recognition of credits or pre-planned individual study procedures, Prof Starkloff will provide advice in his role as Chair of the Examination Board.