Thermal energy storage and utilisation in aquifers and mines

Germany has been characterised by mining for centuries. Disused mines have considerable potential as a source of energy and raw materials and also offer the possibility of controllable, (over)seasonal storage and withdrawal of heat in the sense of ATES (Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage). Mining cavities can generally be described very well geometrically. The hydraulic and hydrochemical-geochemical characterisation can be carried out directly underground and the exploration risk is low.
The colloquium will focus in particular on investigations into the thermal, hydraulic and hydrogeochemical effects of storing and utilising thermal energy in mines and aquifers. Furthermore, the focus is on assessing the durability of heat exchanger technology as an essential underground-surface interface and important link in contact with the water. Technical systems that are used as a pilot scale for injection and withdrawal or direct utilisation of energy as well as ATES operating scenarios (heating and cooling cycles) are presented. Numerical modelling tools for mapping the processes and identifying optimum operating parameters are also of great importance. Finally, the recording of heat supply and demand, as well as the possibilities of distribution, will be discussed.