Lectures are not uncommon at a university - but Dr Manuela Neuroth's lecture on 15 November at TUBAF was something special. The senior mineralogist, employed by the RWE Group, told her life story, which she entitled "My little trans story". It is about her journey as a trans woman.

The evening was organised by the TUBAF QueErz working group. Although: it was actually the other way around - Manuela Neuroth approached the student initiative with the wish to give a lecture in Freiberg - "You are my favourite university!", she explained to the organising team of the AG QueErz.
One member of the group said that the aim of the evening was to eliminate prejudices about trans people. And indeed, there was criticism of Dr Neuroth's appearance in the run-up to the lecture via an internal university network. Reference was made to a website that claims, among other things, that the visibility of trans people triggers a kind of trend among young people to perceive themselves as transgender. Dr Manuela Neuroth countered the anti-trans criticism: "I'm not spreading ideology here, I'm talking about my life," she said.
The university management also responded to the criticism that had been voiced in advance. Rector Professor Klaus-Dieter Barbknecht pointed out the unscientific nature of the website cited. He also explained: "The TU Bergakademie Freiberg is a cosmopolitan place where queer and transgender people are also a natural part of it."
Dr Neuroth's lecture was well attended with 60 guests. The organising team praised her positive charisma and the opportunity to raise the audience's awareness of trans identity. "Just the presence of such a person can lead to better understanding," commented one organiser. The audience asked questions of an interested and critical nature. None of them went unanswered.
The QueErz working group was impressed by the solidarity shown by students and staff following the criticism voiced and saw this as an incentive to plan further similar events. It welcomes suggestions and ideas, not only from the LGBTQIA+ community. Contact via the email address: ag-queerz [at] stura [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (ag-queerz[at]stura[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
The AG QueErz of the TU Bergakademie Freiberg has been in existence at Freiberg University since 2013. It is a contact point and network for people who identify with LGBTQIA+ communities. The aim is to offer a protected, non-discriminatory space that can be used for both networking and informative events.
Further information and contact points for queer people in Freiberg