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Study concept

Mechanical engineering solves questions relating to the development, production and operation of machines and systems in all areas of the economy. The mechanical engineering degree programme at TU Bergakademie Freiberg offers the opportunity to specialise in a specific industry or to acquire industry-neutral methodological skills in addition to the general technical basics.

No specialisation has to be selected in the degree programme, but students who have completed examinations worth at least 20 credit points from a compulsory elective complex will also receive an additional indication of a specialisation on their certificate.


Please note that this is a German-language degree program. At TUBAF we offer a variety of English Master's degree programs. Click here for an overview.


Possible specialisations

Electromobility is becoming increasingly important. This specialisation combines knowledge of mechanical engineering with that of electric drive technology and thus opens up the new professional field of "Electrification of the drive train in vehicles". In-depth knowledge in the areas of hybrid and electric drive concepts, energy storage, design of electrical machines and control of electric drives is taught.

This specialisation covers the modern state of process automation. The basics of electronics, sensors and actuators are combined with methods of signal and data processing, IT and switching and control systems. Mechanical and electronic components interact directly.

In the industries of natural stone and earth, glass, ceramics, cement, lime and gypsum, mining, metallurgy, recycling and raw materials processing as well as environmental remediation, in the construction industry, in the chemical industry, in the building materials industry and in power plants.

includes in-depth knowledge of the development and design of machines, devices and assemblies as well as their manufacturing and quality assurance processes using experimental and simulative methods.

is becoming increasingly important in mechanical engineering. Software tools allow tasks to be processed quickly and reliably that in the past could only have been solved through time-consuming experiments. Increasingly complex machines and devices are being used for simulation calculations.

is concerned with the computer-aided development and project planning of apparatus and systems in which flow and heat transfer play a special role, application in research and development, in testing and measurement.

Faculty of Mechanical, Process and Energy Engineering (Faculty 4)
Master of Science (M. Sc.)
Standard period of study
3 Semester
Part-time possible
Start of studies
Winter semester
Summer semester
Admission requirement

At least a 7-semester Bachelor's degree in a related degree program, graduates of a 6-semester Bachelor's degree can be admitted with conditions amounting to 30 LP

Language requirement

Course language
Professional advice
Dr. Andrea Dög
Leipziger Str. 30
09599 Freiberg
Andrea.Doeg [at] +49 3731 39-2561
Central Student Advisory Service
Central Student Counselling Service
Prüferstr. 2, 3rd floor, room 3.405
studienberatung [at] +49 3731 39-3469
Student Council
Student Representatives Faculty 4 (Mechanical, Process and Energy Engineering)
Rammler-Bau, Leipziger Str. 28
fsr4 [at] +49 3731 39-3934
Job opportunities

Professional fields for graduates of the Mechanical Engineering degree programme can be found wherever the focus is on the evaluation of engineering activities in the complex with scientific principles and social effects: Research and development, planning, project planning and design, management, production control and monitoring, sales, consulting, service, construction and operational control. It can be used universally in large companies, small and medium-sized enterprises, research institutes and public authorities.


I have many fond memories of my student days. I should mention the legendary parties in the new canteen and the Freshers' Week(s). I also have fond memories of the solidarity among my fellow students, the community. Whether it was doing sports, tutorials or lectures, as well as the parties in the evening - everything is always more fun in a group than alone. The good infrastructure is also worth mentioning, for example the KITAS run by the student union helped me to build up a family alongside my (doctoral) studies.

Dr.-Ing. Richard Kühnel - Mechanical Engineer, Technical Manager at Unternehmensverbund Ost (ard Baustoffwerke, GEOMIN, SH Natursteine) 

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