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Whether in the smartphone, the Teflon pan or the bicycle frame: Every individual in Germany uses an average of around 44 kilograms of raw materials per day. These and several other facts and figures are presented in the German language book "Reise in die Welt der Rohstoffe" (English: Journey into the World of Raw Materials), which is now being published in a second, expanded edition. In the book, editor Prof. Carsten Drebenstedt from the TU Bergakademie Freiberg explains in a clear and understandable way how raw materials have determined and will determine both the history and the future of mankind.

Rohstoffe im Alltag.

"Especially with the beginning of 2022, it has become clear how quickly the situation of a secure and affordable raw material supply can change," says Prof. Carsten Drebenstedt. "Raw material and energy supply have come back into consciousness in everyday discussions."

Making the importance of mineral raw materials clear

The publication provides data and facts on the origin, use and reuse of mineral raw materials. Anyone looking for basic information on raw materials in the discussion on sustainability, renewable energies and new technologies will find it in the book "Journey into the World of Raw Materials", which will be published in an updated edition in May 2023. "With data, facts and basic knowledge, we want to enable readers to form their own opinions on the much-discussed topic of raw materials," says the publisher. The graphics and designs by designer Anke Meschede and the clear texts by Ute Baumgarten support this concern.

40 individual topics on 160 pages

Since the first edition of the book in 2022, content has been added on process chains from raw material to product, strategic metals for the energy transition, post-mining landscapes and the historical and present-day significance of mining activities for the development of society.

The book is suitable for anyone who wants to think about how they deal with raw materials and energy, but also for use in school lessons for geography or science.

The book was created in 2020 on the basis of the exhibition "Vom Salz des Lebens" (Of the Salt of Life), which is open to interested visitors and school classes at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg. The book and exhibition were financially supported by the Free State of Saxony.

The book can be ordered for 15 euros at salzdeslebens [at] tu-freiberg [dot] de (salzdeslebens[at]tu-freiberg[dot]de).

Gäste in der Ausstellung "Salz des Lebens"
Raw material exhibition to the book
An exhibition takes you on a journey into the world of raw materials. Under the title "Vom Salz des Lebens" it becomes playfully comprehensible that the world we live in exists through the extraction and use of raw materials.