An extensive range of building services is required to operate the cleanroom laboratory. Some of the systems are briefly presented here:

Gas control system
18 different technical gases can be used in the central cleanroom laboratory, 14 of which are currently in use. They are monitored and controlled by a gas control and warning system and numerous sensors. If a leak is detected, the system is switched off immediately, eliminating any risk to employees and the environment.

Exhaust gas afterburning system
The process exhaust air from some separation and etching systems contains substances that must not be released into the environment and require special after-treatment. These exhaust gases are fed into a very hot flame and incinerated. Subsequent washing with diluted NaOH ensures the separation of the combustion residues.

Heat recovery
Some processes require high exhaust air volume flows. The ventilation systems are equipped with heat recovery systems to conserve resources.

Exhaust air scrubber
The process exhaust air from wet chemistry is cleaned in a wet scrubber. Its waste water and that from chemical processes is treated in a central neutralisation tool.